Nervous System Exam Review: Key Concepts & Terms

Nervous System Exam Review
General Info
Be able to diagram how the nervous system is organized (refer to concept map).
What is the fundamental unit of the nervous system?
Distinguish between a neuron and a neuroglia cell.
Know the 5 types of neuroglia cell --- where are they found, what do they do.
Identify neurons by structural classification and functional classification.
Explain how an impulse travels and the ions involved.
Terms: action potential
resting membrane potential
sodium-potassium pump
Know the two types of conduction for impulses/a.p. and how they work.
Compare the inside of a resting neuron cell to the outside of the cell.
Explain the function of a neurotransmitter?
Know classification of neurotransmitters (2) and examples of each.
Which neurotransmitter is released from a motor neuron?
What is the difference between a postsynaptic neuron and a presynaptic neuron.
Define synapse.
Be able to label a neuron!!
Central Nervous System
Be able to label the brain and spinal cord!!
Know the functions of the brain – function of cerebrum, cerebellum, hypothalamus, etc.
Identify the divisions of the brain.
Name 3 ways the CNS is protected.
Name the 3 membranes of the meninges and the location of each.
Terms: mixed nerve
ascending pathway
descending pathway
Purpose of the left and right hemispheres?
Structure that connects the hemispheres?
Understand the following: false memory, skill memory, short vs. long term memory, fact memory,
memory consolidation
Peripheral Nervous System
Explain a reflex arc.
Minimum number of neurons involved in a reflex arc?
Have a general idea of the steps involved in a reflex arc.
Know types of reflexes and examples of each.
Review divisions of the PNS and what each division effects.
Define an effector.
Number of cranial nerves?
Number of spinal nerves?
Be sure to review your notes and worksheets!! 