United States History EOCT Study Guide

United States History EOCT Study Guide
1. Name the different types of charters.
2. 1st successful English colony.
3. Define mercantilism
4. Triangle Trade
5. Major differences between New England, Middle and Southern Colonies
6. Differences between Puritans and Quakers
7. Salem Witch Trials
8. Bacon’s Rebellion
9. Significance of tobacco and John Rolfe
10. Mayflower Compact
11. Why was the French and Indian War fought?
12. What treaty ended the F/I War and what did it do?
13. What role does George Washington play in the F/I War?
14. Albany Plan Union
Leading to Revolution
15. Proclamation of 1763
16. Greenville Acts
17. Townsend Acts
18. Intolerable / Coercive Acts
19. Describe the events of the Boston Massacre, who was the artist and name giver?
20. Describe the Boston Tea Party
21. 1st and 2nd Continental Congress
22. Olive Branch Petition
23. Stamp Act and its reaction by the colonists.
24. Stamp Act Congress
25. Sons of Liberty
26. Define salutary neglect
27. What are the ideas behind the Declaration of Independence? Who wrote it? What was its
28. Thomas Paine and Common Sense
29. Concord and Lexington
29 B. Know these battles and their importance
a. Bunker Hill
b. Trenton
c. Saratoga
d. Yorktown
30. Treaty of Paris 1783
31. Articles of Confederation and its weaknesses.
32. What is the process of becoming a state? Where does this come from?
33. Significance of Shays’ Rebellion
34. Virginia Plan:
35. New Jersey Plan:
36. Connecticut Plan / Great Compromise:
37. 3/5 Compromise and why it is important
38. 3 branches of government
39. Beliefs of Federalists and Anti-Federalists
40. What was the purpose of the Federalist Papers and its authors?
41. Bill of Rights
42. Judiciary act of 1789
43. Who made up Washington’s 1st cabinet? Roles?
44. Importance of the Whiskey Rebellion.
45. Alexander Hamilton’s economic and bank plan.
New Nation
46. Why did the US not get involved in the French Revolution?
47. What stance did the Washington Administration take in the French Revolution?
48. What treaty was signed with Spain and what did it provide?
49. Why was the War of 1812 fought?
50. Define impressments.
51. What did the Treaty of Ghent do?
52. Describe the battle of Ft. McHenry and what came out of it.
53. Who is Francis Scott Key?
54. Describe the outcome of Battle of New Orleans.
55. What role does Andrew Jackson play and what was his nickname?
56. Define Era of Good Feelings:
57. What was the American System and whose idea is it?
58. Define Alien and Sedition Acts:
59. Virginia and Kentucky Resolves:
60. Importance of Marbury vs. Madison
61. What is judicial review?
62. Describe the events of Election of 1800
63. 12th Amendment:
64. What was the Louisiana Purchase? What did the US get? Cost?
65. Describe Jefferson’s foreign policy including embargo.
66. Adams – Onis Teaty:
Jackson Era
67. American System:
68. Monroe Doctrine:
69. Missouri Compromise: also how does the Fugitive Slave Act fit in?
70. Pickney’s Treaty: also what role do the Seminoles play?
71. Samuel Slater, Eli Whitney, Noah Webster
72. Importance of the Erie Canal and Cumberland Rd.
73. Describe the 2nd Great Awakening.
74. What was the controversy about the Election of 1824?
75. How was the story different in the Election of 1828?
76. Spoils System:
77. Indian Removal Act of 1830, how does this play into Trail of Tears.
78. Worcester vs. Georgia
79. Describe the “Tariff of Abominations” and the Nullification Crisis.
80. What problems did Jackson have with the National Bank?
81. Define nativism:
82. Who are 3 of the key figures in the abolition movement, describe each.
Manifest Destiny
83. How was the Independence of Texas a start to expansion for the US?
84. Describe the events and people of the Alamo.
85. Missouri Compromise
86. Compromise of 1850
87. Kansas-Nebraska Act
88. popular sovereignty
89. Bleeding Kansas
90. John Brown’s role in Bleeding Kansas
91. Dredd Scott decision
92. Why was the Republican Party formed?
93. Who is Horace Greeley?
94. When and why did Texas declare independence?
95. Oregon Trail
96. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
97. Who are 49ers?
98. Describe the Gadsen Purchase and its purpose.
Pre Civil War Issues
99. Wilmot Proviso
100. Who are freesoilers and what are their beliefs?
101. Fugitive Slave Act
102. Compromise of 1850
103. Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin?
104. Importance of Nat Turner’s rebellion.
105. Election of 1860, why was it a big deal, what were the results?
106. What event led to the trigger of the south seceding?
107. Why did Ft. Sumter occur?
108. What was the 1st state to leave the Union?
109. Describe the formation of the Confederate States of America
110. Who is Jefferson Davis?
Civil War - Reconstruction
111. What are the reasons for southern secession? What role does the Election of 1860 play in it?
112. What is the Northern plan for the war? Who developed it?
113. What is the Southern plan for the war?
114. List some key commanders of the Union and Confederacy.
115. 1st Battle of Bull Run:
116. Shiloh:
117. Antietam:
118. Emancipation Proclamation: Why did Lincoln need a key victory?
119. Chancellorsville: What happens to Stonewall Jackson?
120. Gettysburg:
121. Gettysburg Address:
122. Vicksburg: How does this lead to Grant being placed in Lead command of USA forces?
123. Describe Sherman’s march to the sea campaign.
124. Appomattox:
125. How does technology change warfare?
126. Andersonville:
127. 13th Amendment:
128. Who assinated Lincoln? When? Where?
129. List the 3 Plans for Reconstruction.
130. Which was Lincoln’s Plan? What was the plan?
131. Why did Radical Republicans resist the Lincoln’s plan?
132. Which plan was Andrew Johnson’s? How was it different than Lincoln’s?
133. Freedman’s Bureau:
134. Black Codes:
135. Describe the Radical Republicans plan
136. Give detail of the President Johnson impeachment process.
137. Who became president in 1868?
138. Blanche K. Bruce
139. Carpetbaggers:
140. Scalawags:
West - Industry
141. Custer’s last stand:
142. Battle of Wounded Knee
143. Sand Creek Massacre:
144. Dawes General Allotment Act:
145. Describe the purpose and completion of the Transcontinental Rail Road.
146. Chisolm Trial:
147. Describe Cowboy life.
148. Role of the Chinese in building the Rail Roads.
149. How did Barbed Wire change the west?
150. What is a Robber Barron?
151. What industry does each of the following belong to?
a. Andrew Carnegie
b. John D. Rockefeller
c. JP Morgan
d. Cornelius Vanderbilt
152. Assimilation
153. Who and what are political bosses? Who is Boss Tweed?
154. Define Ellis Island and Angel Island:
155. Chinese Exclusion Act?
156. Knight of Labor and leadership.
157. AFL
158. Pullman Strike
159. Collective Bargaining:
160. NAACP
161. Booker T. Washington
162. WEB DuBois
163. Jim Crow Laws and Black Codes
164. What is Plessy vs. Furgusson and what does it do?
165. NAWSA
Imperialism - Progressives
166. Define imperialism:
167. Alfred T. Mahan:
168. Yellow Journalism, and the role of William Randolph Hearst.
169. What was gained from the Spanish American War?
170. USS Maine
171. “Open door policy”. With what nation?
172. Roosevelt Corollary
173. What is the Patrons of Husbandry and who created it?
174. Munn vs. Illinois
175. What is the Interstate Commerce Act, what did it create?
176. “Cross of Gold Speech”. How does this define or speak of Gold vs. Silver standard as well as
177. Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle
178. FDA
179. Where does the Bull Moose Party come from?
180. What is the difference between a Good Trust and a Bad Trust?
181. 16th Amendment
182. 17th Amendment
183. 18th Amendment
184. Define Prohibition:
World War I- 1920’s
185. What are the long term causes of WWI?
186. “no man’s land”:
187. What are the causes / reasons for the United States getting into the war?
188. Selective Service
189. What are Liberty Bonds?
190. Espionage and Sedition Acts:
191. What did the Treaty of Versailles call for or do?
192. In Wilson’s 14 points he spoke of the League of Nations. What was that? What was to be its
193. Why didn’t the United States ratify the treaty and join the League of Nations?
194. What was the importance of Henry Ford’s assembly line?
195. What are flappers?
196. What is the Lost Generation and Harlem Renaissance?
197. What was the Scopes Trial about?
198. Who led the “back to Africa movement” and what was its purpose?
Great Depression and World War II
199. Describe the economy that President Hoover inherited.
200. What are the danger signs that lead to the depression?
201. Describe the stock market crash. Black Thursday – Black Tuesday
202. What is the Dust Bowl?
203. What was the Hawley-Smoot Tariff?
204. What is the Bonus Army?
205. What are the 3 R’s of Roosevelt’s “New Deal”?
206. What happens in FDR’s “1st 100 days”?
207. New Deal Programs
b. CCC
c. PWA
d. SEC
e. TVA
f. AAA
208. 2 New Deal Programs
a. WPA
b. FSA
d. SSA
209. What is the Wagner Act?
210. Describe the role that Eleanor Roosevelt plays as the “1 st Lady”.
211. Define Atlantic Charter:
212. What is the turning point in the Eastern Front in WWII?
213. What is the turning point in the Western Front in WWII?
214. Describe the Invasion of Normandy.
215. Battle of the Bulge:
216. What is the Yalta Conference and who is the “big 3”?
217. Describe the following Pacific battles.
a. Midway
b. Iwo Jima and Okinawa
c. Hiroshima and Nagasaki
218. What was the Manhattan Project and who worked on it?
Cold War – 1960’s
219. What is the UN?
220. How are the goals of the USSR and the US different?
221. Iron Curtain:
222. Containment:
223. Truman Doctrine:
224. Marshall Plan:
225. Describe the philosophy of the Domino Theory.
226. Eisenhower Doctrine:
227. Why was it necessary to have the Berlin Air Lift?
228. NATO
229. Collective Security:
230. What was Sputnik?
231. ICBM’s
232. Brinkmanship:
233. What is the Red Scare and what role does Joseph McCarthy play in it?
234. Describe the US involvement in the Korean War.
235. What was the US goal in the Bay of Pigs invasion?
236. Describe the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
237. What is the Limited Test Ban Treaty?
238. Why did the US get involved in Vietnam?
239. Describe the growing involvement of the US military in Vietnam.
240. What did the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution provide for the President?
241. What are VC? Ho Chi Minh Trail?
242. Describe the events of the Tet Offensive.
243. What role does Richard Nixon play in Vietnam?
Kennedy – LBJ - Nixon – Civil Rights – 1970’s
244. Realpolitik
245. Détente
246. What role does Henry Kissinger play in Nixon’s administration?
247. Proliferation:
248. SALT and with who/what nation also?
249. What leads to “Watergate”?
250. What is the result of Watergate?
251. Who becomes president due to Nixon’s resignation?
252. Why is Kennedy’s administration known as “Camelot”?
253. What does NASA stand for?
254. How does LBJ become president?
255. “Great Society”
256. What does LBJ mean by “unconditional war” on poverty?
257. Medicare:
258. Medicaid:
259. Miranda Rights:
260. Brown vs. Board of Education (1954) does what?
261. Describe the stand that Rosa Parks takes. What does it lead to? Who comes on stage due to
this event as a civil rights leader?
262. What is the Little Rock 9?
263. CORE
264. SCLC
265. SNIC
266. What are Freedom Rides and Sit ins?
267. How is Malcolm X different than MLK?
268. What is the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965?
269. OPEC
270. Camp David Accords
271. Iranian Hostage Situation.
272. What was the US response to USSR invading Afghanistan?
273. “stagflation”:
Modern America
274. INF Treaty called for what?
275. Describe Ronald Reagan’s Trickle Down economics.
276. SDI
277. What was the US goals in Nicaragua?
278. What is important about the Berlin Wall coming down?
279. START:
280. Describe the events of the Persian Gulf War / Operation Desert Storm.
281. What was Newt Gingrich’s “Contract With America”?
282. Why was Pres. Clinton being impeached?
283. NAFTA
284. What did Pres. George W. Bush mean by “Axis of Evil”?
285. What is No Child Left Behind?
286. How does September 11th lead to declaring “war on terror”?
287. Describe the events of 9/11
288. What role do the following people play in the internet era?
a. Steve Jobs
b. Bill Gates
c. Jeff Bezos
289. What is al Qaeda and who is Osama Bin Laden?
290. What is the Taliban?
291. What is the Department of Homeland Security? What role does the Patriot Act play in Homeland