Cells, tissues and organs crossword


Cells make tissues make food

The food that we eat is made of cells and the substances stored inside them.

1 Copy and complete the paragraph below.

join together to make Groups of the same type of

The food that we eat is the tissue that makes up the animals.

For example a sirloin steak is mainly tissue.

of plants and

and lettuce is mostly


2 a Identify the tissues indicated by labels A, B and C.

b How would you describe tissues A and B in non-scientific language?

c What is the function of A and B when the animal is alive?

d Name three animal organs that people may eat and give their function.

3 Many of our plant foods are organs too.

Use the diagrams of plant foods to construct and complete a table like the one below:

Plant food Organ(s) eaten Function of the organs

Cells, tissues and organs crossword

Use the clues to complete the crossword.


3 A group of cells of the same type.

4 Space in the centre of plant cells that is filled with cell sap.

7 Specialised plant cell that carries water.

8 They control chemical reactions in cells.

9 A structure made of different tissues.

10 Small structures found in cells that do particular jobs.

11 Tiny organelles that build proteins.

12 Changed in structure for a particular job.

13 Organelles where the reactions of respiration take place.


1 Large organelle that controls all cell activities.

2 The basic structure in animals and plants.

5 Structure found in plant cells where photosynthesis occurs.

6 Cells that have particular shapes to do particular jobs.
