M A R C H 4 T H 2 0 1 6 What’s new in Room 216? MRS. O’CONNOR’S 3RD GRADE CLASS z Ask A 3rd Grader In Our Class About... z In Reading Workshop we practiced the skill, “comparing and contrasting.” We read two nonfiction articles, one pertained to the rain forest of the Amazon and the other was about the coral reefs in Australia. We studied the information in each passage & completed a Venn Diagram comparing the two. Tell someone at home what were 2 facts we wrote that were similar in the articles and 2 facts that were different. “Queen Harvest” recently visited the Newport Aquarium...watch out for those sharks Harvest! In Writing Workshop we spent time fine tuning our sentence writing skills. We talked about P-O-P-C-O-R-N sentences and practiced writing these using a variety of March writing prompts. The word POPCORN has 7 letters in it, well written sentences will usually have seven or more words in them. Write 3 “popcorn” sentences about what you would do if you found a pot of gold! In Math Workshop we continued to think about how division is related to multiplication. We looked at multiplication and division fact families. A few other topics we focused on included: balancing equations, finding unknown factors, choosing an appropriate equation for a story problem and comparing equations. Solve for “n”... n x 9 = 36. The class enjoyed a slideshow about horses that Harvest and a partner shared! nnn In Social Studies we began to study Economics! Our class is very interested in the topic of money!! We discussed how supply and demand effect the price of the things we buy. Share with someone at home what the word “consumer” means? Upcoming Events &Reminders: PROGRESS REPORTS: Progress Reports will be sent home on Friday, March 4th. CogAT TEST DATE CHANGE: Our class will be taking a Cognitive Abilities Test on Thursday, March 10th. The original test was scheduled to be taken on the computer Wednesday, March 9th. The test will now be given using paper and pencil & therefore the testing date is Thursday the 10th. Thanks for your patience and flexibility. Related Arts Schedule: Monday: Music Tuesday: PE Wednesday: Art Thursday: Library Friday: Music Have a great weekend!