Viangie Gibson - Northwestern Schools

Viangie S. Gibson
Syllabus 2011-2012
Phone: 937-964-1324 (HS)
Phone: 937-964-1391 (MS)
Spanish 1
Class Time: 1, 2 and 3rd at HS and 5, 6 and 7 at MS
Require materials: The following materials are required on a daily basis.
- Realidades textbook and workbook
- Binder
- Composition notebook only
- Pencil
- Folder
Course objective:
The student will develop a novice-low to novice-mid proficiency in the language by
engaging in a variety of communicative activities that focus on developing reading,
writing, speaking and listening skills in the foreign language. In addition, the student will
develop cultural awareness and become prepared to encounter real life situations outside
of the classroom through discussions of cultural customs and behavior and by reading
authentic materials written in Spanish.
Participate daily and ask questions when you don’t understand.
Come prepared and ready to learn.
Respect yourself, your classmates, and your surroundings. No foul language will be permitted in
Cell phones, iPods, and all other electronic devices should be turned off at all times during class or
they may be taken away until the end of the school day.
You will be allowed to drink only water in class and please throw your gum away before you enter
the classroom.
All handbook rules are applied in the classroom.
Academic honesty policy:
It is expected that YOU complete and turn-in your own original work at all times. All
work submitted in this class is expected to be created solely by the student author.
Academic dishonesty, cheating, and plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any student caught
cheating will receive a grade of zero on the assignment and the parents and the principal
will be notified of the offense. Students are not allowed to use translation devices, native
speakers, or other students to do their assignments or projects. Students are allowed to
study together and use each other to check your work. If you are in doubt please talk to
me and be honest to yourself. If you have questions in regard to this policy, please see
Regular attendance is essential. Students must participate actively in a student centered
communicative environment. Grade based on participation, homework assignments, in
class work, oral exam, presentations, projects, quizzes and tests.
Tests: Tests will always be announced ahead of time and are generally given after
each chapter in the textbook. It is recommended that you take the practice test
online before a chapter test to find out what areas you need to review more
thoroughly. If you are absent on the day of a test or a quiz, the make-up policy is
the same as the policy for making-up homework. After you return to school from
your excused absence(s), you have the same number of days you were absent to
make-up the test/quiz. For example, if you were absent 2 days, then you have to
make-up the test or quiz within 2 class days.
Quizzes: Quizzes are usually given 1time a week and are most often announced
beforehand, but you can expect some pop quizzes as well. Pop quizzes generally
cover information learned that week in class.
Projects: Projects should be examples of high quality student work. I expect
students to be creative and spend a significant amount of time working on these
projects and practicing at home.
Oral Presentations and Dialogues: Students will be expected to participate in
both group and individual oral presentations and dialogues throughout the
Homework: It means home work, not class work. The reason why you are
assigned to do it at home is to practice and review the lesson. If I catch you doing
homework at the beginning of the class you will receive a zero automatically. I
will accept late work 1 day late (75% of the grade) 2 days late (50% of the grade).
Do not bring me late work before the grades go home or ask me for any extra
credit it is not fair to the other students and me.
Extra Credit: There is only one way to earn extra credit/rewards in this class
and that is by turning in your puntos de paticipación. Students will receive these
reward points for various things: volunteering to do the daily warm-up,
demonstrating good citizenship, volunteering to be the leader in a group activity,
volunteering to present first, actively singing/participating in class, etc. Once a
student has earned the points, they may turn them in every Friday. Mrs. Gibson is
NOT responsible for your points if you lose them. Please keep them in a safe
place and write your name and period of the class as soon as you get them.
1st Quarter begins
Topic: A conocernos
Para empezar
Week 1-2
Context: The students are going to a new school in Mexico and they will meet new
people and make friends. They will introduce themselves and their family members.
Chapter objectives:
Greet people at different times of the day.
Introduce yourself to others
Begin using numbers
Identify parts of the body
Tell the alphabet
Respond to classroom directions
Describe the classroom
Linguistic objectives:
¿Cómo te llamas?
¿Cómo estas?
¿Cuántos años tienes?
¿Qué fecha es hoy?
¿Qué hay en el salón?
¿Cómo se llama tu familia?
Me llamo….
Mi mamá se llama…
Cultural objectives:
Compare customs of greetings and introductions
Difference in the days of the week
Different dialects
Learn about the Aztec and the Aztec calendar
Create an oral presentation about yourself and an additional with a partner
During the first quarter they will be a lot of informal assessment during class and
exit slips.
Chapter quiz and test
Topic: La hora (The time)
Week: 3-4
Context: The students meet a new student from Mexico that just joined our class, and
they will help her with her class schedule.
Chapter objectives:
Tell time
Talk about things that you do in your free time.
Talk about what a typical day and an ideal day will be like.
Talk about school schedules and classes.
Talk about weekend activities.
Linguistic objectives:
¿Qué hora es?
¿A qué hora es tu clase de español?
¿A qué hora almuerzas?
¿A qué hora vas a tu casa?
¿A qué hora es tu práctica de …..?
¿Cuál es tu horario típico?
¿Cómo es tu día ideal?
Cultural objectives:
Talk about the plazas.
Talk about the equator and the seasons.
Class requirements and schools schedules in México and Puerto Rico.
Compare what the teens do in United States during their free time and what the teens
do in México and Puerto Rico.
The students will prepare a list choosing their favorite day of the week and they
will describe their typical day schedule and share that with the class.
They will write and ideal day schedule.
Lots of oral practice and group work.
Topic: El Tiempo (The weather)
Week 5-7
Context: The students work at the Weather Station called “El Tiempo a toda Hora” and
when people call they have to give the weather report and suggest clothing options for
that day.
Chapter objectives:
Describe the weather.
Discuss clothing and accessories.
State an opinion.
Describe how you feel.
Say what is happening.
Talk about the country where you live.
Linguistic objectives:
¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?
¿Qué necesito llevar?
¿Cuál es la temperatura?
¿Dónde estás?
¿Cuál es la estación del año?
¿Qué hay en la maleta?
¿Quiénes van de vacaciones?
Cultural objectives:
El Yunque.
El coquí.
Reversed seasons un the Northern and the southern Hemispheres.
Heat vs. Humidity.
Project Las Vacaciones. (Poster board) Speaking and Grammar. This is a group
The students will plan a vacation trip to a Spanish country and they will write about
the weather conditions, season, items that they need to bring and also clothing. This
project will also be presented to an audience. Rubric attach and instructions.
Making A Poster : Mis vacaciones y el tiempo
Teacher Name: Mrs. Gibson
Student Name:
Graphics Originality
Several of the
graphics used on
the poster reflect
an exceptional
degree of student
creativity in their
creation and/or
One or two of
the graphics used
on the poster
reflect student
creativity in their
creation and/or
The graphics are
made by the
student, but are
based on the
designs or ideas
of others.
No graphics
made by the
student are
Graphics Relevance
All graphics are
related to the
topic and make it
easier to
understand. All
graphics have a
source citation.
All graphics are
related to the
topic and most
make it easier to
understand. All
graphics have a
source citation.
All graphics
relate to the
topic. Most
graphics have a
source citation.
Graphics do not
relate to the topic
OR several
graphics do not
have a source
The poster
includes all
required elements
as well as
All but 1 of the
elements are
included on the
All but 2 of the
elements are
included on the
Several required
elements were
Student can
accurately answer
all questions
related to facts in
the poster and
processes used to
Student can
answer most
questions related
to facts in the
poster and
Student can
answer about
75% of
questions related
to facts in the
Student appears
to have
knowledge about
the facts or
processes used in
create the poster. processes used to poster and
create the poster. processes used
to create the
the poster.
Content Accuracy
At least 7
accurate facts are
displayed on the
5-6 accurate
facts are
displayed on the
3-4 accurate
facts are
displayed on the
Less than 3
accurate facts are
displayed on the
The poster is
attractive in
terms of design,
layout, and
The poster is
attractive in
terms of design,
layout and
The poster is
attractive though
it may be a bit
The poster is
messy or very
poorly designed.
It is not
Projecto: ¡Las vacaciones!
Students will work on a project with another student or a group of 3. The project is worth
_____ points. The project is due _______________. If any student in the group is absent
he/she needs to have an excuse absent to be able to present at a later time.
The project should include the following information:
Where are you going?
Additional information about the country; (capital, famous people, traditional food….)
What month are you traveling and the season?
Who is going?
What is the weather and temperature like when you are there?
Which places are you visiting?
What are you going to do there? (Include as long 2 things)
What items you need to take with you?
What are you packing with you?
What kind of clothes you need to wear when you visit the special places?
Poster board
Pictures (internet, magazine or newspaper)
Markers, glue, construction paper, scissors etc…
Remember the main reason to work on this project is not only to get a grade but to learn
something about the different countries in Latin America. We have more than 20
speaking Spanish countries and it is hard to go over all the information, but whatever you
learn from your topic will stay with you forever. Do the best that you can do and let’s
have fun preparing this great project!!!!
Topic ¿Cómo eres, Qué te gusta?
Chapter 1B
Week 8-9
Context: Students will describe themselves by physical traits and personality traits. The
students will talk to their friends about the things that they like and don’t like.
Chapter objectives:
Talk about preferences in leisure activities.
Talk about activities that they like or don’t like to do.
Ask others what they like to do.
Talk about places that they like to visit or don’t.
Read and listen to information about leisure activities and likes.
Listen to and watch a video about leisure activities.
Listen to and understand information about infinitives.
Linguistics objectives:
¿Cómo eres?
¿Cómo es tu mamá?
¿Qué te gustar hacer?
¿Qué no te gusta hacer?
¿Qué te gusta mas correr o caminar en el parque?
¿Qué te gusta mas leer o mirar la televisión?
¿Adónde te gusta ir después de la escuela?
¿Adónde te gusta ir los fines de semana?
¿Qué te gusta hacer en julio?
¿Qué te gusta hacer en diciembre?
¿Qué haces en la plaza?
¿Qué haces en el centro comercial?
Cultural objectives:
Standard 2.1
Understand cultural perspectives on favorite activities.
Because the climates and cultures of speaking countries are so diverse, a variety
of leisure activities are available. People in eastern Chile can engage in mountain
climbing. In San Juan, Puerto Rico, free time can be spent surfing and swimming.
Throughout Mexico, soccer is a common sport on any open field.
The students will create an individual project that consists of two different presentations.
One is a description of themselves including name, age, likes, dislikes, personality and
physical traits and other page about someone that they admire.
2nd quarter
Topic: Tu día en la escuela and tu sala de clases (Your day at school and your
Chapter 2A and 2B
Week 10-13
Context: Is your first day of classes in your new school and you will be talking about
your schedule and what school supplies you need for each class.
Chapter objectives:
Talk about school schedules and subjects
Discuss what students do during the day
Ask and tell who is doing an action
Compare your school with that of a student in a Spanish-speaking country
Describe a classroom
Indicate where things are located
Talk about more than one object or person
Linguistic objectives:
Standards 1.1,1.2, 1.3,2.1,4.1
¿Qué clase te gusta más?
¿Cómo es la clase?
¿En qué hora tienes la clase?
¿Quién ensena la clase?
¿Tienes mucha tarea en la clase?
¿Dónde está la ventana?
¿Qué está al lado de la puerta?
¿Cuántos escritorios y sillas hay?
Cultural objetives:
Standard 4.2
Talk about school sporting events celebrations and traditions, leisure time during school
Compare the use of school uniforms, the students’ schedules and the relationship between
teachers and students.
Students will make a chart about their classes that includes the hour, the name of the
class, description of the class and teacher. They will receive a rubric before the due date.
Topic: La comida (Food)
Chapter 3A and 3 B
Week 14-16
Context: The students are going to visit a school in Puerto Rico and its lunch time. They
will order their food, make choices and pay for their bill.
Chapter Objectives:
Talk about food and beverages for breakfast and lunch
Talk about likes and dislikes.
Express how often something is done
Order in a cafeteria or a restaurant.
Understand cultural perspectives on meals
I want them to realize the value of being able to read a restaurant menu and order at
one as well.
Linguistics objectives:
Standards 1.1,1.2,1.3,5.2
¿Qué te gustaría comer?
¿Qué te gustaría beber?
¿Adónde vas?
¿Cuál es tu comida favorita?
¿Qué te gusta?
¿Qué no te gusta?
¿Qué hay para el almuerzo?
¿Cuánto cuesta una torta?
¿Cuánto es mi cuenta?
Cultural objectives:
Standards 2.1,2.2
Describe traditional foods.
Snack foods in México and Spain.
Opinions regarding diet and health.
Compare the fruits and vegetables between México and United States.
- They will write a restaurant menu (Grammar)
- They will role play a restaurant scene. (Oral presentation)
Topic: El supermercado y la cocina
Week 17-19
Context: The students are going to México for the summer and they want to help their
host mom with the shopping and cooking while they are there.
Chapter objectives:
Talk about food.
Ask where to find the items in the supermarket.
Discuss where the items go when you get home.
Creating and talking about the shopping list.
Talk about the preparation of a recipe.
Describe the fruits and their taste.
Linguistics objectives:
¿Qué necesito comprar?
¿En qué sección está el pan?
¿Dónde va el ázucar?
¿Te gusta el pastel o las galletas?
¿Te gusta la comida Mexicana?
¿Cuál es tu plato favorito?
¿Cocinas el pastel en el horno o en el microondas?
¿Quieres pastel de chocolate o de vainilla?
Cultural objectives:
Typical foods.
Typical fruits and vegetables.
Products price comparisons.
Money exchange.
Family traditions.
3rd quarter begins
Topic: ¿Adónde vas?
Chapter 4A
Week 20-21
Context: Students will list the places in their community where they go for leisure
Chapter objectives:
Talk about locations in your community
Discuss leisure activities
Talk about where you go and with whom
Learn how to ask questions
Understand cultural perspectives on leisure activities
 ¿Dónde está el parque?
 ¿Dónde está la playa?
 ¿Qué haces en el centro comercial?
 ¿Qué haces en la biblioteca?
 ¿Adónde vas los fines de semana?
 ¿Adoónde vas los lunes en la noche?
Cultural objectives:
Talk about new vocabulary through the recognition of cognates. Compare social
gathering places; school based sports and exercise activities.
Quiz with “ir”. Recognition of the vocabulary and production.
Students will make a list of at least four questions. Find where the student is from,
activities he or she likes to do and on what days of the week, and where he or she goes
and with whom. Plan to greet the new student and introduce yourself (Oral assessment).
Topic: La fiesta de cumpleaños
Week 22-24
Chapter 5ª
Context: The students will plan a birthday party for their best friend and they will create
invitations and work on the arrangement.
Chapter objectives:
Standards: 1.1,1.2,1.3
Describe families
Talk about celebrations and parties
Ask and tell ages
Express possession
Understand cultural perspectives on family and celebrations
Linguistics objectives:
Standards 1.3
¿Qué te gusta de una fiesta?
¿A quién vamos a invitar?
¿Para quién es la fiesta?
¿En dónde es la fiesta?
¿A qué hora es la fiesta?
¿Qué necesitamos comprar?
Cultural objectives:
Family celebrations; dinning in restaurants and family mealtimes.
The importance of the family.
Compare the Sweet 16 with the Quinceañera/o.
Size of a birthday party. (Family, neighbors and the people that you didn’t even
Students will plan a whole quinceañera party for a student in the class. They will create a
menu, invitations, guest list, decorations, clothing, music and more…Assessment will be
grade in grammar and oral proficiency.
Topic: ¿Dónde estás y cómo estás?
Week 25-27
Context: The students are going on an excursion and they will stop at different locations.
They will describe the places and the locations.
Chapter objectives:
Say where things are located.
Give directions.
Say where you are going.
Express feelings.
Talk about what just happened.
Look at pictures and talk about their expressions.
Linguistics objectives:
¿Dónde está Puerto Rico?
¿Dónde está el Yunque?
¿Cómo te sientes cuando vas al Yunque?
¿Cómo llego al cine?
¿Por qué estás cansado?
¿Dónde te sientes tranquilo/a?
Description of the plazas.
Looks of the stores and supermarkets.
Compare the houses here and the ones in México.
Talk about kiosks (chinchorros).
Talk about the outside vendors. (piraguas y churros)
Compare the family activities at the beach. (Barbecues, games and music).
Assessment: Students will pick a place that is visited a lot from tourist and they will
describe it and talk about the cultural aspects of the place and the country.
4th quarter begins
Topic: En mi dormitorio (In my bedroom)
Week 28-30
Chapter 6A
Context: Students are going to college and they will create a drawing of their new room
and what items they have.
Chapter objectives:
 Talk about your bedroom
 Describe bedroom items and electronic equipment
 Make comparisons
 Understand cultural perspectives at home
Linguistics objectives:
 ¿Para ti cuál es el mejor jugador de fútbol?
 ¿De que colores son los discos y las carpetas?
 ¿Podemos comer en tu dormitorio?
 ¿Eres ordenado o desordenado?
 Discuss the Latin grammy awards
 Discuss las siestas in different countries
 Indentify Latin recording artists whose music they enjoy
Assessment: Bring a picture of your bedroom and describe it to the class, if you don’t feel
comfortable cut one from a magazine or draw one.
Topic: Venta espectacular de apertura
Week 31-33
Context: The students are going shopping to a new store that is having a huge Grand
Opening sale.
Chapter objectives:
Talk about sports.
Express preferences.
Make comparisons.
Match the sport and the equipment.
Talk about prices and sales.
Linguistic objectives:
- ¿Dónde está la tienda?
- ¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito?
- ¿Qué deporte juegas?
- ¿Cuánto cuesta?
- ¿Qué necesito para jugar el béisbol?
- ¿Qué te gusta más el baloncesto o el voleibol?
- ¿Qué te gusta menos el fútbol o el fútbol norteamericano?
Cultural objectives:
Baseball in Puerto Rico.
Roberto Clemente.
Compare the main sports played in Puerto Rico and in United States.
Relationship of Puerto Rico to the U.S.
Topic: La Excursión
Context: The students are going on a field trip to the Museo de Antropología de México.
Chapter objectives:
Make plans.
Sequence events.
Talk about places and people you know.
What you need to bring.
Talk about the art.
Linguistic objectives:
¿Qué haces en el museo?
¿Adónde vas?
¿Cuándo vas?
¿Qué hay en el museo?
¿Cómo es la plaza?
¿Qué necesito llevar?
Cultural objectives:
El Museo Nacional de Antropología.
El Zócalo.
Las plazas.
The flowers, the weather, the people.
Final project:
Countries: Students will research information about one Spanish country in particular
and will share with the class ten important facts about that country in particular,
including: Capital, government, economy, music, foods, clothing, population, trades,
important figure from that country, history etc…
This project is done in English.