Novel photonic materials Manthos G. Papadopoulos Institute of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. National Hellenic Research Foundation 48 Vas. Constantinou Av. Athens 11635 We will consider a series of derivatives, which have interesting linear and nonlinear optical properties and possible applications in the photonic industry Unifying features of this work: •Molecules with large NLO properties and how these can be interpreted •Discovery of mechanisms in order to modify the L&NLO properties More specifically, we shall comment on the results of three projects: 1. The L&NLO properties of derivatives involving noble gas atoms 2. The L&NLO properties of [60]fullerene derivatives 3. The structure and properties of Ni-dithiolenes Definition of the electric properties E = E(0) -μαFα - (1/2)ααβFαFβ - (1/6)βαβγFαFβFγ - (1/24)γαβγδFαFβFγFδ - ... μα : Dipole moment ααβ: Polarizability βαβγ: First hyperpolarizability γαβγδ: Second hyperpolarizability Why the L&NLO properties are important: Theory Study of L&NLO processes (e.g. Kerr effect) Intermolecular interactions Applications Design and study of NLO materials (optical processing of information, optical computing) Noble gas derivatives Definition of the project: We consider insertion of a noble gas atom, Ng, in the chemical bond A-B, leading to A-Ng-B. Specific examples we will consider involve insertion of: Ar in HF leading to HArF Xe in HCnH leading to HXeCnH Xe in AuF lading to AuXeF Why are the noble gas derivatives interesting and significant? It is amazing what a noble gas atom, in the middle of a single bond can do, for example it leads to: large NLO properties, significant charge transfer etc Which is the expanation? HArF A. Avramopoulos, H. Reis, J. Li and M. G. Papadopoulos, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126, 6179 (2004). Properties of noble gases Synthesis of HArFa (argon fluoro-hydride) [first covalent neutral cond. argon der.] photolysis of HF in solid argon matrix Point of interest: The effect of Ar on the NLO properties of the resulting derivative a. L. Khriachtchev et al., Nature, 406, 874 (2000) The dipole moment, polarizability and first hyperpolarizability of HArF (in a.u.) μz αzz βzzz Pol HF MP2 CCSD(T) 3.139 2.691 2.578 37.61 55.37 59.80 -597.8 -1220.9 -1418.1 aug-cc-pV5Z HF MP2 3.085 2.653 37.80 54.01 -578.7 -1102.5 Rationalization of βzzz (0) 3( ee gg )( ge ) 2 μgg: ground state dipole moment μee: excited state dipole moment μge: transition dipole moment Εge: transition energy (E ge ) 2 μgg: 3.473/0.745 a.u. μee: -0.814/-0.907 a.u. μge: 1.419/-0.611a.u. Εge: 0.276/0.570 a.u. Method: HF/Pol, CIS/Pol Comparison of HArF with HF All the above properties contribute so that βzzz of HArF is much larger than that of HF Reliabity of TSM HArF βzzz=-561.5 a.u. HF/Pol -340.7 a.u. TSM HF βzzz=-7.4 a.u. HF/Pol -5.7 a.u. TSM Reliability of TSM Large effect of Ar HF…Ar van der Waals complex μz=0.983 a.u. (3.473 a.u.) αzz=19.11 a.u. (34.25 a.u.) βzzz = -35.09 a.u. (-561.5 a.u.) Charge of Ar: 0.02 (0.56) Method: HF/Pol ratio=16 ratio=28 Comparison of HArF with C6H6 Αzz = 44.74 a.u. (34.25 a.u.) Method: MP4[SDQ] P-nitro-aniline βzzz = 797.5 a.u. ( -561.5 a.u.) Method: HF/Pol The linear and nonlinear optical properties of derivatives with inserted Xe The first Xe derivative was reported by Bartlet in 1962 [Proc. Chem. Soc., 218(1962)] A large number of Xe compounds have been reported since then HXeF, AuXeF, XeAuF F. Holka,A. Avramopoulos, O. Loboda, V. Kellö, M. G. Papadopoulos, Chem. Phys. Letters, 472, 185 (2009) Points of interest: •Effect of Xe •Comparison of H with Au HXeF, AuXeF: not synthesized yet XeAuF: several NgMF have been synthesized Ng: Ar, Kr, Xe M: Cu, Ag, Au X: F, Cl, Br Bonding: Xe - Au bond: covalent [1] Au - Xe [AuXeF] bond: partially covalent (AXe)+ F- : significant charge transfer A= H, Au The barrier height AuXeF: 119 kJmol-1 separates the global minimum (AuF+Xe) from the local minimum 1. S. A. Cook and M. C. L. Gerry, J. Am Chem. Soc. 126, 17000 (2004). NBO charges AuXeF XeAuF Xe 0.498 0.159 Au 0.377 0.650 F -0.876 -0.810 Method: HF/aug-cc-pVQZ Similar charges on F Quite different charges for Xe of XeAuF and AuXeF L&NLO properties μz αzz βzzz HXeF 2.019 59.7 -571 AuXeF 2.243 184.3 -2441 XeAuF 2.612 76.4 -265 Method: CCSD(T) Basis set: aug-cc-pVQZ ECP: Au(60), Xe(28) The position of Xe has a great effect on αzz and βzzz βzzz (AuXeF) / βzzz (AuF) = 6.0 βzzz (XeAuF) / βzzz (AuF) = 0.7 βzzz (HXeF) / βzzz (HF) = 57.0 Xe may greatly affect βzzz Method: CCSD(T) Basis set: aug-cc-pVQZ Relativistic contribution: AuXeF NR R μz 3.675 2.047 αzz 211.52 188.06 βzzz -13520 -1826 Methods: CCSD(T), Douglas-Kroll Basis sets: PolX, PolX_DK βzzz = great effect of relativistic contribution Novel compounds derived by Xe inserted into HC2H and HC4H: L&NLO properties A.Avramopoulos, L. Serrano-Andres, J. Li, H. Reis and M. G. Papadopoulos, J. Chem. Phys., 127, 214 (2007). Preparation HXeC2H and HXeC2XeH: They are prepared in a low-temperature Xe matrix using UV photolysis of C2H2 and subsequently annealing at 40-45K [JACS, 125, 4696 (2003)] HXeC4H: Tanskanen et al. reported its preparation [JACS, 125, 16361 (2003)] HC2XeC2H: Ansbacher et al. predicted that the diacetylide Xe exists as a metastable chemically-bound compound [PCCP, 8, 4175 (2006)] Resonance structures of HXeC2H Structures Weight (%)a H–Xe+C–CH (I) 44 H·Xe·CCH (II) 26 H–Xe+–CCH (III) 14 H–Xe2+C–CH (IV) 11 H+XeC–CH (V) Method:CASVB(6,4)/3-21G* 5 Charge transfer in HXeC2H Intra-molecular Inter-molecular NBO Charge Distribution •1 and 2 Xe atoms: Approx. the same charge •The chain length does not appear to have an effect •1 Xe atom End:0.79 e Middle:1.02 e Method:HF/aug-cc-pVZ •3 Xe atoms: The middle one has much larger charge Inter-molecular charge transfer {Xe matrix}/HXeC2H Two models (a) 6 Xe atoms octahedrally placed around HXeC2H A1A2=7.56 a.u. A2A3=9.45 a.u. Method:MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ (b) 8 Xe atoms arranged in a cube A1A2=15.12 a.u. NBO analysis: insignificant CT takes place from the Xe environment to HXeC2H: 0.02e in the first model and 0.002e in the second model HXeC2H HC2H The effect of Xe Is significant Method:CCSD(T)/B1 HXeC2XeH HXeC2H The effect of 1 and 2 Xe atoms Method: MP2/B1 H2C2H The effect of Xe in connection with effect of the chain length Δγzzzz = 30 000 au (approx.) H2C4H H2XeC2H Δγzzzz = 340 000 au (approx.) H2XeC4H H-Xe-CC-CC-H γzzzz =111 190 a.u H-CC-Xe-CC-H γzzzz =28 488 a.u. H-CC-CC-H γzzzz = 31 224 a.u. Xe leads to a reduction of γzzzz ! The position of Xe has a significant effect on γzzzz Method: MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ Decomposition channels of HXeC2H H+ Xe + C2H 34 kcalmol-1 HXeC2H 104 kcalmol-1 Xe + HC2H The barrier to this exothermic reaction is very high, 64.6 kcalmol-1 and prevents the molecule from dissociation T. Ansbacher et al., PCCP, 8, 4175 (2006) Vibrational properties Example: HXeC2H αpvzz = [μ2](0,0) = 60.13 a.u Vibrational Modes: H-Xe: 1681cm-1 Xe-C: 313 cm-1 [μ2](0,0) = 13.1 a.u [μ2](0,0) = 46.8 a.u The other modes have a negligible contribution (0.23 a.u.) Method:MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ βpvzzz = [μα](0,0) = -835 a.u. Vibrational Modes: H-Xe: 1681cm-1 Xe-C: 313 cm-1 [μα](0,0) = 1212 a.u [μα](0,0) = -2079 a.u The other modes have a very small contribution (32 a.u.) Method:MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ Local field effect The Xe derivatives have been synthesized in a Xe matrix Thus it would be useful to compute the effect of the Xe environment on the L&NLO properties Example: HXeC2H The discrete local field approximation has been applied Only the dipole and induced dipole interactions between HXeC2H and the Xe environment are considered Local field expression: Fk ( 0Vcell ) 1 N k ' k (11) kk ', L [ k k ', Fk ' ] , Where N is the number of molecules in the cell Vcell is the volume of the cell ε0 is the permitivity of vacuum α,β,γ are the Cartesian components Fk’α is the permanent local field effect on molecule k’ due to the surrounding molecules μk’β is the dipole moment of the free molecule k’ αk’αβ is the polarizability of the free molecule k’ L(11) is the Lorentz-factor tensor Model: Cubic closed packed with dimensions a=b=c=24.8092 Å It involves 255 Xe atoms Y H Xe C C H Z X Employed data: HXeC2H: Dipole moment and polarizability of at the CCSD(T) level and Xe: experimental polarizability value (27.10 au) Results: Local field: Fz=-4.4x10-3 au μz: 50.5% αzz: 2.5% βzzz: 20.2% γzzzz: 12.7% Changes of properties Interpretation of the results Insertion of Xe in HCnH leads to a large increase of γzzzz For example: γzzzz(HXeC2H)=38740 au γzzzz(HC2H)=3380 au Ratio=11.5 Why? Method: CASSCF/CASPT2 Basis set:ANO-RCC Xe:7s6p4d2f1g C:4s3p2d1f H:3s2p1d CASSSF(10,14) The computations have shown that insertion of Xe leads to: (a) Excited states of lower energy (b) An electronic spectrum which is more dense in low lying states (c) Many non-zero contributions to the transition dipole moment matrix The SOS model The NLO properties are: proportional to products of TDM matrix elements and inversely proportional to products of energy differences Therefore an enhancement to NLO properties is expected SOS computed properties HC2H αzz = HXeC2H 11.07 au γzzzz = 3473 au αzz = 26.51 au γzzzz = 9102 au The SOS model reflects the expected trend On the electronic structure of H-Ng-Ng-F (Ng=Ar, Kr, Xe) and the L&NLO properties of HXe2F A.Avramopoulos, L. Serrano-Andre, J.Li, M. G. Papadopoulos, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 6, 3365 (2010). Questions: The diradical character of HNg2F and the L&NLO properties Methods: CASVB, MS-CASPT2, CCSD(T) Electronic ground state description HArArF: HΚrΚrF: HΧeXeF: 38% σ2 + 56% σσ* 53% σ2 + 39% σσ* 58% σ2 + 35% σσ* Increase of the closed shell character: Xe > Kr > Ar Method: MS-CASPT2/ANO CASVB computations show: The total weight of the resonance structures with diradical character is approx.: 99% for HArArF 97% for HKrKrF 87% for HXeXeF The singlet-triplet (3Σ+) gap (STG) provides an indication for the diradical character of the system: STG HAr2F 4.7 kcal/mol HKr2F 14.7 kcal/mol HXe2F 28.7 kcal/mol) Wirz suggested that a diradical is a molecule with STG which does not differ by much more than ≈ 2kcal/mol. The expression “diradicaloid” would then extend this range to ≈ 24 kcal/mol. So, all the HNg2F are diradicaloids. HF HXeF HXe2F μz 0.703 1.975 3.788 αzz 6.19 59.59 420.4 βzzz γzzzz x 10-3 -11.5 0.284 -582.1 22.7 -11040 -4000 Method: CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVDZ Stability, Electronic Structure and L&NLO Properties of HXeOXeF and FXeOXeF A.Avramopoulos, J. Li, G. Frenking, M. G. Papadopoulos, J. Phys. Chem. A, 115, 10226 (2011) HXeOXeF (FXeOXeF) results from introduction of 2 Xe atoms in HOF (FOF) We have shown that the novel derivatives HXeOXeF and FXeOXeF can be synthesized, because they are protected by high energy barriers VB orbitals of HXeOXeF CASPT2/ANO CCSD/aug-cc-pVDZ MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ Description of the ground state HXeXeF 58.0% σ2 + 35% σσ* HXeΟXeH 77.0% σ2 + 9% σσ* FXeΟXeF 76.5% σ2 + 10% σσ* Insertion of O increases the closed character E1 = 14.9 E2 = 25.5 E3 = 90.3 Units: kcal/mol Dissociation paths of HXeOXeF calculated at the CASPT2/ANO level. E4 = 50.1 kcal/mol E5 = 31.9 kcal/mol E6 = 20.1 kcal/mol Method: CASPT2/ANO ZPE has been taken into account Reactants and products were connected through Intrinsic Reaction Coordinate (IRC) calculations HOXeF is another novel derivative HXeOXeF is a local minimum and is higher in energy than several of its dissociation products: E(HXeOXeF) – E(HOF + 2Xe) = 125.4 kcal/mol E(HXeOXeF) – E(HO + F + 2Xe) = 85.2 kcal/mol E(HXeOXeF) – E(OF + H + 2Xe) = 9.0 kcal/mol HXeOXeF: Metastable Dissociation paths of FXeOXeF calculated at the CASPT2/ANO level E1= 49.5 kcal/mol E2= 40.5 kcal/mol E3= 32.1 kcal/mol E4 = 30.1 kcal/mol E5 = 13.2 kcal/mol E6 = 11.1 kcal/mol Frenking et al. [1] found that HArArF and HKrKrF are associated with low-energy barriers. Thus, they can NOT be observed. But, HXeXeF 13.1 kcal/mol HXeOXeF 14.9 kcal/mol FXeOXeF 40.5 kcal/mol Thus O and F increase the barrier and thus FArOArF and FKrOKrF may be observed. G. Frenking et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Edition, 48, 366 (2009). L&NLO Properties HXeXeFa HXeOXeF HXeOXeH FXeOXeF μz 3.788 2.747 0.987 0.623 αzz 420.4 92.8 107.3 90.5 βzzz -11040 -1720 -49 -89.0 Method: CCD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ a. aug-cc-pVDZ Insertion of O reduces the L&NLO properties The L&NLO properties of some Ni-Dithiolene derivatives Luis Serrano-Andrés, A. Avramopoulos, J. Li, P. Labéquerie, D. Begué, V. Kellö, M. G. Papadopoulos, J. Chem Phys., 131, 134312 (2009). Points of interest: • The low-lying excited states of NiBDT • The impressive NLO properties and their interpretation Excited states structure of Ni(S2C2H2)2 State ΔE/eV Main configuration 11Ag ( diradicaloid)a −0.004b … (π2)2(π3)0 - (π2)0(π3)2 11B1u (pp*)c 0.000b … (π2)1 (π3)1 . . . 14 states 31B3u (σSNi π π * π *) 3.064 … (σSNi)1 (π 1)1 (π 2)2 (π 3)2 13B1u (diradical)d 0.612 … (π 2)1 (π 3)1 11Ag [71% (p2)2(p3)0−21% (p2)0(p3)2]. b The energy difference is within the method accuracy. For simplicity the 11Ag state will be considered the ground state at this level. c 11B state 65% [(π )1(π )1]. 1u 2 3 d 13B state 92% [(π )1(π )1]. 1u 2 3 a Basis set: ANO-RCC Method: CASSCF/CASPT2 Remarks: The main findings of the CASSCF/CASPT2 computations are: The quasidegenaracy of 11Ag and 11B1u and the large number of low lying excited states. These features are very likely to lead to large NLO properties Properties of Ni(S2C2H2)2 Property Basis set αzz γzzzzx10-4 6-311G* 222.0 68.1 SDD[Ni]/631G* 221.9 55.8 ZPolX 245.3 67.7 aug-cc-pVDZ 244.7 71.9 aug-cc-pVTZ 245.2 68.0 aug-cc-pVQZ 245.4 67.6 Method: UBHandHLYP Property αzz γzzzzx10-4 Method UBHandHLYP 245.3 67.7 UCCSD 300.5 72.4 UCCSD(T) 364.3 119.0 CASSCF/CASPT2 m/a1b1b2a2b 12/4242 (4s2p,4s*2p*) 67.9/282.2 1647.5/216.0 16/4444 (4s4p,4s*4p*) 243.2/340.7 1102.7/184.7 20/4646 (4s6p,4s*6p*) 309.3/363.8 869.5/153.1 a b The properties were computed numerically. Base field: 0.005 au. m: Number of active electrons; a1b1b2a2: Number of orbitals in subspaces of C2v symmetry. Basis set: ZPolX Method: UBHandHLYP/ 6-31G* Main points The big second hyperpolarizability of NiBDT has been interpreted in terms of the quasidegeneracy of the 11Ag and 11B1u states. As well as the many low lying excited states. The considered Ni-dithiolene derivatives have very big NLO properties. The L&NLO properties of [60]fullerene derivatives Points of interest: Selection of the appropriate method (e.g. functional) Computation of the electronic and vibrational contributions Selection of functional groups O. Loboda, R. Zalesny, A. Avramopoulos, J. –M. Luis, B. Kirtman, N. Tagmatarchis, H. Reis and M. G. Papadopoulos, J. Phys. Chem. A, 113, 1159 (2009). Overshooting Effect: 3-55 larger Ratio: 2 Comment: The substituents were selected according to increasing Hammett σp constant, which may be used as a measure of their electron donating capabilities. Methods: BLYP and HF(it does not have the overshoot problem). Ratio: 41 Remark:The ratio of the BLYP and the HF values increases monotonically and becomes quite large for the strongest donors. Concluding remarks Mechanisms which lead to large NLO properties have been discussed Novel derivatives with possible photonic applications have been proposed Acknowledgement Colleagues who contributed to this work: Dr Aggelos Avramopoulos, NHRF, Greece Dr Heribert Reis, NHRF, Greece Dr Luis Serrano Andrés, Universitat de València, Spain Dr Jiabo Li, SciNet Technologies, USA Dr Robert Zalesny, NHRF, Greece Dr Oleksandr Loboda, NHRF, Greece Professor B. Kirtman, University of California, USA Dr Josep Maria Luis, University of Girona, Spain Dr Nikos Tagmatarchis, NHRF, Greece Professor Vladimir Kellö, Comenius University, Slovakia