Global Studies Advanced Week of 10/5/15 10/11/15 Monday 10/5 -MAP DUE!! -Engineering an Empire—Persia -Chapter 7 outline— due 10/9 for bonus; 10/13 for real Homework Tuesday 10/6 -Ancient Civilizations jigsaw—report back to class -Hammurabi’s Code—primary source analysis Homework Wednesday 10/7 -Middle East in Transition Thursday 10/8 End of Marking Period 1 -Iran Nuclear Deal -U.S. Foreign Policy in Iraq and Iran -Options? ME Foreign Policy -US in Iraq -Iran-Iraq War -Debate? -US in Iran Homework Sold-pages 76-101 due 10/13 Homework Sold-pages 76-101 due 10/13 Friday 10/9 Saturday/ Sunday 10/10-10/11 10:45 early dismissal—no class -DROP OFF OUTLINE FOR BONUS BEFORE 1ST BLOCK!! Homework Sold-pages 76-101 due 10/13 Sold-pages 76-101 due 10/13 Sold-pages 76-101 due 10/13 -Chapter 7 outline due 10/9 for bonus; 10/13 for real -Chapter 7 outline -Chapter 7 outline -Chapter 7 outline -Chapter 7 outline due 10/9 for bonus; due 10/9 for bonus; due 10/9 for bonus; due 10/13 10/13 for real 10/13 for real 10/13 for real Homework