Meet the teacher 2015

Miss Hyett
Meeting objectives
• To meet you and introduce myself
• To introduce key features of Year 4
• To consider how you can help your child
at home
Open Door...
•Do talk to me!
•Ask if you are unsure about anything.
•Best time is usually after school
(although I’m in a meeting on Tuesdays)
•Please don’t hesitate to make an
Expectations in Year 4
• Increased responsibility for their
• Working as a team.
The Curriculum
Sands of Time
• Mummification
• Religion
• Hierarchy and
• Artwork
Creative Curriculum
• Construction of pyramids
(History, Art, DT, geography)
• Use of historical sources.
• Autumn term: Sands of Time
(Ancient Egypt)
• Spring Term: Bright Sparks
• Summer Term: Around the world in
70 days
English – this term
• Greek Mythology – The
Adventures of
• The Iron Man by Ted
• Digestive system
•Balanced diet
• Games lesson on a Monday afternoon.
• Swimming on a Friday afternoon.
• Later in the year – Thursday PE lessons.
• I encourage the children to keep their
kit in school everyday.
• Please ensure all kit and uniform is
Reading Books
• Bring reading books from home.
• Use reading bookmarks.
• Reading monitored.
• Children guided when choosing new reading books.
Coming up:
• Excellent reading software.
• Recommendations based on ability.
Reading Pro
• Assesses children’s reading ability – Lexile Test.
• Matches them with books suitable for age and ability.
• Spellings will be given out on a Monday and tested
on a Friday.
• Children should think about the rules behind the
spellings (discussed in class) and know the
definition of each word.
• English and Maths homework (or more creative
tasks ) will be given out on a Friday to be
completed by Wednesday.
• Year 4 will also be expected to take responsibility
for reading and practising times tables on a
regular basis.
Helping your child
• Listen to them read, as regularly as
possible. Discussing books with them will
create a love of reading and develop their
• Spelling and tables practice.
• Involve children in practical uses of their
maths knowledge.
Helping your child
• Reading aloud can still be beneficial.
• Discuss what your child is reading:
What has happened?
What are your opinions?
How do they characters feel/what do they think?
What might happen next?
New vocabulary?
• Usual cost of subscription £40 per child – free to you
• New levels now set up for new year.
• Children should aim to achieve a certificate each week. This
can usually be achieved in three 20 minute sessions.
• Previously...
Average Points Progress in maths
during the year
10 children in Year 6 who used
Mathletics most
10 children in Year 6 who used
Mathletics least
Mathletics makes a
Across Key Stage 1 and 2, for all levels of ability:
• Pupils who achieved 10,000 points (equivalent to 10
certificates) last year made on average 24% more
progress than those who achieved less than 5,000
• Pupils who achieved over 25,000 points (roughly one
certificate per fortnight) made on average 38% more
progress than those who hardly used it at all.
Whole Class Music Tuition
• Every child will get free hire of a brass
instrument for the year.
• Weekly whole class lessons with expert tutors.
• Starts this week!
• Instruments will be taken home from around
October half term.
• Brass Blast – Warwick Arts Centre performance
in Spring Term.
Holidays in term time
• We are not able to authorise holidays in school
• Exceptional circumstances may lead to
authorised absence days.
• Government have tightened restrictions and
fines are being given more regularly.
Dates for your diary
• Photographs: Tuesday 22nd September
• Parents Evening: 13th & 14th October
• Harvest Festival: 16th October (10.15am)
• Christmas Production: 16th & 17th December
• Class Assembly: 11th February 2016.
• Check website for regular updates.
• Contact me directly:
Emails checked daily.
Phone/email office for immediate response
0121 747 2025