June 17, 2015 CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS WITH HEALTH PEI Contract negotiations between IUOE Local 942 and Health PEI broke down on Wednesday, June 17, 2015, after seven days of bargaining. We were seeking modest wage adjustments and improvements to our benefits in order to stay in line with other Bargaining Units as well as our counterparts in the other Atlantic Provinces. The Union Committee was also trying deal with various other issues that have arisen since the last round of bargaining. Unfortunately, the Employer was simply trying to claw back existing benefits. The Parties are still far apart at this point and any further attempt to negotiate a settlement would have negatively impacted the membership. The Union will be applying immediately for conciliation pursuant to the Labour Act. In the meantime, the terms and conditions of the existing agreement continue to apply. We will keep you advised of any further developments. The IUOE Negotiating Committee