I-ALC Undergraduate Programs: For Each Program

Department of Management and Management Information Systems
Annual Report
Annual Report, 2008-2009
Division of Academic Affairs
Annual Reports 2008-2009
Annual reports for units in the Division of Academic Affairs are to be posted to the Annual Report section
of the unit’s strategic planning site on UPIC according to the following schedule:
Academic departments/divisions:
Colleges and other units:
Division of Academic Affairs:
Tuesday, June 30
Tuesday, July 14
Tuesday, July 28
An electronic copy should also be forwarded to the Office of Academic Affairs (academicaffairs@uwf.edu)
Part I-SP, Summary Report on Status of Strategic Planning Goals/Objectives
To be completed by all units. See attached template for Part I-SP.
Go to Part I-ALC/ALP/AFP, Summary Report on Assessment of Student Learning
Undergraduate Programs:
Academic Learning Compacts (ALCs)
Graduate Programs:
Academic Learning Plans (ALPs)
General Education:
Academic Foundation Plans (AFPs)
Part II-A, Major Unit Accomplishments and Changes in Programs and Services
To be completed by all units. See attached template for Part II-A.
Note: If the unit’s Notable Accomplishments report has already been posted to UPIC, Part II-A
need not be completed.
Part II-B, Distinguished Individual Accomplishments
To be completed by all units. See attached template for Part II-B.
Note: Information about tenure and promotion and university-level awards and recognitions need
not be included given that this information is already on file in the Office of the Provost.
Part II-C, Community Engagement Activities with Participation on Behalf of UWF
To be completed by all units. See attached template for Part II-C.
Part III-A, Strategic Planning Goals/Objectives
To be completed by all units. See attached template for Part III-A.
Part III-B, New Degree Program Projections
To be completed only by the Dean for the college-level annual report. See attached template for
Part III-B.
Annual Report, 2008-2009
Annual Report 2008-2009
Department: Management/ MIS_______________
Worksheet on Goal Attainment and Projection (replaces Part I-SP and Part III-A)
College of Business Goal
Goal 1 Encourage, support, and
maintain a student-oriented
learning environment with focus
on student and faculty interaction
and engagement of students in
the learning process.
Goal 2 Increase the quality and
number of students from the
region for whom the UWF
College of Business is the
college of choice.
Goal 3 Enhance student learning
through assessment of student
learning and continuous
processes of curricular and
instructional review.
Goal 4 Provide support and
incentives to ensure that faculty
maintain appropriate academic
and professional qualifications to
sustain currency and relevance in
their respective disciplines.
Annual Report, 2008-2009
Department Activity Related Anticipated Department
to Goal in 2008-2009
Activity Related to Goal in
[Replaces Annual Report Part I2009-2010 [Replaces Annual
a] MIS courses had a cap of 35;
Management courses had a max cap
of 45; this provided an environment
of small class size and the ability to
provide one on one help if needed;
b] All MIS courses and most
Management courses had active
learning components to help create
deep learning for students
The Department supported the
University Admissions office in its
recruitment activities. Departmental
representatives attended Open
Houses/ Orientations and other
recruitment events; the Department
updated recruitment brochures
Report Part III-A]
The department plans to keep class
size small and incorporate active
learning components to create deep
learning of the different subject
a] The department carried the main
load of assessment of learning in the
BSBA degree program by assessing
critical thinking, written
communications, and project
management in the capstone course
(MAN 4720) and ethical reasoning
in the GEB 3453 course; the
department chair coordinated
interventions inside and outside the
b] The department assessed ethical
concepts in the GEB 1011 course
and contributed to assessment of
Academic Foundations;
a] The Department supported the
continuation of the Research
Incentive Program to encourage
faculty publications.
b] The Department encouraged
supporting faculty to participate in
professional development activities.
The department plans to carry out
assessments of learning goals
pertaining to critical thinking,
written communications, project
management, and ethical reasoning
in the capstone course/ Business
Ethics course. The department plans
to carry out assessment in the
academic foundations area in GEB
The Department plans to continue its
support of recruitment activities with
college visits and attendance at Open
Houses, and other events. The
department plans to maintain its web
pages with student friendly
information about its programs.
a] The Department will support
College efforts to provide travel
money to attend conferences; the
department will support continuation
of the research incentive program
b] The Department will encourage
and provide support to adjunct
faculty to attend workshops/
conferences/ take courses.
College of Business Goal
Goal 5 Provide support and
encouragement for faculty
participation and leadership in
internal and external service
activities that enhance the
missions of the College and
Goal 6 Increase College of
Business contributions to the
educational and economic
development of the northwest
Florida region.
Goal 7 Ensure that resources are
sufficient to foster the College’s
vision and mission and enhance
the quality, size, and scope of the
Goal 8 Enhance the reputation
of the College of Business for
quality through accreditation and
other recognitions.
Annual Report, 2008-2009
Department Activity Related to Goal
in 2008-2009
[Replaces Annual Report Part I-SP]
The Department actively encouraged
faculty to participate in internal and
external service activities. Faculty
members held leadership positions in
the Faculty Senate, College Council,
ABSEL, SouthEast Decision
Sciences Institute and others.
Anticipated Department Activity
Related to Goal in 2009-2010
[Replaces Annual Report Part III-A]
The Department will continue to
actively support faculty members
who engage in internal/ external
a] The Department offered degrees
in Management and MIS, minors in
Management and MIS, & certificate
programs in Management
Development & Information
Systems and Decision Making
b] The Department developed a new
B.S.B.A degree program in General
Business to meet the needs of small/
medium businesses for employees
with cross functional skills across
multiple business disciplines.
c] The Department designed and
implemented a new undergraduate
certificate in Small Business
Management/ Entrepreneurship to
develop student ability in this
important area.
d] The Department continued several
effective practices for maintaining
course quality. This included
assurance of structure and content
across multiple sections of same
course and pre-requisite checking.
The Department is making plans for
replacing Dr. Brian Peach who is
likely to retire in the next academic
year. The department is developing
back up plans for Dr. Snyder’s
The Department plans to continue its
offerings of the current degrees,
minors,and certificates. The
Department plans to promote its new
degree program in General Business.
The AACSB visit team made some
recommendations for improvements
in the College’s AQ/PQ policy. The
Department chair worked with the
AACSB steering committee to
respond to these concerns.
The Department plans to stabilize its
new undergraduate certificate
program in Small Business
Management/ Entrepreneurship for
undergraduate students.
Dr. Page retired at the end of the
Spring 2008 semester. Also, Dr.
Peach is likely to retire next year. In
addition, the Department plans to
increase its offerings in the Human
Resources Management area. Hence,
the Department believes that it is
necessary to hire in the HR +
Strategy areas.
AACSB has implemented new
standards. This calls for revising the
College’s AQ/PQ policies and the
curriculum. The Department plans
to continue its leadership and
supporting roles in meeting the
requirements of the new AACSB
Annual Report, 2008-2009
Part I-ALC/ALP/AFP, Summary Report on Assessment of Student Learning
Undergraduate Programs:
Academic Learning Compacts (ALC)
Graduate Programs:
Academic Learning Plans (ALP)
General Education:
Academic Foundation Plans (AFP)
To be completed by academic units offering degree programs or general education.
I-ALC Undergraduate Programs: For Each Program
See attached TEMPLATE
I-ALP Graduate Programs: For Each Program
See attached TEMPLATE
I-AFP Academic Foundations: General Education Status: For Each Course Assessed
To be completed by academic units offering one or more courses in General Studies / Academic
Foundations. Submit a report for each course in which assessment activities for General
Studies/Academic Foundations took place in 2008-2009.
See attached TEMPLATE
Annual Report, 2008-2009
I-ALC. Undergraduate Programs - To be completed by academic units offering degree programs.
Annual Report, 2008-2009
Management/ MIS
Part I-ALC, Summary Report on Assessment, Academic Learning Compacts (ALC)
Program Titlea: ____BSBA_________________________ Degreeb ________
CIP Code: ____________
Prepare separate summary table for each degree program.
For example, BA, BS, BSBA
Based on direct measures of student learning in the domain(s) your department assessed, compare your
students’ performance this year to their performance last year.
Duplicate this section when reporting assessments for more than one domain for a given program.
Indicate the student learning outcome assessed (check one):
Critical Thinking
Project Management
Other (describe)
Based on departmental assessments, student learning in this domain was (check one):
Worse than last year
Equivalent to last year
Slightly better than last year
Moderately better than last year
Dramatically better than last year
Cannot be compared (this is the first year for this assessment)
Describe the direct measure(s) used to assess student learning in this domain (e.g., answers to questions included
on an exam, performance on a paper or project scored with a rubric, etc.). Include information about any additional
measures used to assess learning outcomes in this domain.
Students completed a Total Enterprise Simulation in a group setting. Groups turned in decision reports at the end of
the semester. Effectiveness in process management of these course assignments has been assessed using a
standardized rubric.
If you observed changes in student performance on this measure when comparing the two years, briefly describe (in
one or two sentences) the nature of these changes.
In Fall 2006, 29% of students (N=111) were found to be exemplary. In Fall 2008, only 4% were found to be
exemplary (N=83). Instructors believe that Fall 2008 performance is a more accurate baseline of student ability
pertaining to this goal.
Use of Assessment Data for Making Decisions. Describe the process used in your department to evaluate
assessment evidence and make decisions (include dates of relevant department meetings if known). Describe the
decisions made to improve student learning in your program. Describe how these decisions are related to the
assessment evidence collected by your department.
The instructors discuss findings with department chair. They discuss steps to improve student learning.
Use of Assessment Data for Improvement of Assessment Procedures. Describe any changes made to
assessment methods. Explain the relation between these changes and the information obtained from previous
The instructors are exploring the option of using one individual to administer the survey to more completely
standardize the instruction process.
Describe the Department’s Commitment to Assessment Activities in 2009-2010
Domain(s) to be examined in assessment plan in 2009-2010
Assessment question(s) to be addressed in 2009-2010
Are their understanding of ethical concepts getting better?
Annual Report, 2008-2009
I-AFP. Academic Foundations / General Education - To be completed by academic units offering courses
related to General Studies.
Annual Report, 2008-2009
Management/ MIS
Part I-AFP, Summary Report on Assessment, Academic Foundations Plan
General Studies Coursea: GEB 1011
Prepare separate summary table for each course assessed.
Departments offering Academic Foundations/General Education courses are required to report on at least
two student learning outcomes.
Based on direct measures of student learning in the domain(s) your department assessed, compare your
students’ performance this year to their performance last year.Duplicate this section when reporting
assessments for more than one domain for a given course.
Indicate the Academic Foundations learning domain assessed (check one):
Critical Thinking
Project Management
Based on departmental assessments, student learning in this domain was (check one):
Worse than last year
Equivalent to last year
Slightly better than last year
Moderately better than last year
Dramatically better than last year
Cannot be compared (this is the first year for this assessment)
Describe the direct measure(s) used to assess student learning in this domain (e.g., answers to questions included
on an exam, performance on a paper or project scored with a rubric, etc.). Include information about any additional
measures used to assess learning in this domain.
All students in one section took a bonus quiz that had 20 multiple choice questions.
If you observed changes in student performance on this measure when comparing the two years, briefly describe (in
one or two sentences) the nature of these changes.
In Fall 2007, 55% were exemplary. In Fall 2008, 42% were exemplary.
Use of Assessment Data for Making Decisions. Describe the process used in your department to evaluate
assessment evidence and make decisions (include dates of relevant department meetings if known). Describe the
decisions made to improve student learning in your program. Describe how these decisions are related to the
assessment evidence collected by your department.
The instructor discussed the finding with the chair and discussed the need to continue administering the quiz to the
class soon after the material is presented.
Use of Assessment Data for Improvement of Assessment Procedures. Describe any changes made to
assessment methods. Explain the relation between these changes and the information obtained from previous
Describe the Department’s Commitment to Assessment Activities in 2009-2010
Domain(s) to be examined in assessment plan in 2009-2010
Integrity/ values
Assessment question(s) to be addressed in 2009-2010
Are students becoming better at their understanding of ethical concepts?
Annual Report, 2008-2009
Annual Report, 2008-2009
Management/ MIS
Part II-A, Major Unit Accomplishments and Changes in Programs and Services
List major department/division accomplishments and changes in programs and services for 2008-2009.
(Add lines as needed.)
1. The department developed and implemented a new B.S.B.A degree in General Business. This degree
will provide students with the ability to develop cross functional skills in multiple business disciplines
including Management, Marketing, & Finance/ Economics. It is expected that students with this degree
will have a competitive edge in today’s global economy as employers will find it easy to deploy such
2. The department is one of three in the college of business. Yet, it bore the major load of assessment of
the undergraduate degree program. The department has designed, implemented, and continued assessment
of all four degree level student learning goals associated with the BSBA degree program. This included
learning goals in the domains of critical thinking, project management, written communications, and
ethical reasoning. The department has implemented interventions to improve the assessment process as
well as student learning in different courses.
3. The department also contributed to the college’s assessment efforts related to the MBA degree
4. Department faculty taught several courses in the German MBA program in Germany.
5. Dr. Blaine Lawlor, a new faculty member, has started teaching strategy courses.
6. The Department implemented a new undergraduate Certificate in Small Business Management/
Entrepreneurship. This certificate requires four courses: Small Business Management, Business Plan
Development for New Ventures, Project Management, & Human Resources Management. It is expected
that students with this certificate will be better prepared to serve the needs of small businesses in the
North West Florida region.
7. A new course on Business Plan Development for New Ventures was developed and implemented for
the above mentioned Certificate.
8. The department faculty taught courses for the University’s joint program on Management Development
with the Navy Federal Credit Union.
9. The Department continued to teach 6 out of the 11 courses in the College of Business core required of
all business majors.
10. The Department continued assessment of academic foundations in the GEB 1011 course.
Annual Report, 2008-2009
Annual Report, 2008-2009
Management/ MIS
Part II-B, Distinguished Individual (Faculty, Staff, and Student) Accomplishments
List college/departmental distinctions earned by faculty, staff, and students during 2008-2009.
A. Faculty
1. Promotions
2. Tenure
A] Dr. Julie Ann Williams has been tenured.
B] Dr. Randy Reid has been tenured.
3. Awards
A] Dr. Bill Carper – SouthEast DSI Distinguished Service Award for 30 years service
B] Dr. Esmail Mohebbi – College of Business Hopkins award
C] Dr. June Wei – College of Business Dyson Award for Excellence in Research
4. Other Distinctions
A] Dr. Bill Carper – Member Executive Council – Southeast Decision Sciences Institute
B] Dr. Esmail Mohebbi – Reviewer for 7 international journals;
C] Dr. Stephen Snyder – Strategic Planner – Special Operations Command- U.S. Army
D] Dr. Gayle Baugh – Edited first volume of book on Research in Careers Vol. 1 – Maintaining energy,
focus, and options over the career; Secretary –Careers Division – Academy of Management; Served as
tenure reviewer for faculty member at University of Texas at San Antonio
E] Dr. June Wei – Editor in Chief of three international journals including Electronic Government,
International Journal of Electronic Finance, & International Journal of Mobile Communications.
F] Dr. Julie Ann Williams – Member – Women in Operations Research/ Management Science Awards
committee of the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science
B. Staff
C. Students
1. Krystle E., Jantzen, C., and Tucker, S., MIS majors – received Undergraduate Best paper award
presented by 40th Southwest Decision Sciences Institute, February – 2009 (advised by Dr. June Wei)
2. MBA students Faustine Casassus, Meiga Loho-Noya, Rebecca Peterson published 5 separate
conference proceeding articles with Dr. June Wei.
3. MBA student Steven Pepper published a conference proceeding article with Dr. Julie Ann Williams.
Annual Report, 2008-2009
Annual Report, 2008-2009
Management/ MIS
Part II-C, Community Engagement Activities (Faculty, Staff, and Student)
Information about community engagement will be used to document the University’s activities related to
its service mission, to comply with a new SACS standard pertaining to community service, and to support
the University’s application for classification by the Carnegie Foundation as a “community engagement”
List all college/departmental community engagement activities with participation on behalf of UWF by
faculty, staff, and students during 2008-2009. Please include a very brief description of the Activity, the
Community Partner, the Time Commitment (identify as hours per week, hours per month, hours per
semester, or hours per year), and a very brief description of the Outcome/Impact of the activity.
Examples of community engagement activities include participation on community-based projects,
organization and/or presentation of cultural community events, faculty scholarship related to community
action, student scholarship related to community action, participation on community organization boards,
and community-based student learning activities such as service learning projects, internships, and
capstone experience projects.
Community Partner
A. Faculty
Dr. Esmail Mohebbi
Dr. Stephen Snyder
Dr. Gayle Baugh
Judge, Emerald
Coast Robotics
Competition for High
School students
Free Strategy
Presentation on
Avoiding conflict with
Sandy Sansing BMW
Informal Dispute
Resolution Conference
Registration volunteer
Cancer Prevention
Dr. June Wei
Assist members
Dr. Julie Ann
Pet Partner
Patient visitor
Gulf Coast American
Chinese Association
Covenant Hospice
Delta Society
Sacred Heart Healthcare
Dr. Marian Schultz
Dr. Bill Carper
Command Pilot
Annual Report, 2008-2009
Regional Science and
Engineering Fair
Angel Flight SoutheastFlew missions providing
free air transportation to
individuals in need of
medical care
Dr. Arup Mukherjee
B. Staff
C. Students
Annual Report, 2008-2009
Pensacola firms:
1. Everything Yoga, INC.
2. Enterprise Rent A Car
3. United Auto Credit
4. Covenant Hospice
5. Turtle Rattle Learning
6. US Small Business
Washington D.C.
7. Santa Rosa County
Budget Dept.
8. Vanguard Bank &
Trust, Valparaiso
Annual Report, 2008-2009
Management/ MIS
Part III-A, Strategic Planning Goals/Objectives for _2009-2012________ (specify time frame; e.g.,
2009-2010, 2009-2014).
List strategic plan goals/objectives and planned method of assessment (if applicable).
Strategic Goal/Objectivea
1.Maintain adequate advising load for each
tenure track/ tenured faculty member of
main campus
2.Ensure that each tenure track/ tenured
faculty member engages in scholarly and
creative activities
3. Ensure that each tenure track/ tenured
faculty member engages in service
4. Maintain appropriate technological
support for faculty
5. Continue assessment of student learning
outcomes in the capstone course
6. Continue assessment of student learning
outcomes in the Business Ethics course
7. Continue assessment of student learning
outcomes in the GEB 1011 – Introduction
to Business course
8. Continue departmental excellence in
9. Continue efforts to support student
10. Hire faculty in Human Resources
Management area to develop capacity in
this area
11. Promote undergraduate certificate in
Small Business Management/
12. Prepare to replace three faculty likely to
retire in the next three years
Related UWF
Strategic Goalb
Method of Assessmentc
Number of student advisees per
faculty member
Intellectual contributions on the
annual statement of
Service activities on the annual
statement of contributions
Honoring of faculty requests
Faculty reports on assessments
Faculty reports on assessments
Faculty reports on assessments
Student evaluations and
anecdotal information
Actual student placement in
Completion of hiring
Number of graduates earning
Completion of hiring
lines as needed.
Focus/Goal number/letter from the UWF Strategic Priorities and Measurable Achievements, 20082012.
cIf applicable.
Annual Report, 2008-2009