Mrs. Moore - English 2H Creation Myths Project How do people from different cultures view themselves, the world, and their origin? Margaret Atwood explains why myths are so important to writers today, and in the past: They are the building blocks of literature. And the stories that we call myths aren't just any old stories. For instance, there's lots of other kinds of stories. There's jokes, and there's animal fables and things….Myths are usually more important to a culture. They are stories around which the culture revolves. And on which it builds all sorts of other beliefs and activities. Atwood says that the desire for such stories is part of the human experience because we are “symbol –making” creatures. Humans, Atwood contends, “We want a beginning of the story. And we go as far ahead in the future as we can. We want an end to the story. And that’s not going to be just us getting born and us dying. We want to be able to place ourselves within a larger story.” Myths reflect a common experience: “The spur is always an anchor in history. That there is an event, even if you think of the creation myth. What it means is, people look around, and they think, “Oh we live in a world that’s been created. Let’s write a story about it.””There’s always a reason there.” Anne Provoost Your project is to explore the creation stories of an ancient culture. Your group will develop a presentation that includes background on the culture, the story itself, analysis of its purpose, and examples of how that story is still part of that culture today. The specific requirements for the project are as follows: Group Responsibilities Your purpose will be to present the following ideas to the class. Part One – Background on the Culture Provide a brief description of the life and culture of the people whose myth you will be investigating. What did their world look like, what was important to them, why would they explain the unexplainable in this way? Part Two – The Myth Based on the creation myth you will be investigating, you will answer the following questions: What was present "in the beginning" ? - What did the world look like? - What happened next? - Who were the first people? - What is their relationship to the creator (or creators) of the world and humans, and what is the creator's (or creators') relationship to them? One of the primary purposes of a creation story is to understand the development of perspective within the myth itself. Answer and illustrate the following areas as you understand and decipher your myth. External - Physical description of the main characters as you imagine them Internal - Description of the main characters’ personalities- get inside their head and figure out what makes them tick – o let us know what they think o why they do what they do o how they react to the events of the story o what characteristics would describe them Tie to today – does this culture still exist – is some aspect of this myth a part of their culture today? Part Three - Your Final Presentation Piece Your creation story presentation for the class will be done using a multi-media presentation that must include: a handout of the story primary character list with descriptions(verbal or written) of each character and what make them tick a media presentation that represents the story and responds to the questions listed above in Parts 1 & 2 Works Cited Page created on noodletools – this will be turned in separately – do not put it on your presentation page Now let’s get started… Within your group of three, you will each have a specific role with the following responsibilities. Facilitator/Team Captain · Makes sure that everybody understands the task · Makes sure that everybody in the group participates, and also, for instance, that the person using the computer does not "surf" independently of the others · Represents the group if it has a question for Mrs. Moore. Reporter/ Director · Organizes the group presentation · Makes sure that the group work is on time, and according to plan. · Makes sure that the group gets all the materials it needs (including computer print outs) · Makes sure that all the materials are cleaned up after the assignment has been completed (this does not mean that this person needs to clean up everything him/herself but that he/she organizes this activity) Information manager · Finds, checks credibility, and cites all the information necessary to complete the assignment · Makes sure that there is a positive atmosphere in the group · Mediates is case of conflicts or disagreements Assignments – Your group will choose one of the following cultures to present to the class. Within that culture, you will be presenting 1 creation myth. North American Creation Stories Inuit (Arctic region) - Sedna Iroquois Navajo Central American Creation Stories Vodoun Mayan South American Creation Stories Aztec Inca Mapuche European Creation Stories Northern European Creation Myth - Odin Celtic Middle Eastern Creation Stories Sumerian – Nammu, An, Ki Babylonian - Marduk Egyptian – Amon-Ra, Atum, Khnum, Ptah Egytpian – The Nine Gods of the Heliopolis - Ennead The Creation Myth of Iran (Persian Myths) Zoroastrianism – prophet Zoroaster – Ormazd vs. Ahriman African Creation Stories Dogon of Mali Zulu Creation Stories of India Indian Masadiya “There was Not” as contained in the Rig Veda Brahamanda Purana – Brahma assumes various kinds of bodies made from elemental substances Australian/New Zealand Maori Aboriginal China Order out of Chaos – Pan Gu and Hun Dun You can use to begin your research. There are also books on hold in the IRC to help you with your research. Make sure to cite all your sources including any pictures you may use. You will have two class periods to conduct your research and begin building your prezi, powtoon, animoto, slideshare, google presentations or other type of presentation. You will have two weeks to complete your project and present it to the class. English 2 Culture Creation Myth Research Project Due Dates Research on Creation Myth:____________________ Works Cited Page:____________________________ Glogster Pages posted:________________________ Final Presentation to the class:__________________ Roles/Group Members__________________________________________________________ The rubric for the project is as follows: Background on Culture Background on Myth Characters and Characterization The Story Creativity and continuity Works Cited Class Presentation Total Points Possible 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 70