Study Guide for nervous system

Nervous System Study Guide
Friday, February 26 A day
Monday, February 29 B day
Study sessions Thursday, February 25, 2:20-3:00,
and Friday, Feb 26 , 2:20-3:00
What is the purpose of the nervous system?
What are nerve impulses?
What are the 2 main divisions of the ns? structures? functions?
What are functional nerve cells called?
Sketch and explain a neuron: dendrites, cell body, nucleus, axon, nodes of
ranvier, myelin sheath, schwann cells
6. What gives white matter its color?
7. Describe the 3 types of neurons.
8. How is the brain protected?
9. Describe the layers of meninges. Where do you find CSF?
10. What is the function of the spinal cord? How many spinal nerves do we have?
11. What is the most important functional area of the cerebrum?
12. Describe the 4 lobes based on location and functions.
13. Brain diagram – locate and explain: cerebrum, corpus callosum, convolutions,
sulci, fissures, diencephalon, thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, brain
stem, midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata, cerebellum
14. Cranial nerves – name and function –
15. What is a plexus?
16. Where are sensory receptors located and what do they respond to?
17. Explain the 2 divisions of the ANS.
18. Cell membrane potential: what is happening? why? the role of sodium and
potassium? polarization, depolarization, repolarization? action vs resting
19. What are the chemicals called that diffuse across the synaptic cleft? What is
the movement called?
20. What is a reflex? What can effectors be?
21. Explain the reflex arc using different scenarios and including all parts:
stimulus, receptor, s/a neuron, interneuron, m/e neuron, effector, response