AP US History
Unit Calendar 2010
Assignments are to be completed by the time your class period meets on the following
Due Tuesday 9/28: pages 185-192
Due Wednesday 9/29: American Revolution Essay Exam
Due Thursday 9/30: pages 192-197 and Ethnic and Cultural Issues (readings packet)
Due Friday 10/1: pages 197-202, Why Marbury v. Madison Still Matters¸ and
Vocabulary Terms
Due Monday 10/4: pages 203-217
Due Tuesday 10/5: pages 219-225 and The Harford Convention Fulminates
Due Wednesday 10/6: pages 226-234
Due Thursday, 10/7: pages 237-242
Due Friday, 10/8: pages 243-246 and Vocabulary Terms [Panel Discussion and
Papers due for some]
Due Tuesday 10/12: pages 246-260 and American Senator Opposes Nullification,
and South Carolina Refuses the Tariff
Due Wednesday 10/13: History Briefs
Due Friday, 10/15: Vocabulary Terms
You are encouraged to consult the textbook online learning center for main themes and
learning objectives at: http://highered.mcgraw hill.com/sites/0072424362/student_view0/index.html
Reminder: Take textbook handwritten reading notes on loose-leaf paper and label according
to page numbers. Highlight and make margin notes for separate readings.
The multiple choice portion of the test will be on Thursday, October 14th. On Friday,
Oct. 15th , we will review the multiple choice test in class. The essay portion of the
test will be in class on Monday, October 18th.
Important Terms/Concepts: The Early National Period
Chapter 7: The Jeffersonian Era
views on public education
Republican Motherhood
medical practices
Rationalism: Deism, Universalism, Unitarianism
Second Great Awakening
Eli Whitney (2 developments)
Robert Fulton
Jefferson and the Revolution of 1800
Washington D.C.
Jefferson’s actions as President
Barbary Coast Pirates
judicial review
Marbury v. Madison
John Marshall
impeachment of Samuel Chase
Toussaint L’Ouverture
Louisiana Purchase
Lewis and Clark expedition
Essex Junto
Burr-Hamilton conflict and duel
Burr Conspiracy
Napoleonic Wars and impact on U.S.
Chesapeake-Leopard incident
Embargo of 1808
Non-Intercourse Act
William Henry Harrison
Jefferson’s assimilation policy
Tecumseh and the Prophet
Battle of Tippecanoe
War Hawks
Henry Clay
John C. Calhoun
burning of Washington D.C.
Star Spangled Banner
Battle of New Orleans
Hartford Convention
Treaty of Ghent
Rush-Bagot Agreement
Chapter 8: Varieties of American Nationalism
economic effects of the War of 1812
Second Bank of the United States
Francis Cabot Lowell
Protective Tariff
the National Road
impact of steamboats
internal improvements
westward expansion: old Northwest and Southwest
Erie Canal
John Jacob Astor
fur trading/mountain men
Era of Good Feelings
Virginia dynasty
James Monroe
Seminole War
Jackson and Florida
Adams-Onis Treaty
Panic of 1819
Missouri Compromise
John Marshall – impact
Dartmouth v. Woodward
McCullough v Maryland
Gibbons. Ogden
Worcester v. Georgia
Monroe Doctrine
Election of 1824
the corrupt bargain
presidency of John Q. Adams
Tariff of Abominations
Election of 1828
Chapter 9: Jacksonian America
Alexis de Tocqueville
Suffrage reforms
Dorr Rebellion
change in party names
Jacksonian democracy
Spoils system
John C. Calhoun
Tariffs of 1828 and 1832
Theory of Nullification
Martin Van Buren
Kitchen Cabinet
Peggy Eaton
Webster-Hayne Debate
Nullification Crisis and Resolution
Black Hawk War
Five Civilized Tribes
Removal Act of 1830
Worcester v. Georgia
Trail of Tears
Seminole War
Jackson and the Bank
Nicholas Biddle
Hard and Soft Money
Roger Taney
Charles River Bridge case
the Whig Party
Democrats of 1830
Clay’s American System
Election of 1836
Panic of 1837
William Henry Harrison
Election of 1840
John Tyler
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
Treaty of Wang Hya