Implications of SB 5 on K

Implications of SB 5
on K-12 Education
Carey M. Smith
East Broadway Middle School
Toledo, Ohio
 In no way is this presentation a
comprehensive overview of the
implications of SB5 on K-12 education.
 Presentation based upon significant
implications to larger urban districts.
 Examples based upon my experiences
as an educator who has taught in
suburban, urban & rural settings.
“Whenever the
people are wellinformed, they can
be trusted with their
own government.”
Jefferson’s Objectives for Primary
To give every citizen the information he needs for the
transaction of his own business;
To enable him to calculate for himself, and to express
and preserve his ideas, his contracts, and accounts, in
To improve, by reading, his morals and faculties;
To understand his duties to his neighbors and country,
and to discharge with competence the functions
confided to him by either;
Senate Bill 5
Limits on collective bargaining will
severely shrink the ability of K-12
educators to further the mission of
public education and the objectives
that Thomas Jefferson laid out over
two centuries ago.
SB 5 will limit bargaining for…
 Issues of Human Rights:
Sick Leave
Long Term Illness Leave
Maternity Leave
Assault Leave
Work Place Standards
Work Load
SB 5 will limit bargaining for…
 Issues of Compensation:
Salary Schedule
Severance Pay
Supplemental Contracts
Pay for Mandatory Workshops
Pay for Continuing Education
A Nation At Risk
The National Commission on Excellence in Education (1984)
 Recommendation D: Teaching
“Salaries for the teaching profession
should be increased and should be
professionally competitive, marketsensitive, and performance based. Salary,
promotion, tenure and retention decisions
should be tied to an effective evaluation
system that includes peer review so that
superior teachers can be rewarded,
average ones encouraged, and poor ones
either improved or terminated.”
Current language that
Recommendation 6
 Salary & Step Increases
 Toledo Review &
Compensation System
 The Toledo Plan- Peer
Review Intern
Intervention Evaluation
Issues of Merit Pay
 School A
 Designation =
 # of State Indicators
Met 8 of 8
 Performance Index =
 Adequate Yearly
Progress (AYP) =met
 5th Grade
 Reading 88.9%
 Math 86.7%
 School B
Designation = Academic
# of State Indicators Met 1
of 8
Performance Index = 66.6
Adequate Yearly Progress
(AYP) = Not Met
5th Grade
 Reading 34.1%
 Math 25.0%
Schools are in the same district, both with “Highly Qualified” teaching staffs.
SB 5 will limit bargaining for…
 Issues with immediate & direct impact
on students
Class size
Building Councils
Professional Development
Review of the Research
 Smaller class sizes in early grades (K-3)
can boost student academic
 Minority & low-income students show
even greater gains when placed in small
classes in primary grades
 Small class size needs to be coupled
with well qualified teachers & teacher
professional development.
Effects of Class Size
 Tennessee's Student/Teacher Achievement
Ratio Program (STAR)
Nye (2001) concluded that students in the STAR
program grades K-3 maintained higher test scores
over time- through 9th grade
 Wisconsin’s Student Achievement Guarantee
in Education: (SAGE)
Molnar (1999) concluded African American
students in SAGE program outperformed white
SAGE students, thus closing the achievement gap.
Current language that
Class Size
 Elementary: 28
 Secondary: 31
Professional Development
 Teacher professional development
positively influences student
Teachers need increased knowledge of
the subjects they teach and best
practices for teaching these subjects to
What Makes Professional Development Effective? Results from a National Sample of Teachers
Author(s): Michael S. Garet, Andrew C. Porter, Laura Desimone, Beatrice F. Birman, Kwang Suk
Yoon Source: American Educational Research Journal, Vol. 38, No. 4 (Winter, 2001), pp. 915945
Current language that
Professional Leave
 10 days for Professional
 Expense Fund for
approved professional
leave- reimbursement
for authorized expenses
Learning from Leadership:
Investigating the Links to Improved Student Learning
Final Report of Research to the Wallace Foundation (2010)
 “When
principals and teachers share leadership,
teachers‘ working relationships are stronger and
student achievement is higher.”
 “Leadership effects on student achievement occur
largely because effective leadership strengthens
professional community—a special environment
within which teachers work together to improve their
practice and improve student learning. Professional
community, in turn, is a strong predictor of
instructional practices that are strongly associated
with student achievement. “
Current language that
Shared Leadership
 Building Committees &
Principals set school
operations and discuss
building matters in a
“spirit of cooperation”
If SB5 becomes law, contract
language that ensures researchbased best practices, for both
students and teachers, will
become a thing of the past.
Please contact legislators & let
them know that SB5 will have
devastating effects on the children
of Ohio!