Mathletics Information Night

Achieve More
What is Mathletics?
Online e-learning platform
Global Mathematics community
Students can access anywhere they can get online
More than 120,000 users daily
Students from 5000 schools in every country
Over 3 million students worldwide
Over 8 billion correct answers so far
The Global Mathletics Community
Mathletics is now used in around 190 countries, right around the
world. Pupils are part of a huge global Mathletics family!
Benefits of Mathletics
•Increases engagement and motivation of students in Maths
•Provides maths home learning at the appropriate level for all
•Develops independent learners in Maths
•Supports the learning that occurs in class, by allowing students to
reinforce ideas and strategies at home
•Develops recall and fluency of number facts
•Streamlines maths home learning tasks across the school
•Increases the resources avaliable for learning Maths
Impact of using Mathletics
A recent independent academic study of more than 8,000
schools looking into the impact of Mathletics on
NAPLAN results found a significant advantage to schools using
• Students using Mathletics have performed
consistently higher in NAPLAN, across Years 3, 5, 7 & 9
since 2008 – by up to 6.7%.
• Students with longer-term usage (> 2yrs) saw an
even greater jump in NAPLAN results.
• Students see the greatest benefit when they complete on
average, 3 Mathletics activities per week.
The Mathletics Curriculum
Mathletics has a full curriculum of lessons for each year group,
from Prep to Year 12, covering all areas of the
All strands of Mathematics are covered in detail and your child’s
teacher will set activities and learning tasks at their point of need.
Each student can work at their own pace, on their individual areas
of development, with tangible progression encouraging a
desire to improve.
Full Support
Every single Mathletics lesson has its own animated Support Area –
enabling students to take control over their learning.
Each support area can be used to introduce a new concept to a
class or by students when they encounter a new of difficult
Step-by-step instructions explain each concept, using worked
examples, which can be repeated until mastery is achieved.
Global Competitiveness
One of the most exciting features for pupils is Live Mathletics
Students are matched with others of
similar ability from around the world
and compete in a live mental arithmetic
game – a 60 second race to the finish!
Live Mathletics is both exciting and
compulsive, encouraging
competitiveness and involvement in
the global learning community.
Making it their own…
All students create their own Mathlete to represent them on screen…
By beating their top score, students can earn credits to customise
their Mathletes via a virtual shop.
A Rewarding Experience
Students are awarded points for each correct answer, with the top
performers making it onto the global Hall of Fame.
Gold, Silver and Bronze Certificates are also awarded, giving pupils
an exciting incentive to complete lessons.
Giving Teachers Control
The Teacher Centre gives full feedback
and results instantly to teachers.
Individual reports can be generated giving
teachers the ability to use the data
formatively to asses and respond to the
individual needs of their students.
The Teacher Centre contains many tools
to enable true Personalised Learning.
Parents as Partners Program
• Valuable insight into your child’s progress
• Weekly reports of their results
• Access is free
• Register to receive a username and