What types of cells are found in muscle tissue? How are these cells specialized to carry out their function? What does BMI measure? FUNCTIONS Pumping blood throughout the body Moving the skeletal system Passing food through the digestive system CONTRACTILE CELLS Specialized cell membrane and cytoskeleton that permit them to change their shape Cytoskeleton allows shortening in one or more planes (contraction) Laid out as sheets of muscle tissue that produce coordinated contractions High energy needs Glucose Blood Supply Electrolytes Oxygen Remove metabolic wastes calcium From bones Compares the amount of muscle mass with the body fat composition. A certain degree of leanness is known to reduce heart disease and metabolic disorders. Contractile proteins: of the VoluntaryProteins or cytoskeleton involved in contraction Involuntary (shortening) of muscle cells Appearance Location Uniform arrangement of contractile proteins Can see microscopically Stronger Contractions Randomized pattern of contractile proteins Cannot see microscopically Weaker contractions Voluntary Large degree of control Some unconsciously (breathing) Some contractions are intentional Involuntary Contract without conscious control Jobs that are automatic or in conjunction with other organ systems Cardiac Make up the heart Striated Connected by intercalated disks Involuntary Skeletal Smooth Large cells with distinct striations Spindle or teardrop cells Strong directional contractions Fibers not visible Attach to bones and joints that produces body movement Most are voluntary Weak contractions that last a long time Linings of BVs Tubular organs Most involuntary Briefly describe myogenesis. Briefly characterize the three types of muscle cells How do contractile proteins contribute to skeletal function? Why is the “intrinsic beat” of cardiac muscle cells significant? Why is “peristalsis” significant? Describe the relationship between muscle cells and muscle fibers Muscle develops in mesoderm cells: myogenesis Stem cells form myoblasts Myoblasts move to other developing tissues to form the 3 muscle types Growth factors (chemicals that act as signals to initiate cell division & differentiation) by tissues give direction as to what type of muscle needs to form. Cardiac •Form around large BV and form heart •Strong contractions •Not conscious control •Have 2 nuclei per cell •Cells are branched •Communicate thru intercalated disks •Intrinsic beat: all cardiac cells act in unison, coordinated thru intercalated disks Skeletal •Provides movement •Large cells with distinct striations •Powerful contractile capabilities •One cell is composed of several myoblasts that fuse into a muscle fiber—why so many nuclei? •Each fiber stimulated by a motor nerve cell that controls several muscle fibers at once Smooth • Lining of BV, digestive organs, urinary system, respiratory system •Nonstriated •Weak involuntary contractions can last for a long time •Dilation and constriction of BV and tubular structures in respiratory system •Peristalsis: laid in sheets in digestive system. Moves food & wastes through Cardiac Muscle: Branching, striated cells fused at plasma membranes. Skeletal Muscle: Long, striated cells with multiple nuclei Smooth Muscle: Long, spindleshaped cells each with a single nucleus How do contractile proteins contribute to skeletal function? Why is the “intrinsic beat” of cardiac muscle cells significant? Why is “peristalsis” significant? Describe the relationship between muscle cells and muscle fibers Describe the basic structure of skeletal muscle cells Briefly summarize the various types of fibers found in a muscle cell Describe the relationship between myofibrils, muscle fibers, and fasciculi Why is a sarcomere called the “contractile unit” of the muscle? Skeletal muscle fibers located in muscles Entire muscle surrounded by epimysium, a CT layer Subdivided into fiber bundles called fascicles (fasciculi) Fascilcles surrounded by perimysium, also CT Portions of perimysium extend into the endomysium Thin layer of CT that covers each muscle fiber Muscle fiber (bundle)= multinucleate cell Actin Myosin Sarcomere= basic (functional) contractile unit Separated by each other by dark Z lines/discs Actin & myosin slide past each other as the muscle contracts Contraction requires Ca2+ and ATP Sarcomere Z-line/disc – vertical protein bands that hold sarcomere to sarcolemma. I Bands Lighter areas of non-overlap between actin and myosin Contain the Z-lines. Dark Bands = A Bands Areas where some overlap occurs = “Striations” on the slide Coincide with the length of myosin myofilaments. H-zone – light area within A-band Each myofibril is surrounded by network of tubes and storage sacs (Transverse tubules and sarcoplasmic reticulum) Releases Ca2+ ions when stimulated by motor neuron Triggers contraction (more on this later…) Muscle FIBERS: grouped into bundles (fasciculi) = 1 cell! Fibers contain myofibrils with: ACTIN: thin myofilaments Also contain: Tropomyosin Troponin MYOSIN: thick myofilaments, with “swiveling” arm and head TITIN: elastic fibers that hold myosin in place, controlling stretch of sarcomere How would a muscle appear to change microscopically during a contraction? What are the three stages of muscle contraction? What is the role of neurotransmitters during muscle contraction? Describe the ion concentrations found inside and outside a resting muscle cell Briefly describe the events that occur during the muscle contraction phase. What is the role of ATP during this phase? What must occur for a muscle cell to “fully” recover after a contraction? What occurs during “rigor mortis”? Sarcomeres shorten, distance between z-lines reduced Thick and thin myofilaments overlap more during contraction 3 stages: Neural stimulation Muscle cell contraction Muscle cell relaxation Stimulation of a muscle by a nerve impulse (motor nerve) is required before a muscle can shorten Neuromuscular junction: point of contact b/w nerve ending and the muscle fiber it innervates. Motor unit: motor neuron + muscle cell Motor neuron releases neurotransmitters to stimulate a contraction Acetylcholine (Ach) binds to receptors located on sarcolemma Changes transport proteins found in sarcolemma Alters transport of ions Normally, more Sodium (Na+) ions outside muscle cell, while Potassium (K+) higher inside Sodium/Potassium pumps maintain this unequal concentration Excitable condition When stimulated, ion channels open, depolarizing the cell Na+ flows in, K+ out sarcoplasmic reticulum releases stored calcium Ca2+ travels to sarcomere, initiating muscle contraction phase Click here to view animation In the absence of Calcium Tropomyosin ions… Troponin “hat” sits on Tropomyosin filament These blocks access to the myosin head’s binding site on actin. Troponin Ca2+ When Calcium is released by the Sarcoplasmic reticulum it diffuses into the muscles binds to the troponin “hat” shifting both the troponin and tropomyosin filament Myosin splits ATP and undergoes a conformational change into a high-energy state. The head of myosin binds to actin Forms a cross-bridge between the thick and thin filaments. The energy stored by myosin is released ADP and phosphate released from myosin. The myosin molecule relaxes Causes rotation of the globular head This leads to the sliding of the filaments. This cycle continues until Ca2+ ions gone (and stimulus stops) ATP binds to cross bridge, causing cross bridge to disconnect from actin. Splitting of ATP leads to re-energizing/ repositioning of the cross bridge. Complete contraction of muscle cell requires several cycles of neural stimulation and contraction phases Ca2+ ions transported back to sarcoplasmic reticulum (req. ATP) When the calcium level decreases troponin locks tropomyosin back into the blocking position thin filament (actin) slides back to the resting state (when ATP binds to myosin head) Relaxation phase occurs when no more neural stimulations are exciting the sarcolemma Na+/K+ pump returns ions to resting state Muscle cell remains in contracted, but pliable state Must be “stretched” back into position 1. 2. 3. ATP transfers its energy to the myosin cross bridge, which in turn energizes the power stroke. ATP disconnects the myosin cross bridge from the binding site on actin. ATP fuels the pump that actively transports calcium ions back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum. In death… Calcium leaks out of sarcoplasmic reticulum into sarcomere Causes muscle tension = rigor mortis Muscle cell structures start breaking down, causing muscle to loosen (unless body becomes dehydrated) Stores energy in muscle cells Collects energy from ATP, stores for long periods of time Transfers back to ATP when needed Stored form of glucose Energy reserve for muscle action Continuous supply needed to produce ATP Red pigment that stores oxygen for muscle cells “Grabs” oxygen from hemoglobin in blood High affinity for oxygen Allows cells to produce large amounts of ATP What determines a muscle’s morphology? Distinguish between a muscle’s origin and insertion Review the location of the various gross skeletal muscle types listed on page. 231 List, and briefly describe, the various terms that describe the muscle structures, patterns, and shapes Parallel general-purpose muscles Sheets of muscle cells that run in the same direction Contractions for moving light loads over a long distance Pinnate Feather-pattern Great strength for moving heavy loads over a short distance Strong movements for the arms and legs Muscle group Shape Function Deltoid Triangular Pulling power Trapezius Trapezoid Pulling power Rhomboideus Diamond Holding power for scapulae Serratus Saw-toothed Short movements of the arms, rib cage, and shoulders Biceps 2 heads Upper arms Triceps 3 heads Upper arms Quadriceps 4 heads Upper legs Size Description Maximus Largest muscle in the group Minimus Smallest muscle in the group Longus Longest muscle in the group (arms and legs) Brevis Shortest muscle in the group (arms and legs) In words, briefly review the basic structure of a skeletal muscle What occurs to a muscle during atrophy? Hypertrophy? A B C D(membrane) E(fluid in cells) F H G F C E D C F E A (blue line) B (Red line) E A (blue line) B (Red line) C G G C Atrophy Lose sarcomere proteins Causes muscle shrinkage Loss of contraction strength & size Can happen with a lack of neural stimulation Hypertrophy Regular use causes increased blood flow Increase in muscle diameter and thus muscle strength Genetic differences / variation in blood flow may cause an increase in sarcomere density without increase in muscle size How are “graded effects” accomplished during a muscle contraction? Differentiate between strength and endurance. What is an antagonistic effect? Why are these essential to normal muscle function? List and briefly describe the various categories of muscle action. Origin – point of attachment of a muscle that remains fixed during contraction Insertion – point of attachment of a muscle connected to movable component on other end Shortening/contraction = moves insertion closer to origin All muscle fibers contract with a particular strength when threshold neural stimulation reached How are muscles able to perform at different “powers”? Graded effects can be accomplished by: Contracting more fascicles = more strength Muscles working together Endurance = producing contracting and relaxing fascicle groups Strength = ability to do more work Endurance = longer period of work One muscle opposes or resists the action of another Weakens muscle strength Gravity can have antagonistic effect Essential! Pulls relaxed muscles back to original strength Cartilage can do this (in ribcage during breathing) Synergism = muscles work together Muscle Action Movement Antagonistic Toward…. Abductor Away from midline Adductors Adductor Toward the midline Abductors Depressor Downward movement Levator Extensor Increase angle of joint Flexor Flexor Decrease angle of joint Extensor Levator Upward movement Depressor Pronator Turn palm down Supinator Rotator Turn along longitudinal axis None Sphincter Decrease size of opening None-attached to skin or connective tissue Supinator Turn palm up Pronator Tensor Posture, make body part more rigid, tense Many Another way to define muscle action Isotonic: muscle is actively shortening or lengthening. Lifting/lowering weights Isometric: muscle remains steady in length, undergoing indistinguishable pulses of shortening and lengthening Pushing against something too heavy to move Differentiate between muscle strains and sprains Differentiate between spasms and cramps of muscles How are rigid and flaccid paralysis different? What causes tetanus? Review the various myopathies listed on p. 242. Make a chart/concept map to summarize the major characteristics of each. What can cause cachexia? Why do muscles require a high protein turnover? What is the role of IGF-1 in muscle health?