Posted on June 26, 2014 Deadline July 25, 2014 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO AT MISSISSAUGA 2014-2015 TEACHING ASSISTANT POSITIONS The following Teaching Assistant positions are anticipated on the UTM Campus for 2014-2015 academic session. Final availability of positions is contingent upon final course determinations, enrolment and budgetary approval. Interested individuals must apply on-line at Course timetable available at This job is posted in accordance with the CUPE 3902 Collective Agreement. The Department Standards and Policies are available in the Department office and in the CUPE, Local 3902 office. The rates of pay correspond with the current CUPE Agreement and are effective September 1, 2013 as follows: Undergraduate (UG) $42.05 per hour + 4% vacation pay SGS I $42.05 per hour + 4% vacation pay SGS II $42.05 per hour + 4% vacation pay COURSE NUMBER & TITLE COURSE ENROLMENT (EST.) 800 total for two lecture sections NUMBER OF POSITIONS (EST.) 8 to 11 depending on combination of 140 hour and 205 hour positions SIZE OF APPOINTMENT (HRS) DATES OF APPOINTMENT QUALIFICATIONS 140 hour OR 205 hour per position (2 or 3 practicals covered), total 1605 to 1645 hours January 1, 2015 to April 30, 2014 ANT102H5 F Intro to Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology 900 total for two lecture sections 3 460 hours September 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 ANT200H5F Prehistoric Archaeology 150 1 205 hours September 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 Successful applicants will have completed undergraduate and/or graduate courses in biological anthropology and/or archaeology, and have an ability to communicate information clearly. Skills and background to complement instructor & other TAs will be given preference. Must be available for practicals on Thursdays & Fridays 9-5 pm. Successful applicants will have completed undergraduate and/or graduate courses in sociocultural and/or linguistic anthropology, and have an ability to communicate information clearly. Skills and background to complement instructor & other TAs may be given preference. No tutorials, but must invigilate and have a few student meetings at UTM. Successful applicants will have completed undergraduate and/or graduate courses in archaeology, an ability to communicate information clearly; previous teaching and marking experience preferred. Must be available on practicals on Fridays 9-2 pm. ANT101H5 S Intro to Biological Anthropology & Archaeology DUTIES Teaching assistant to conduct tutorials, invigilate tests and final examination, consult with students and with supervisor mark practical assignments and examinations. Teaching assistant to, invigilate tests and final examination, consult supervisor and students, and mark assignments and examinations. Teaching assistant to conduct practicals, invigilate tests and final examination, consult with students and with supervisor mark tutorial assignments and examinations. ANT201H5S World Prehistory 150 1 205 hours January 1, 2015 to April 30, 2015 ANT202H5F Biological Anthropology: Human variation and adaption 150 1 40 hours September 1, 2014- December 31, 2014 ANT203H5S Biological Anthropology: Primatology and palaeoanthropology 150 1 205 hours January 1, 2015April 30, 2015 ANT205H5 F Intro to Forensic Anthropology 100 1 @140 hours and 1 @ 205 hours 345 hours September 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 ANT206H5 S Culture and Communication 150 205 hours January 1, 2015 to April 30, 2015 Successful applicants will have completed undergraduate and/or graduate courses in archaeology, an ability to communicate information clearly; previous teaching and marking experience preferred. Experience and expertise to complement instructor and other TAs may be desirable. Must be available for practicals on Wednesdays 11-4 pm. Successful applicants will have completed undergraduate and/or graduate courses in biological anthropology; familiarity with material covered, genetics and human diversity. Experience and expertise to complement instructor and other TAs may be desirable. Must be available for practicals on Wednesdays 9-2 pm, although mostly marking. Successful applicants will have completed undergraduate and/or graduate courses in biological anthropology; familiarity with material covered, paleaoanthropology and primatology. Experience and expertise to complement instructor and other TAs may be desirable. Must be available for practicals on Wednesdays 9-2 pm. Successful applicants will have completed undergraduate and/or graduate courses in osteology and forensic anthropology (excellence in course performance should be demonstrated); assisted with forensic anthropological cases, and/or recoveries; conducted research in the area of forensic anthropology; an ability to communicate information clearly. Must be available for practicals on Mondays 124 pm. Successful applicants will have completed undergraduate and/or graduate courses in linguistic anthropology, and have an ability to communicate information clearly. Skills and background to complement instructor & other TAs may be given preference. Must be available for tutorials on Thursdays 1-6 pm Teaching assistant to conduct practicals, invigilate tests and final examination, consult with supervisor and students, mark practical assignments and examinations. Teaching assist to conduct practicals, prepare lab notes and handouts, invigilate tests and examinations, consult with supervisor and students, mark tutorial assignments and examinations. Teaching assist to conduct practicals, prepare lab notes and handouts, invigilate tests and examinations, consult with supervisor and students, mark tutorial assignments and examinations. Teaching assistant to conduct practicals, invigilate mid-term exam, consult with students and with instructor, attend classes, and mark practical assignments and major papers. Teaching assistant to conduct tutorials, invigilate tests and final examination, consult with students 1and with supervisor mark, tutorial assignments and examinations. 2 ANT208H5F The Cool Culture Machine: The Anthropology of Everyday Life 350 TBD 410-420 hours September 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 ANT211H5F Sex, Evolution and Behaviour 350 TBD 525 hours September 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 ANT312H5S Archaeological Analysis 50 1 140 hours January 1, 2015 to April 30, 2015 ANT332H5F Human Origins I: Early Ancestors 50 1 140 hours September 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 ANT333H5S Human Origins II: The genus “Homo” 50 1 140 hours January 1, 2015 to April 30, 2015 Successful applicants will have completed undergraduate and/or graduate courses in sociocultural anthropology; an ability to communicate information clearly; previous teaching and marking experience preferred. No tutorials, but must come to UTM to invigilate and for several student & instructor meetings. Successful applicants will have completed undergraduate and/or graduate course in biological anthropology, and have an ability to communicate information clearly. Skills and background to complement instructor & other TAs may be given preference. No tutorials, but must come to UTM to invigilate and for several student & instructor meetings. Successful applicants will have completed undergraduate and/or graduate courses in archaeology; field and lab experience in any part of the world extremely helpful; an ability to communicate information clearly; previous teaching and marking experience preferred. Teaching Assistant will be required to attend weekly classes at UTM to help with set-up and labs. They must provide an additional office/ open-lab hour every week to help students with current labs and allow students to do make-up labs. Must be available for practicals on Tuesdays 1-3 pm. Successful applicants will have completed undergraduate and/or graduate courses in biological anthropology; experience with running labs in paleoanthropology and familiarity with fossil specimens preferred; an ability to communicate information clearly; previous teaching and marking experience preferred. Must be available for practicals on Tuesdays 5-7 pm. Teaching assistant to invigilate tests and final examination, consult with supervisor and students, mark assignments and examinations. Successful applicants will have completed undergraduate and/or graduate courses in biological anthropology; experience with running labs in paleoanthropology and familiarity with fossil specimens preferred; an ability to communicate information clearly; previous teaching and marking experience preferred. Must be available for practicals on Tuesdays 5-7 pm Teaching assistant to conduct practicals, invigilate tests and final examination, consult with supervisor and students, mark practical assignments and examinations. Teaching assistant to invigilate tests and final examination, consult with supervisor and students, mark assignments and examinations. Teaching assistant to conduct tutorials, invigilate tests and final examinations, consult with students, consult with supervisor, and mark tutorial assignments and examinations. Teaching assistant to conduct practicals, invigilate tests and final examination, consult with supervisor and students, mark practical assignments and examinations. 3 ANT335H5F Anthropology of Religion 50 1 70 hours September 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 Successful applicants will have completed undergraduate and/or graduate courses in sociocultural anthropology; an ability to communicate information clearly; previous teaching and marking experience preferred. Teaching assistant to invigilate tests and examinations, consult with students and with supervisor, and mark tests and examinations. ANT340H5S Osteological Theory 50 1 70 hours January 1, 2015 to April 30, 2015 Teaching assistant to invigilate tests and examinations, consult with students and with supervisor, and mark tests and examinations. ANT368H5F World Religions and Ecology 50 1 70 hours September 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 Successful applicants will have completed undergraduate and/or graduate courses in human osteology; an ability to communicate information clearly; strong knowledge of theory and practice in human osteology. Candidates with previous teaching and marking experience are preferred. Successful applicants will have completed undergraduate and graduate courses related to anthropology and environmental studies/ecology and/or religion (especially the former); an ability to communicate information clearly; previous teaching and marking experience preferred. Teaching assistant to monitor course website, consult with supervisor, and manage assignment and examination marks. 4