Chapter 11 - Attraction - the Department of Psychology at Illinois

Exam 4 Review – Spring 2006
Social Psyc - Dr. Schneider
Note: New material from Section 4 (Ch 11, 12, 15) will cover 50% of the exam,
cumulative material from Sections 1-3 (see chapters listed below) will cover 50% of
the exam.
Chapter 11 - Attraction
 Influences on attraction - Proximity and Physical Attractiveness
o Mere exposure effect – what is it?
o Beauty standards & symmetry
o Complementary v similarity models of attraction
 Passionate/Companionate love – definitions of each
 Sternberg’s Triangular theory of love – 3 components leading to different
types of love (know each component)
 Gender differences in same-sex friendships – disclosure to friends
 Cross-sex friendships – Faulkner study focused on negotiating sexual issues
 Attachment styles – definitions and results
o For each style, how would an infant react to a caregiver leaving &
o Which style is most common/least common? Links to relationships as
an adult?
 Predictors of divorce, cultural diffs
Chapter 12 – Helping Behaviors
 Motives for altruism (social-exchange, empathy, social norms of reciprocity &
social responsibility, evolutionary explanations)
 Bystander Effect (Latane & Darley’s research)
 Kitty Genovese example that started research on bystanders
 What kinds of experimental manipulations have Latane & Darley used to
find the bystander effect?
 What results are typical in these experiments?
 Effects of pluralistic ignorance, difficulty in interpreting situation,
diffusion of responsibility
 Other Situational Influences (rural, etc.)
 Impact of Mood (differences for kids/adults)
 Impact of gender, culture (who helps whom?)
 Shotland experiment on intervening in male/female violence:
 Impact of assumptions about their relationship
 Ways to increase helping
 Personal appeals
 Door-in-the-face technique
 Socialization
Chapter 15 – Social Psych in the Courtroom
 How good is eyewitness memory?
– Accuracy vs. confidence
Misinfo Effect – why does it occur?
– What is the source monitoring error?
Cognitive Interviews – what do they involve?
Line-ups – how to reduce errors in ID
– Gary Wells’ research on line-up problems
Jennifer Thompson case (DNA tests) – from in-class video, what happened in this
Schooler study of accurate v. inaccurate witnesses – what were the differences?
Juror biases (attractiveness, similarity)
Judge’s instructions (reactance)
How to present info to jury
Minority influence in juries / leniency
12 v 6 person juries
Death penalty cases – who are qualified jurors?
Criticisms of jury research
Review of previous material for cumulative section:
Part 1 (Ch 1-4):
Identifying independent v dependent variables
Random sampling definition
The Influence of Culture: Collectivism vs. Individualism (definitions,
examples; influence on self-esteem)
Self-serving bias, False Consensus and False Uniqueness
Internal/External Attributions
FAE (what it is)
Components of attitudes (ABC model)
Link betw att & behavior
Bogus pipeline – how did this work and what did it show?
Impact of role playing (Stanford Prison Experiment – know the
results & details of this study)
Changing Attitudes – 4 theories
Cognitive Dissonance – what is it?
Self-presentation – influence of impression management
Self-perception – facial feedback hypothesis; overjustification
Self-verification – influence of positive v negative self-concept
Part 2: Ch 5-7
Evolutionary Psychology - What is the basic approach to explaining behavior?
Culture & Behavior - How is culture defined? What does it influence?
What are universal norms across cultures?
Aggression and Sexuality – what are the gender differences?
Androgyny – what is it?
Types of conformity
3 Classic Conformity studies (Sherif, Asch, Milgram)
Know the details, results, and major contributions of each
Normative v informational influence of groups
ELM Model: Central v Peripheral routes of Persuasion
Resisting persuasion / attitude inoculation – how does this work?
Subliminal messages – Greenwald’s study; Murphy’s study
What were main results; how did the 2 studies differ?
Part 3: Ch 8-10
Definitions of groups
Social Facilitation – effects of easy v difficult task?
Effects of Crowding – why others impact us (eval apprehension, distraction, mere
presence of others)
Social Loafing experiments – main results? Solution for this?
Deindividuation – what are 2 main influences?
Group Polarization and Groupthink – definitions
Differences between stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination (Affective, Behavioral,
Cognitive components)
Subtle/Modern racism - definitions
Stereotype Threat – Steele’s results
Jane Elliott’s Blue-Eyed exercise
4 main causes of prejudice (Social Identity theory, Realistic Group Conflict;
Authoritarian personalities; Cognition – ingroup/outgroup)
Theories of Aggression: Biological explanations (testosterone, alcohol), Frustrationaggression theory, Social Learning (Bandura) - evidence for each theory?
Impact of Culture of Honor – Nisbett’s research
Media & violence – Gerbner’s research
Aggression & porn/rape myth
Catharsis hypothesis – supported or not?
How punishment can be effective
Baron’s research on incompatible responses to aggression – what does he find?