AP Psychology Chapter 5 study guide Know the definition and function of the following: Neuron Dendrite Axon terminals Resting potential Myelin sheath Synapses Autonomic nervous system Skeletal motor system Thalamus Cerebellum Limbic system Hypothalamus 4 lobes Principle of topographic organization Primary motor cortex Corpus callosum Hippocampus Left versus right hemisphere Wernicke’s aphasia Sympathetic versus parasympathetic division of autonomic system hormones ************************************************************************** In which part of the neuron does the action potential take place? What are the 2 parts of the central nervous system? What connects the central nervous system to the peripheral nervous system? What is the function of a sensory neuron? What type of neurons send messages to the muscles? Know the difference between EEG, PET, fMRI Know the difference between cranial and spinal nerves. What is the difference in result if the spinal cord is severed closer up to the brain than lower down? What brain part involves sleep and arousal?