study guide

Review for Muscle System Test
Describe the characteristics & functions of the 3 different muscle types.
o Cardiac
o Skeletal
o Smooth
List 5 different functions of muscle tissue
Label a sketch of skeletal muscle including…
o Whole muscle
o Fascicles
o Muscle fibers
o Myofibrils
o Filaments (thick & thin)
Identify the structures of a sarcomere:
Identify the proteins that make up muscle tissue.
List the stages of muscle contraction in the proper sequence.
Distinguish between the 3 different methods muscle cells obtain energy for contracting.
Match the characteristics to the proper type of skeletal muscle fiber:
o Fast glycolytic
o Fast oxidative glycolytic
o Slow oxidative
Have you…?
Read the chapter – p. 197-215 and 245-246?
Completed your packet?
Reviewed the PowerPoint?
Worked through this review sheet with a friend?
Read the chapter review & questions on p. 246-251?