3rd Grade News Reading/Language/Spe lling *We will not have a Journey’s story this week. We will spend this week completing research and writing activities on several famous inventors. *Our homework passage “Pilgrims and Puritans” will be due on Friday. *There is a list of spelling words on the back of this newsletter. We will take the spelling test on Friday, and we will have a vocabulary test on Thursday. Your child has flashcards to study. *We will have a test on Thursday on simple and compound sentences, as well as joining sentences with a conjunction. *Don’t forget the poem! “Filling Up on Thanksgiving” will be recited this Friday, November 20th. *This is the second week of our two week AR period. Your child needs to have at least Week of Nobember 16th - 20th Math, Science, Health and Social Studies: *Math- Multiplication Facts: Use Patterns Homework: M: R/P 5-4 T: R 5-5 W:R 5-6 Multiplication Fact testTHURSDAY 0-4(3 mins 30 secs) Vocab Test Thursday Unit 5 Test Friday *Science-Living Things Change Their Environment *Health-Emotions *Social Studies-Learning about communities Reminders *Check out our new website! http://www.cleveland.k12. ms.us/ Click on Bell Academy and then 3rd Grade to look for any information you may have misplaced, etc. *Please work on Reading twice a week!