Greek Mythology WebQuest By yourself As A Group Step 1: Research the Stories Step 3: Write Your Own Myth Step 2: Research the Gods Step 4: Create a Movie Poster INTRODUCTION Ancient Greek myths are wonderful stories that teach a lesson or explain an event in the universe. Today, science can explain where rain comes form or why the season change. But, many thousands of years ago, humans wanted to understand the world around them, so they created gods and goddesses who rules the universe, and invented stories that answered their questions… o o o o o o o o Why does the sun rise and set every day? How do plants grow? Who placed the stars in the sky? What is love, war, jealousy? What is lightning and thunder? Why does the moon change shape? What are some things beautiful? How do families work? o o o o o o o o Where does fire come from? How did the world form? What makes a volcano erupt? How do birds fly? Where does snow come from? Why is there evil in the world? Who makes the waves? Why do humans have different emotions? Your Task Your job is to gain a good understanding of the different Greek myths, gods and goddesses on your own. Then, with your group, invent an original myth to teach a lesson or explain an event in the natural world. Your group will be responsible for creating the story, writing the script, performing the scenes, and making an exciting “movie” poster to advertise your production. Process and resources Step 1: Research the Stories (on your own) Use this list of websites that have Greek mythology stories to complete the research. Kidipede – Storynory – Winged Sandals – Greek Myth, Legends and Gods for Children – History for Kids – Mr. Donn – Hermes and Apollo – Starfall – Thinkquest – The Olympian gods Google those different websites and use them to research of at least 5 stories. Provide on your own paper a brief summary of each story. Step 2: Research the gods and goddess (on your own) Use the websites from before to fill out a research sheet on a different god/goddess than you had assigned for your presentation in class. Step 3: Write your own myth (with your group) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Use at least 3 common characteristics of myths in your story Brainstorm ideas Write the story Transform it into script Edit and revise your rough draft (this final draft will be turned in) Rehearse your play Get ready for the final production and videotaping (yes we will film it!) Step 4: Create a movie poster (with your group) Look at examples of famous movie posters. What do you like about them? Create your own poster with dramatic images, a great slogan, characters and who represents them, and any appropriate credits. Review the evaluation sheets for each project so that you can get full credit. Use the checklist to make sure you finished each part of the webquest. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Obtained a group of 3-4 people to work with. Names:______________________ _________ Researched at least 5 stories. List: ______________________________________________ Researched a god or goddess. Name:______________________ Filled out research paper on god or goddess:___ _____________ With group, brainstormed ideas for myth. Title:_____________ Used at least 3 characteristics of a myth. List:_______________ Write a group myth at least 3 pages long:__________________ Transformed myth into script _________ Edit and revise myth _________ Practiced or rehearsed myth _________ Ready to preform or video myth for Monday _________ Looked at examples of movie posters _________ Create a movie poster displaying your myth _________ a. Please create the poster on the computer or on 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper. Greek Mythology Web Quest Checklist 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Obtained a group of 3-4 people to work with. Names:______________________ _________ Researched at least 5 stories. List: ______________________________________________ Researched a god or goddess. Name:______________________ Filled out research paper on god or goddess:___ _____________ With group, brainstormed ideas for myth. Title:_____________ Used at least 3 characteristics of a myth. List:_______________ Write a group myth at least 3 pages long:__________________ Transformed myth into script _________ Edit and revise myth _________ Practiced or rehearsed myth _________ Ready to preform or video myth for Monday _________ Looked at examples of movie poster _________ Create a movie poster displaying your myth _________ a. Please create the poster on the computer or on 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper.