Expectations for HPC (Honors Precalculus) Mr. Timothy S. Garis Fall 2015-2016 st nd rd th 1 -HPC/2 -OFF/3 -Calc/4 -Calc/5th-Lunch/6th-Calc/7th-Calc/8th-OFF/9th-Asst.AD WEB SITE: --http://ww2.d155.org/cg/tdirectory/TGaris/default.aspx --I will try to keep this up to date with any notes, worksheets, etc. Great tool when absent! VOICE MAIL: -- (847) 639-3825 ext. 4366. E-mail works best for me. Feel free to use for any question or when absent. e-MAIL: --tgaris@d155.org. THE BEST WAY TO CONTACT ME! OFFICE HOURS: -- I try to get here EVERY morning by 6:45 for “Zero Hour” in room C-16 SUPPLIES: --1/1.5/2” binder for our binders, a.k.a. “Learning Log”—your ticket to EC/Book/Calc./Etc. BEGINNING --Be ready from the start of class to LEARN! I will need all 45 mins. to fill your brain with math knowledge. --I usually like to start class with some type of opener, typically a Grade or No Grade. NOTES/ -- Take any notes you feel is necessary in order to fully understand the concepts taught in class. HOMEWORK: --Notes vary with powerpoints being used at times. --Homework is REQUIRED to survive! HW is due either on quiz dates or test dates (4pts.). No late HW! --It is to your advantage to keep up with the rigor of this class—you can do it! --On occasion, the homework will be for the students to get the notes from the web page so we can do the practice problems in class. PORTFOLIO: --Collected at the end of each chapter/unit. --Individual portfolios (3 ring binder) for each unit will consist of the target goals/assignment sheet, all notes --(completed), all graded quizzes (with correct answers written in), the test (with correct answers written in), and possibly other miscellaneous items to be announced. --Each item in the portfolio is worth up to 3 pts. --1-4 pts. EC may be awarded for your portfolio. --Portfolios may be stored in the classroom. QUIZZES: --zero to five times per week, 5-50 (or more) points each (do not have to be announced) REVIEW: -- Look over notes and homework, practice homework problems, practice all quizzes, practice review/test problems from the book, do the “optional” homework. Keep up with the FOLDABLE FUN SHEETS for each chapter. By the end of each quarter/semester you will have study guides already done! TESTS: --At the end of each unit there will be an individual test. Tests are worth 100 pts. --Unit tests are 40-45 minute tests. NO extra time will be given. Come to class prepared. FIELD TRIPS/SCHOOL RELATED ACTIVITIES: Any school work missed due to a field trip (includes in school activities which cause you to miss this class) must be made up prior to missing class. ABSENT: -- If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to read the section, go on line to get a copy of the note sheet, copy notes from the book or from a friend, do the assignment, and to come into the math office to make up quizzes or tests (just ask for a pass after class.) -- You get the day (s) you were absent, plus one day to make up any missed work. ex. 1 day absent, 2 days to make up; 2 days absent, 3 days to make up and so on. --If the first day you were absent was a test day, you will take the test on the first day you return. Please be prepared. It is your responsibility to set up a time to take the test. LATE WORK: --No thank-you. Please be responsible. ELECTRONIC DEVICES: --Cell phones, i pods, head sets, CD players, computers, calculator games . . . are NOT allowed in this classroom under any circumstances. Put them away before entering the classroom. GRADING SCALE: --We will follow the 90/80/70/60% grade format. Summative Assessments (Tests) =80% of your grade Formative Assessments (everything else) = 20% of your grade. We typically have 3 tests per quarter, With a Quarter Exam that CAN REPLACE YOUR LOWEST TEST SCORE OF THE QUARTER. NO ROUNDING OF GRADES!!! ________________________________________________________________________ Dear Parent(s) and Student, Please sign and date this sheet. Return it on or before by FRIDAY AUGUST 28TH, 2015. This will count as a homework grade of 4 points. This will also be a portfolio item. I have read and understand the course syllabus/expectations. Student Signature:_______________________________________ Date:_____________ Note: A clean copy of this information can be found on my web site. http://ww2.d155.org/cg/tdirectory/TGaris/default.aspx Honors Precalculus School Year: 2014-2015 Teacher: Mr. T. Garis Telephone: (847) 639-3825 ext. 171 High School Web Site: www.d155.org/cg Textbook: Precalculus by Sullivan and Sullivan III; Copyright © 2003 Course Goal This course is designed to aid the student in preparing for a college study in the field of mathematics. It includes traditional material on quadratic theory, systems of equations, progressions, etc., plus a thorough development of inequalities, absolute values in one and two dimensions, nature of number systems, rectangular and polar forms and complex numbers. Also covered is traditional material on lines, circles, conics, parametric equations, and limits and differentiation. Trigonometry will be reviewed and expanded using radians, identities, equations, and graphs and their transformations. In addition, some work with permutations, combinations, and probability will be covered if time permits. This course is specifically designed for students planning to take advanced placement calculus. *A graphing calculator is required for this course. Semesters: 2 Prerequisite: Advanced Algebra with Trigonometry (H) or with permission of Department Chair Credit: l/2 per semester Course Outline Quarter 1 Quarter 3 -Chapter 1--Graphs -Chapter 2--Functions and Their Graphs -Chapter 3--Polynomial and Rational Functions -Quarter 1Test—Chapters 1, 2, & 3 -Chapter 12--Counting and Probability -Chapter 5 --Trigonometric Functions -Chapter 6--Analytic Trigonometry -Chapter 7--Applications of Trigonometric Functions -Quarter 3 Test—Chapters 12, 5, 6, & 7 Quarter 2 -Chapter 4--Exponential and Logarithmic Functions -Chapter 9--Analytic Geometry -Chapter 10--Systems of Equations and Inequalities -Chapter 11--Sequences; Induction; The Binomial Theorem -Quarter 2 Test—Chapters 4, 9, 10, & 11 Quarter 4 -Chapter 13--A Preview of Calculus: The Limit Derivative, and Integral of a Function -Derivative Unit (worksheets) -Quarter 4 Test—Chapter 13 & Derivative Unit School Board Policy Semester Grade Calculation Quarter Grade Calculation Quarter Grade A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF Hi 100 97.49 92.49 89.99 87.49 82.49 79.99 77.49 72.49 69.99 67.49 62.49 59.99 Low 97.50 92.50 90.00 87.50 82.50 80.00 77.50 72.50 70.00 67.50 62.50 60.00 00.00 In progress grades are accessable by students and parents through our school website by clicking on the Skyward Online Grade Access button (lower right corner). Please contact your counselor if you’ve forgotten your log in and password. Grade reports are issued at the end of each nineweek grading period (or twice each semester). The semester grade, which is the only one that becomes a part of the student's permanent record, is based on a ratio of three grades: a first quarter grade, a second quarter grade, and a final exam grade to be calculated as follows: • 40% for the first nine weeks, • 40% for the second nine weeks, • 20% for the semester exam. Each quarter is an independent grade. The percentage or raw score for the first nine weeks is not averaged with the percentage or raw score for the second nine weeks to determine the semester average. In order to pass any course, a student must pass two of the three grades, and the student must take the semester exam.