I.I. English 10: Guidelines & Grading Procedure Mrs. Erica Kincannon Miss Melissa Koroleff Erica.Kincannon@UticaK12.org School phone: (586) 797-1450 (goes to voicemail) Melissa.Koroleff@UticaK12.org Class website: http://eng10koroleffkincannon.weebly.com __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to English 10! The following course guidelines and grading procedure will provide you with the necessary and important background information in order to help us achieve a productive, effective and enjoyable semester. Please keep this copy in your binder at all times, as it is a good reference for those frequently asked questions. Course Overview English 10 is a required class in the Utica Community School District, which explains why most of you are here! Although this is a required class, we don’t want you to think that equals “boring.” On the contrary, this semester we will get to know one another in this classroom pretty well as we explore new curriculum. The anchor texts for the semester are “Of Mice and Men” and “A Raisin in the Sun,” although we will also look at texts in the form of various short stories, poems, articles, song lyrics and movies. Additionally, you will engage in expanding your knowledge of the English language while learning more about grammar and rhetoric, which will assist you in preparing for the ACT. You will also grow as a writer as you work through several pieces of writing, such as: focus questions, in depth journaling, creative pieces, and compare/contrast essay. Classroom Guidelines As you prepare to enter into the world of adulthood here in just a few short years, and we believe that you are young adults, we will treat you as such in our classroom and with RESPECT. In return, we expect that you do the same for your peers, ourselves, our classroom and yourself. Respect is the number one guideline in our classroom; if you follow it everything else will fall into place. Respect includes, but is not limited to: Entering the classroom in a timely, appropriate manner. If you are late, don’t make a scene. Talking to us before or after class to discuss any concerns or conflicts you have regarding the material, us, or a fellow classmate. Refraining from writing on desks, on or in books, or destroying classroom property. Checking the Scribe Binder in the event of an absence and asking three people, BESIDES Mrs. Kincannon or Miss Koroleff, if you have questions. Always remember, “Ask three before me.” (see more on the Scribe Binder later) Not packing up before the bell AND not lining up at the door. Participating in and maintaining a classroom community in which EVERYONE feels welcome. o The use of obscene, vulgar, inappropriate or negative comments, whether oral or written, will not be permitted in the classroom. o Let others speak free of interruption, which includes laughter and giggles. Discipline Policy It is our sincere desire to move through the semester without major conflict. We rarely have problems with students failing to comply with classroom guidelines because we respect our students and in return they provide us that same respect. Please make wise choices to ensure the discipline policy below never affects you. 1st offense: verbal warning; student/teacher mini-conference 2nd offense: call home to parent or guardian; loss of participation points 3rd offense: administration notified; parent/teacher/student conference; loss of participation points NOTE: Major issues will be deferred directly to administration I.I. Absence Policy Upon your return to class after an absence, you should IMMEDIATELY check the Scribe Binder. The binder is located in the back of the handout crate. Each day the warm-up, activities, homework, etc. are recorded on a scribe sheet by one of your fellow classmates. Please remember the “Ask three before me” policy. Please, please, please, DO NOT walk into class after an absence and say, “Mrs. K, I was absent.” (I already know.) “Did we do anything?” (Of course we did! Did you really think we sat around and ate popcorn and played hangman? No! ) And please do not ask, “What did we do?” (It’s all in the handy, dandy Scribe Binder!). According to the school absence policy, you have as many days to complete absent work as you were absent from school. If your absence was unexcused, the work will not count for credit in the class; this includes all essays and major projects. Late Work/ “Oops Pass” Policy Everything we do in class is a step-by-step building process. As a result, WE DO NOT accept late work. That said, we realize there are times when you just can’t get something finished on time. You are provided two “Oops passes” at the start of each quarter. These passes allow you to turn in one assignment 1 DAY LATE without penalty. Be advised, the “Oops Pass” covers all the following and then some: My printer died/ran out of ink, my computer died/crashed/didn’t save, my bus from (name the sport) got back really late last night, I won tickets on the radio for (name the concert), etc. Make sense? We don’t need to know why you didn’t turn in the assignment on time; just staple an “oops pass” to the assignment and turn it in. No questions asked. If you have extra “Oops passes” at the end of the quarter you may either keep them for the next quarter OR turn them in for extra credit. We do not offer much extra credit, so this is a way to earn some if you desire. Grading Your grade in class is calculated out of total points; there are no weighted assignments. Therefore, a 70 point test would be worth the same as two 15 point assignments and a 40 point essay. You can keep track of your own grade this way by adding up the points you have earned so far in the marking period and dividing by the number of points possible. Use your assignment log to keep track of these points. Grading Scale A 94-100% B+ 87-89% C+ 77-79% D+ 67-69% A- 90-93% B 84-86% C 74-79% D 64-66% B- 80-83% C- 70-73% D- 60-63% Preparation/Participation Points Each day you will have the opportunity to earn preparation/participation points. These are easy points! You will earn these points by arriving to class on time, bringing daily required materials, participating in the daily warm-up activity, through discussion, taking notes, group work, etc. You will lose points for tardiness, unexcused absences, suspension, failure to be prepared, and unacceptable classroom behavior. The more points you can collect by the end of the quarter, the better- so don’t miss out!!! Materials You will need the following materials: 3-ring binder (at least 1 inch) Pen or pencil (every day!) 5 Binder dividers Red pen or thin red marker for correcting/revising work Highlighter Notebook paper Pencil keeper to go inside binder A great attitude! I.I. Miscellaneous Suggestions for Planner: Keep track of all deadlines, homework assignments, reading schedules, etc. You should have your planner EVERY DAY in case you need a pass out of class. No planner = no movement. We may even do surprise planner check for points…so be prepared! In addition, each class we go over the Plan of Action (POA) that is written on the board for the day. It is your responsibility as students to write down all relevant information, expectations, and due dates for assignments in your student planners. We are big on organization! Suggestions for use of time before and/or after school: This is a perfect time to come in and meet with us, your teachers. We have high expectations, but they are not unreasonable. We want all of our students to achieve and we strongly believe we make every effort to assist you in reaching your fullest potential. We are available before and after school to meet with you to provide additional assistance, answer questions, etc. If you would like to meet, please ask in advance to ensure that either one of us is available, although you are always more than welcome to just drop in and see if we are around- we have an open door policy. Note: Miss Koroleff teaches both English and Spanish and travels between rooms 640 and 134 throughout the day. To ensure enough time to address your issue of concern, please talk with her to make special arrangements. Ethics: CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. STUDENTS MUST MAINTAIN HIGH ETHICAL STANDARDS AT ALL TIMES. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THOSE STANDARDS WILL RESULT IN A ZERO FOR THE ASSIGNMENT (quiz, test, paper, project, etc.) & A RECORD MADE IN THE STUDENT’S FILE. REPEAT OFFENDERS WILL BE HELD TO THE SCHOOL-WIDE PLAGIARISM POLICY. PLEASE READ AND SIGN BELOW; detach at the line & return. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read the Guidelines & Grading Procedure and understand the guidelines of the course, how my grade will be determined, and the late work policy. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Student name (print) Student signature date I have read the Guidelines & Grading Procedure and understand the guidelines of the course that my student will be held to, how my student’s grade will be determined, and the late work policy. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian name (print) Parent/Guardian signature date ________________________________________ Parent work # ________________________________________ Parent cell # ________________________________________ Parent home # ________________________________________ Parent e-mail