apush decade association

Place the correct decade or group of years beside each group of specific factual information.
Note that some items can fit into more than one decade so be sure to read through and consider
the entire group to pick the best answer for all the items in the group. Don't simply go through
the exercise mindlessly. Think about
 what each item is
 how it relates to that particular decade
 what other terms could be associated with it
 use the following groups of years in place of decades for the colonial period:
Time Periods:
After the 1750s, use normal decades
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_____ American Colonization Society, Missouri Compromise, Era of Good Feelings, Tariff of
Abominations, South Carolina Exposition
_____ American Federal of Labor, Dawes Act, Alfred Thayer Mahan, horizontal
integration/vertical integration, Haymarket Square Incident
_____ Bank of the U.S., Virginia-Kentucky Resolutions, XYZ Affair, Whiskey Rebellion, Jay
_____ Bank war, spoils system/rotation in office, Second Great Awakening, Transcendentalism,
gag rule
_____ Battle of Saratoga, Thomas Paine/Common Sense, Coercive/Intolerable Acts, Olive
Branch Petition, Boston Tea Party
_____ Thomas Nast, Henry George (Progress and Poverty), Munn v. Illinois
_____ Freedmen's Bureau, Chautauqua movement, Battle of Little Bighorn, "waving the bloody
shirt," Boss Tweed
_____ Connecticut/Great Compromise, Virginia-New Jersey Plans, Barbary Pirates, Treaty of
_____ Cult of Domesticity/True womanhood, Manifest Destiny, James K. Polk, Lucretia Mott,
Neal Dow
_____ Dred Scott v. Sanford, Fugitive Slave Law, Gadsden Purchase, Bleeding Kansas,
Sumner-Brooks affair
_____ Emancipation Proclamation, Trent Affair, Homestead Act, Battle of Antietam, Crittenden
_____ Freeport Doctrine, Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, Lincoln-Douglas debates, Uncle Tom's Cabin,
Nashville Convention
_____ French and Indian War, Albany Plan, mercantilism, salutary neglect, William Pitt
_____ Hinton Helper/Impending Crisis, Stephen Douglas, popular sovereignty, Ostend
Manifesto, Lecompton Constitution
_____ John C. Calhoun, abolitionists, Charles River Bridge case, De Tocqueville/Democracy in
America, removal of national bank deposits
_____ Know Nothing/American Party, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Republican party/3rd American
Party system
_____ Lewis and Clark, Orders in Council, yeomen farmers, Gabriel Prosser's Rebellion,
judicial review
_____ loose/strict constructionism, cotton gin/Eli Whitney, Citizen Genet, Bill of Rights, Alien
and Sedition Acts
_____ Marbury v. Madison, Embargo Act, Louisiana Purchase, impressment, interchangeable
_____ Seneca Falls Convention, Maine Laws, Irish immigration, Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo,
Wilmot Proviso
_____ Shay's Rebellion, Northwest Ordinance, Three-fifths Compromise, Articles of
Confederation, Annapolis Convention
____ Knights of Labor, Jim Crow Laws, A Century of Dishonor, social Darwinism,
social gospel
_____ Stamp Act Congress, Sons of Liberty, non-importation agreement s, Pontiac's Rebellion,
Townshend Acts
_____ Tea Act, Boston Massacre, Gaspee Affair, First/Second Continental congresses
_____ trade and Navigation Acts, Bacon's Rebellion, King Philip's War, salutary neglect,
Halfway Covenant
_____ Trail of Tears, Dorothea Dix, nullification, William Lloyd Garrison/Liberator, Worcester
v. Georgia
_____ Treaty of Ghent, Hartford Convention, Adams-Onis Treaty, War Hawks, American
_____ Whigs, apologist's view of slavery, Force Act, Independent Treasury, Specie Circular
_____ Monroe Doctrine, corrupt bargain, Erie Canal, Lowell/Waltham System/Lowell girls,
Gibbons v. Ogden
_____ Morrill Land Grant Act, National Banking Act, nature of the union, 13th, 14th & 15th
amendments, radical reconstruction
_____ open range, Interstate Commerce Act, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller
_____ Oregon Territory, John Slidell, Commonwealth v. Hunt, Horace Mann, WebsterAshburton Treaty
_____ Peter Zenger Trial, Great Awakening, James Oglethorpe, George Whitefield, Jonathan
_____ Pilgrims/Separatists, Anne Hutchinson, headright system, Freedom of conscience,
"city on a hill"
_____ Mexican-American war, Mormons, free soilers, American Anti-Slavery Society
_____ Quartering Act, Stamp Act, Paxton Boys, Sugar Act, no taxation without representation
_____ Samuel Slater, Federalist (party), Pinckney Treaty, undeclared naval war, full funding/