muscle fiber


Muscular System Functions

Body movement (Locomotion)

Maintenance of posture



Diaphragm and intercostals contractions

Communication (Verbal and Facial)

Constriction of organs and vessels

Heart beat

Production of body heat (Thermogenesis)

Typical cells Muscle cell=fiber

Plasma membrane Sarcolemma


Endoplasmic reticulum


Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)

Many mitochondria

Multiple nuclei

Muscle cell structures not found in other cells

Myofibrils : bundles of very fine fibers

Thick and thin myofilaments : very fine fibers that make up myofibrils

Sarcomere : segment of myofibril between two Z lines; contractile unit

T tubules : transmit electrical impulses through cell


4 protein molecules that make up myofilaments: Myosin , actin , tropomyosin , troponin

Thin filaments : actin, tropomyosin, troponin

Thick filaments : mostly myosin

Properties of Muscle

Excitability : Capacity of muscle to respond to a stimulus

Contractility : Ability of a muscle to shorten and generate pulling force

Extensibility : Ability stretches when pulled

Elasticity : Ability to return to original shape and length after contraction or extension

Muscle structure

Connective Tissue Sheaths

Connective Tissue (CT) of a Muscle

Epimysium : Dense regular CT surrounding entire muscle


Separates muscle from surrounding tissues and organs

Perimysium : Collagen and elastic fibers surrounding a group of muscle fibers called a fascicle


Contains blood vessels and nerves

Endomysium : Loose CT that surrounds individual muscle fibers


Also contains blood vessels and nerves


Collagen fibers of all 3 layers come together at each end of muscle to form a tendon or aponeurosis.

Motor neurons


Stimulate muscle fibers to contract


Neuron axons branch so that each muscle fiber

(muscle cell) is innervated


Form a neuromuscular junction

Capillary beds surround muscle fibers


Muscles require large amount of energy


Extensive vascular network delivers necessary oxygen and nutrients and carries away metabolic waste produced by muscle fibers

Energy for Muscle Contractions


ATP : adenosine triphosphate


CP : creatine phosphate

Glucose & Oxygen


Glucose stored in form of glycogen in muscle


Excess oxygen molecules in sarcoplasm bound to myoglobin

Anaerobic respiration

Allows body to avoid use of oxygen in short term

Produces lactic acid

Accumulation of lactic acid in muscles causes burning sensation

Types of Muscle



Attached to bones


Makes up 40% of body weight (Women’s skeletal muscle makes up

36% of their body mass, Men’s skeletal muscle makes up 42% of their body mass)


Responsible for locomotion, facial expressions, posture, respiratory movements, other types of body movement


Voluntary in action ; controlled by somatic motor neurons



In the walls of hollow organs, blood vessels, eye, glands, uterus, skin


Functions : propel urine, mix food in digestive tract, regulating blood flow


Controlled involuntarily by endocrine and autonomic nervous systems



Heart : major source of movement of blood

Basic Features of a Skeletal Muscle

Muscle attachments


Most skeletal muscles run from one bone to another


One bone will move – other bone remains fixed


Origin – less movable attachment


Insertion – more movable attachment


Muscles attach to origins and insertions by connective tissue

Fleshy attachments – connective tissue fibers are short

Indirect attachments – connective tissue forms a tendon

Skeletal Muscle Structure


Composed of muscle cells

(fibers), connective tissue, blood vessels, nerves


Fibers are long, cylindrical, and multinucleated


Tend to be smaller diameter in small muscles and larger in large muscles. 1 mm - 4 cm in length


Striated appearance


Nuclei are peripherally located

Muscle Fiber Anatomy

Sarcolemma - cell membrane


Surrounds the Sarcoplasm (cytoplasm of fiber)


Punctuated by openings called the transverse tubules (T-tubules)

Myofibrils -cylindrical structures within muscle fiber


Are bundles of protein filaments (= myofilaments )


Two types of myofilaments


Actin filaments (thin filaments)


Myosin filaments (thick filaments)

When myofibril shortens, muscle shortens


Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (SR)

SR is an elaborate, smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Runs longitudinally and surrounds each myofibril

SR stores Ca ++ when muscle not contracting

When stimulated, calcium released into sarcoplasm

SR membrane has Ca ++ pumps that function to pump Ca ++ out of the sarcoplasm back into the

SR after contraction

Smooth Muscle


Cells are not striated


Fibers smaller than those in skeletal muscle


Spindle-shaped; single, central nucleus


More actin than myosin


No sarcomeres


Not arranged as symmetrically as in skeletal muscle, thus no striations.

Smooth Muscle

Grouped into sheets in walls of hollow organs

Longitudinal layer: muscle fibers run parallel to organ’s long axis

Circular layer: muscle fibers run around circumference of the organ

Both layers participate in peristalsis

Cardiac Muscle

Found only in heart where it forms a thick layer called the myocardium

Striated fibers that branch

Each cell usually has one centrally-located nucleus

Fibers joined by intercalated disks

Disorders of Muscle Tissue


Muscle Fatigue


Lack of oxygen causes ATP deficit


Lactic acid builds up from anaerobic respiration


Muscle Atrophy

* a decrease in the mass of the muscle


Weakening and shrinking of a muscle


May be caused




Loss of neural stimulation

Disorders of Muscle Tissue


Muscle Hypertrophy

* Enlargement of a muscle

* More capillaries

* More mitochondria

* Caused by

* Strenuous exercise


Steroid hormones

* Muscle Tonus


Tightness of a muscle

* Some fibers always contracted
