Coordination Revision

Year 9 General Science – Coordination Revision
Name: ________________________
1. What is CNS? [2]
2. What is PNS? [2]
3. What is the medical term for : [3]
a) nerve cells __________________________
b) nerve messages ___________________________
c) nerves from the brain _______________________________
4. What is the meaning of Coordination? [2]
5. What are stimuli? Give 3 examples [4]
6. What are effectors in a response? [2]
7. Give the meaning of a endocrine gland. (including these terms: target organs, blood, hormone,
without ducts) [2]
8. Which are the 3 main parts of the brain? State their functions. [3+6]
9. Why our brain is highly folded? [1]
10. Our brain is a soft and delicated organ, give 2 ways in which it is protected from damages.[2]
11. Label the structure of a neuron [6]
Use these words: terminal knob, axon,
dendrites, myelin (fatty sheath), cell body,
12. What are the 3 main types of neurons? [3]
13. What are the differences between sensory
and motor neurons? [4]
14. What is the name of the gap found between neurons? Name the chemicals secreted at the
terminal knobs that allow the nerve impulses to carry on.
15. What is a reflex action? Give 3 examples [5]
16. Arrange the sequences in order. [6]
effector (arm muscle contracts), stimulus (stabbed by a nail), withdrawal of hand
pain receptor in the skin of hand, motor neuron,
connector neuron, sensory neuron (in spinal cord)
17. Give 2 differences
between voluntary action and reflex action. [3]
18. Give 2 differences between an endocrine and an exocrine glands? Give an example for each
type. [4]
19. Give 2 differences between nervous and endocrine coordination or systems. [4]
20. Write down a paragraph about diabetes.
use these key words: pancreas, blood sugar, taken up the cells for respiration, insufficient
insulin, sugar in urine [4]
21. What are the uses of sex hormones in males and females? Give examples [6]
22. Label the 6 glands in the diagram and write down the hormone secreted and a function for
each gland (next to the label).