Lab Binder Biology 4442 MP2 Your lab binder must be neat and tidy

Lab Binder Biology 4442 MP2
Your lab binder must be neat and tidy. ALL papers must be on the binder rings in the order listed below. No papers can
be tucked in pockets, etc. Points will be lost for missing papers, papers out of order or not on binder rings, torn or
messy papers and incomplete answers.
Labs must be in your lab binder, from front to back, in exactly the same order at listed below:
Drawings in biology (first paper in the lab binder)
Compound Light Microscope lab
Collecting biological data (pill bug lab)
Crime scene investigation
Design your own lab using pulse rate
Modeling change in ecosystems (bottle ecology lab)
Soil community lab
Pole to Pole
Name that biome
Termite symbiosis lab
MP2 Divider
You should still have all the labs listed above in addition to the following labs in exactly the same order as listed below.
Predator Prey simulation
Terrestrial Biomes
Bottle ecology lab with write-up
Cell types
Plasmolysis in red onion
Leaf stomata density
Analysis of chlorophyll
Backpack lab on cellular respiration
Factors influencing the rate of yeast respiration
Tests Divider
Test chs 1 & 2
Test ch 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6 Quiz
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9