Why Might the World Face an
Overpopulation Problem?
* Thomas Malthus claimed the population was growing faster than the food supply
Malthus wrote An Essay on the Principle of
Contemporary geographers believe Malthus’ theory is more frightening than first suspected.
* More countries have entered Stage 2 of demographic transition – high birth rates
* There has not been an increase in wealth in these countries making some countries worse off today
Growing population will put a strain on other resources beyond food.
* What problems could arise from resource scarcity?
* New technology can offset scarcity of minerals and land by increasing efficiency
A larger population could stimulate economic growth and therefore production of more food
* Marxists believe that population growth is not the root of poverty, hunger and social welfare problems, economic inequality is
* Economic development – women who are able to attend school and remain in school longer are more likely to gain economic control over their lives
Distribution of contraceptives
* Epidemiological transistion
Epidemiology – branch of medical science concerned with the incidence, distribution and control of diseases that affect large numbers of people
Stage 1 – infiectious and parasitic diseases were the principal causes of deaths
* Also called the stage of pestilence and famine
The Black Plague
Stage 2 – improved sanitation, nutrition and medicine spread during the Industrial Revolution and reduced the spread of infectious disease
* Also called the stage of receding pandemics
Stage 3 – characterized by a decrease in deaths from infectious disease, but an increase in chronic disorders
* Known as the stage of degenerative and human created diseases
* Cardiovascular disease and certain forms of cancer
Stage 4 – characterized by people living longer with degenerative diseases due to medical advancements
* Known as the stage of delayed degenerative diseases
* Reemergence of infectious and parasitic disease
This can be attributed to three possible factors
* Evolution of disease microbes
* Malaria
* Poverty
* Tuberculosis
Improved travel
* Avian flu