Mrs. Moffett’s Weekly Anchor Week of October 12th - 16th, 2015 Important Dates and Information. Thursday, October 15th : Report Cards Go Home! Friday, October 16th – Domino’s Pizza for Lunch Parents, Please be sure to monitor your child’s homework. Please initial the Assignment Agenda after he/she has completed each assignment. Should you have any concerns please write a note in the daily column. Thanks! which focus on a variety of language skills, including Math capitalization, punctuation, correct verb usage, etc. TESTS: Friday – Math 4 Today & Chapter test Spelling We will continue working on Unit 2: Multi-Digit Multiplication and Division, focusing on Multiplying Multi Digit Numbers, TEST - Thursday Multiplying Across Zero, Using the Distributive Property and Unit 10 Words with /âr/ and /îr/ Sounds. Problem Solving Complete one Spelling Contract activity each night. Every day throughout the year we will begin our math Please work each night to improve success! lesson by doing “Every Day Counts", Math 4 Today activities, The words for this week are: as well as a "Number of the Day" once or twice a week, which gear scar fear cheer spare all focus on reviewing a variety of math skills and concepts as e daily reinforcement.. Students should be studying their hear rear stair airfare career multiplication facts nightly. A weekly multiplication test will be compar spea bear area appear given for tracking purposes to make sure that students are studying and learning their facts. e r d Reading TESTS: Thursday- Vocabulary & Friday- Comprehension We will begin Our next Novel Study by Reading/Listening to and discussing the Novel The Cricket in Times Square by reading Chapters 1-2 Genre: Fantasy Our focus skills will be: Character, Setting, Problem & Solution; Onomatopoeia , and describing using text based evidence. Your child will be issued a copy of the book. It is his/her responsibility to take care of the book. To replace a lost or damaged book will cost $6.99. Study the Vocabulary list with definitions in the Reading Folder every night. A comprehension Study Guide will be completed in class and finished for homework. There will be a Vocabulary & Comprehension Test on chapters completed. Please be sure to study Daily to be prepared! Language DOL 9 Quiz Thursday We will be focusing Verbs and Helping Verbs this week. Each week we will be completing our daily DOL Lessons, yearly fort tear dart lair mere snare worn *sincer *staircas e e Underlined words are Review words and * Bonus words.. Science This week we will begin our SOUND Unit. Information is located in the Science book, pages 118- 123, as well as a study guide. Students should study daily to prepare for the test. Social Studies Grow 8 due by Thursday - Capitalization and Spelling Count! We will continue studying the Regions of the United States. WE will begin with Regions and Landforms pages 10-17 from our social Studies book. The Study Guide is located in the Social Studies folder pages 20-26 Get a head start, learn the location of all 50 states of the USA. Below is a link to help students learn these states. Have a Great Week!!! In order to be prepared for the week, we have reviewed Mrs. Moffett’s Weekly Anchor. Mrs. Moffett