Oraciones ordenadas

Review homework
Stand by me
Oral Rubric
• 10 pts (speaking through to 1 minutes)
• 10 pts (explaining your information in
• 5 pts (using right grammar/verb conjugation)
#1 “A mí me gusta…”
Your Spanish class is developing a Web page for
students in other Spanish classes. Introduce
yourself in order for them to get to know you,
include the following information about yourself:
• your name
• three things you like to do
• three things you don’t like to do
• three questions that you want someone to
answer about himself or herself.
#2 “Yo soy un chico/una chica”
You have decided to be more active this year in Spanish
Club. In fact, you’re even thinking about running for
president! Everyone who wants to run is asked to say a
introduction about himself or herself. What would you say?
In the space on your answer sheet, draw a description of
yourself. Use as many adjectives as possible, say what you
like to do in your free time, and say about what you are like
according to your friends.
#3 “En mi escuela…”
You want to reply to a few SnapChat videos of your new
friend in Costa Rica. Since he just told you about his classes
this year, you decide to SnapChat him about your schedule
too. Write about at say at least three of your classes and
explain why you like or dislike each class. In your
SnapChats, you might include: the name of each class; a
description of the class in terms of difficulty, interest, and
practicality; a description of the personality of the teacher;
and, the reason for liking or disliking the class.
#4 “En mi clase de español…”
Ch. 2B: pg. 120. Do you like the way your Spanish
classroom is organized? Tell your teacher about ten
things in your classroom and where each is located.
You may include another class you’re currently
taking and explain how many desks are in the room
and where certain items are located.
#5 “La comida favorita…”
Your Spanish Club is sponsoring a Super Spanish Saturday.
One of the most difficult tasks is choosing food that most
students like and avoiding food that most students dislike.
Your teacher asks each of you to say a description of at
least three breakfast foods or beverages you like and three
you dislike. Do the same for your favorite and least favorite
lunch food choices. Include as much details as you can in
your pictures.
#6 “Es importante mantener la salud…”
You and your classmates are writing a tip sheet on
developing healthy lifestyles. Say a at least five
suggestions for things you believe people should do
in order to maintain good health. Try to include a
variety of suggestions: healthy food, healthy
exercise, and healthy habits.
Cuestionario entre parejas
¿Cómo te llamas?
¿Qué tal? (Estoy…)
¿Cómo eres tú? (Soy…)
¿De dónde eres? (Soy de…)
¿Cómo se llama tu mamá?
¿Cómo se llama tu papá?
¿Tienes hermanos?
¿Cómo son tus papás?
¿Cómo se llaman tus hermanos?
¿Y tus hermanas?
¿Cuántos años tienes?
¿Qué tiempo hace ahora?
¿Cuál es tu tiempo favorita?
¿Qué día es hoy?
¿Cuál es la estación hoy?
¿Cuál estación prefieres?
¿Cuál es tu música favorita?
¿Cual es tu groupo o cantante favorito?
¿Qué te gusta comer?
¿Te gusta desayunar?
¿Cuál restaurante prefieres?
¿Te gusta ver la tele?
¿Te gusta la escuela?
Prefieres el desayuno grande o pequeño?
¿Qué ves usalmente?
¿Cuál clase prefieres más?
¿Cuál profesor te gusta más?
¿Cómo es tu profesor?