The Amazing Creation of Life Cells - Tissues - Organs - Organ Systems From the building blocks of matter to the complex system of living organisms Types of Cells: Procaryotic Simple structure No distinguishable nucleus Outer cell wall & fluid cell membrane No defined organelles in cytoplasm Ex: Malaria, Difflugia, Protista, Bacteria Eucaryotic Complex structure Defined organelles Animal & Plant cells Larger in size Specialized packaging & transport systems Ex: Rodophyta, plants, humans, animals Bacterial Cells - Prokaryotic Unicellular organism – consists of only one cell That one cell carries out all functions required to maintain the life of the organism Examples: Bacteria, Amoeba, Protazoa Multicellular organism – consists of more than one cell –Cells are specialized to perform certain functions (cell specialization/differentiation) Eukaryotic - Animal Cell Eucaryotic - Plant cell Examples of Cell Specialization 1. Neuron (nerve cell): – Sends info. from one part of the body to another – Very long and thin 2. Red blood cells: – Carry oxygen throughout body – Flattened disks so that they can easily flow through blood vessels Close-up: Blood cells in capillary 3. Sperm cell: – Fertilizes egg – Strong tail for quick swimming, distinct head for entering egg cell From Cells to Tissues to Organs Complex organisms are composed of many millions of cells, which can be grouped together by function to form tissues. Tutorials/01_A02.swf Types of Animal Tissues Tissues found in the Arm Plant Tissues Different Tissues form Organs All kinds of Cells, Tissues, and Organs are similar in structure and function Organs work together Creating Organ Systems Human Cardiovascular System Example of Plant: The Incredible Cell!