2. Definition and Pe..

Definitions and Perspectives
Why study Aggression?
• A crime is committed
– every
• A violent crime is committed
– every
Assault every
A robbery every
A rape every
A murder every
• Regions of the US
• Lets look at “today” - CNN.com
• Court Records
– Not all still exist
– Most pertain to homicide
• Long downward trend since midfourteenth century
– From 20/100,000 in 1200
– To 1.5/100,000 in 1800
• Continued to drop until 1950s
– .3/100,000 in 1951
• Creep back up in last 50 years
– 1/100,000 in 1981
Serious violent crime
levels declined since 1993
What is Aggression?
• The scientific study of affect, behavior, cognition,
and physiology/biology.
- Cognition: Internal mental processes of the individual
- Affect: Subjective feeling states
- Behavior: Any action that can be observed and recorded
- Physiology/Biology: How body/brain influence above
• The scientific study of “people” in “situations”.
• Aggression encompasses many different types
of behaviors in many different kinds of situations
What is Aggression?
Physical, emotional, psychological
Minor, severe
Human, animal, natural forces
Accidental, intentional
Socially approved, disapproved
Legally approved, illegal
Justification, no justification
Each person perceiving it differently, why?
What is violence?
• Violence
• Aggression
What causes Aggression?
• Biology/Physiology?
(including neurotransmitters, hormones, personality traits, evolution, genetics
• Cognition?
(including thoughts, attributional bias, threatened egotism, cognitive priming
• Affect?
(emotional reactions including frustration-aggression, excitation-transfer
• Behavior
• Situation?
(external factors such as culture, social learning, media, situational cues like
heat, noise, crowding, etc)