final exam review

SPANISH I – SEMESTER 1 (2010-2011)
Greet people
Introduce yourself/ say where you are from
Exchange phone numbers
Say which day it is
Introduce people
Say where people are from
Express likes/dislikes
Describe others
Give other’s likes/dislikes
Describe clothing
Describe family
Ask and tell ages
Talk about birthdays
Give dates
Express possession
Describe classes and classroom objects
Say how often you do something
Discuss obligations
Talk about schedules
Ask and tell time
Ask questions
Say where you are going
Request food
I. Give the appropriate greetings for each time of day listed below.
1. 8:30 am ________________________
2. 2:15 pm ________________________
3. 8:20 pm ________________________
4. Anytime _______________________
5. 10:30 am _______________________
II. Fill in the missing words and phrases from the conversation below, then translate the sentences
in to English.
-Hola. ¿________________________?
-Me llamo José. ¿Y tú?
-______________ Diana.
_ _________________, Diana.
- El gusto es mío, José.
III. Translate the following sentences into Spanish.
1. What is your phone number? ____________________________________________________________
2. My number is 248.798.3460
3. José’s phone number is 586.243.7196
IV. Answer the following questions in complete sentences in Spanish.
1. ¿Cómo te llamas? ______________________________________________________________________
2. ¿De dónde eres? _______________________________________________________________________
3. ¿Cómo se llama tu mejor amigo/a? _______________________________________________________
4. ¿Cuál es tu número? ___________________________________________________________________
5. ¿Qué día es hoy? ______________________________________________________________________
6. ¿Qué día es mañana? ___________________________________________________________________
7. ¿Qué hora es? _________________________________________________________________________
8. ¿Cuál es la fecha? _____________________________________________________________________
V. ¿Qué hora es?
VI. Say where the following people are from in complete sentences using the countries given.
1. Juan (Perú) __________________________________________________________________________
2. María y Verónica (Ecuador) ____________________________________________________________
3. Mis amigos y yo (Estados Unidos) _______________________________________________________
4. tú (Bolivia) __________________________________________________________________________
5. tus amigos y tú (Cuba) _________________________________________________________________
6. Yo (Argentina) _______________________________________________________________________
VII. Say what the following people like to do in complete sentences using the pictures given.
1. Raquel
2. Yo
3. Tú
VIII. Translate the following short phrases into Spanish.
1. Her short skirt ____________________________
6. Your purple socks ________________________
2. His red jacket _____________________________
7. My brown hat ___________________________
3. Their black shoes __________________________
8. Our older brother ________________________
4. My young cousin __________________________
9. Her pink dress ___________________________
5. Our old grandma __________________________
10. His yellow shirt _________________________
IX. Describe each of the following family members-don’t forget adjective agreement and use the
correct form of ‘ser’!
1. Mi madre ________________________________
4. Mis tíos ________________________________
2. Mis abuelos ______________________________
5. Mi hermano ____________________________
3. Mi prima ________________________________
6. Mi hermana ____________________________
X. Write out the following dates in complete sentences.
1. 5/12 __________________________________________________________________________________
2. 1/8 ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. 26/5 __________________________________________________________________________________
4. 31/10 _________________________________________________________________________________
5. 14/1 __________________________________________________________________________________
XI. Write out the following numbers, in Spanish, as words. Don’t forget accent marks!
1. 4 _______________
5. 47 _______________
9. 83 _______________
2. 16 _______________
6. 59 _______________
10. 95 _______________
3. 22 _______________
7. 66 _______________
11. 100 _______________
4. 31 _______________
8. 72 _______________
12. 21 _______________
XII. Translate the following sentences into Spanish.
1. I often watch television. ___________________________________________________________________
2. You never get bad grades. _________________________________________________________________
3. We always arrive late to school. ____________________________________________________________
4. They are looking for books in the library. ____________________________________________________
5. You all are waiting for your brother. ________________________________________________________
6. My parents are talking with the teacher. _____________________________________________________
7. I listen to music every day._________________________________________________________________
8. Once in a while, you swim. ________________________________________________________________
9. We sing a little in music class. _____________________________________________________________
10. He rarely studies. _______________________________________________________________________
XIII. Conjugate the following verbs and give their meanings.
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