Parts of the cell

Parts of the cell
Chapter 7.3
Prokaryotes (bacteria)
Nucleoid- control center that does NOT have a membrane around it and holds the DNA
• Cytoplasm- the liquid “goo” that everything in the cell sits in
• Ribosomes- protein factories that build the proteins for the cell
• Plasmid- packets of DNA that the bacteria can swap with other bacteria to make it
more resistant to medicine
• Cell membrane- regulates the transport of substances in and out of the cell
• Cell wall- rigid outer structure that protects the cell and gives it structure
• Capsule-slippery layer of the cell that keeps it from drying out and helps it slip
away when phagocytes try to engulf it
• Pili- help bacteria attach to surfaces
• Flagella- whip like tail for movement
Nucleus (control center)
• The nucleus is located in the center of the cell
– ___________________________________
– Is the control center(brain) of the cell
• The nucleus is broken down into parts
– Nucleolus- _________________________________________________
– _______________________membrane that covers the nucleus
– ______________openings in the nuclear membrane that allow things in
Ribosomes (protein factories) & ER
• ____________________ the little dots found in the cytoplasm or attached
to the endoplasmic reticulum that make proteins for the cell
• Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): work with ribosomes to make proteins
– __________________________________________________________
– The folds increase the surface area for cellular functions to take place
• ____________________ER with ribosomes attached to the outside surface.
– Makes it bumpy looking or rough
– __________________________________________________________
• Smooth ER- ER with no ribosomes attached, responsible for making lipids
Both package and deliver new proteins and lipids via vesicles to the Golgi apparatus.
Golgi Apparatus (FED-EX)
• Golgi Apparatus- __________________________________________
– Looks like a stack of pancakes
– Receives newly made proteins and lipids from
the ER which it then modifies, repackages
(in vesicles) and distributes to the rest of the cell
• ____________ (transporters)- membrane bound transporters that
take proteins and other packages around the cell and out of the cell
Vacuoles (containers)
• Vacuoles(containers)- ________________________________________
– Common in plant cells (central vacuole), ____________________________
– Also found in single celled eukaryotes as a “contractile vacuole” which
pumps excess water out of the cell.
• Lysosomes (___________)- small membrane bound sacs that are filled with
digestive enzymes and they wander around the cell dissolving nutrients in
the cell or “lysing” ______________________________________________
• Centrioles- ___________________________________________________
Vacuoles can take
up to 30% of a
plant cell’s volume
Pathway of particles
• Ribosomes found on the rough ER make LOTS of proteins
• ___________________________________________________________
• The vesicle dumps the protein off at the Golgi Apparatus and dissolves
into the Golgi’s membrane
• The proteins get repackaged by the __________________________
__________________________________________and some products
get stored in the vacuole
Enough about transport, how do cells get their energy????
Chloroplasts & Mitochondria (POWERHOUSES)
• Chloroplasts- ________________________________________
– The stacks of green discs are the actual structures that produce the
all of the energy through photosynthesis
• ________________chili bean looking structures that produce
energy for plant and animal cells
– Makes ATP (packets of energy) for
the cell to use
– Site of ____________________
Skeleton & Movement
• Cytoskeleton- ____________________________________________
– Like the steel beams of a building that give it strength
• ________________rigid straight tubes that act as structural support
• ______________thin protein thread/webs that help give cells shape
• Flagella- _________________________________________________
• Cilia- ___________________________________________________
Outer Barrier
• Plasma membrane- ___________________________________
• ________rigid outer most layer of plant cells made of cellulose,
provides structure for the plant
Working together
• All of the organelles in the cell have very different jobs but they all work
together to make the cell function properly.
Animal Cells vs Plant Cells