Muscle Tissue Function: specialize in contractions for movement; voluntary (walking, speech) and involuntary (pushing materials through the body). This has been created for educational purposes as a review of muscle and nerve tissues. Pictures have been found on a variety of online resources. Type of Tissue? Skeletal Muscle Location: muscle attached to bone Function: Voluntary movement: provides movement such as walking, posture and facial expressions Structure: Multinucleated, striated muscle fiber Type of Tissue? Cardiac Muscle Location: forms the wall of the heart Function: Involuntary movement: forces blood through the blood vessels Structure: Uninucleated, striated branched muscle fiber Type of Tissue? Smooth Muscle Location: Muscle found in hollow organs Function: Involuntary movement: pushes materials through the digestive track (stomach/intestine), determines the diameter of blood vessels Structure: Uninucleated, non-striated muscle fiber Nerve Tissue Function: processes sensory information from sensory organs and responds with motor instruction to the body muscles and glands. Nerve Tissue Classification: Neurons: cells responsible for retrieving, interpreting and sending the electrical signals of the nervous system. Neuroglia / Glial cells: support cells that surround and wrap neurons Structure of Neurons glial cell that increases the speed of message transmission Schwann cells / \ axon soma / transmits messages down neuron towards a muscle or gland axon terminals / communicates with adjacent cells via neurotransmitters dendrites / collects sensory messages to send to cell body