Review: Steps in a Heterogeneous Catalytic Reaction 7. Diffusion of B from external surface to the bulk fluid (external diffusion) 1. Mass transfer of A to surface 2. Diffusion of A from pore mouth to internal catalytic surface L19-1 3. Adsorption of A onto catalytic surface 6. Diffusion of B from pellet interior to pore mouth 5. Desorption of product B from surface 4. Reaction on surface Ch 10 assumes steps 1,2,6 & 7 are fast, so only steps 3, 4, and 5 need to be considered Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Review: Guidelines for Deducing Mechanisms L19-2 • More than 70% of heterogeneous reaction mechanisms are surface reaction limited • When you need to propose a rate limiting step, start with a surface reaction limited mechanism unless you are told otherwise • If a species appears in the numerator of the rate law, it is probably a reactant • If a species appears in the denominator of the rate law, it is probably adsorbed in the surface i jk Generic equation: r ' A kPP i j 1 KiPi K jPj KkPk Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-3 L19: External Diffusion Effects • Up until now we have assumed adsorption, surface reaction, or desorption was rate limiting, which means there are no diffusion limitations • In actuality, for many industrial reactions, the overall reaction rate is limited by the rate of mass transfer of products and reactants between the bulk fluid and the catalyst surface • External diffusion (today) • Internal diffusion (L20, L21 & L21b) • Goal: Overall rate law for heterogeneous catalyst with external diffusion limitations. This new overall reaction rate would be inserted into the design equation to get W, XA, CA, etc External diffusion Internal diffusion Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-4 Mass Transfer • Diffusion: spontaneous intermingling or mixing of atoms or molecules by random thermal motion • External diffusion: diffusion of the reactants or products between bulk fluid and external surface of the catalyst • Molar flux (W) • Molecules of a given species within a single phase will always diffuse from regions of higher concentrations to regions of lower concentrations • This gradient results in a molar flux of the species, (e.g., A), WA (moles/area•time), in the direction of the concentration gradient • A vector: WA iWAx jWAy kWAz Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-5 Molar Flux W & Bulk Motion BA Molar flux consists of two parts • Bulk motion of the fluid, BA • Molecular diffusion flux relative to the bulk motion of the fluid produced by a concentration gradient, JA • WA = BA + JA (total flux = bulk motion + diffusion) Bulk flow term for species A, BA: total flux of all molecules relative to fixed coordinates (SWi) times the mole fraction of A (yA): BA y A Wi Or, expressed in terms of concentration of A & the molar average velocity V: BA CA V BA CA yiVi mol m2 s mol m 3 s m The total molar flux of A in a binary system composed of A & B is then: WA JA CA V ←In terms of concentration of A WA JA CA yi Vi WA JA y A WA WB ←In terms of mol fraction A Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-6 Diffusional Flux of A, JA & Molar Flux W WA = JA + BA (total flux = diffusion + bulk motion) WA JA CA V WA JA CA yi Vi WA JA y A WA WB Diffusional flux of A resulting from a concentration difference, JA, is related to the concentration gradient by Fick’s first law: mol JA cDABy A 2 m s c: total concentration DAB: diffusivity of A in B yA: mole fraction of A i j k gradient in rectangular coordinates x y z Putting it all together: WA cDABy A y A Wi General equation i WA cDABy A y A WA WB molar flux of A in binary system of A & B Effective diffusivity, DAe: diffusivity of A though multiple species Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-7 Simplifications for Molar Flux WA = JA + BA (total flux = diffusion + bulk motion) General equation: WA cDABy A y A Wi WA cDABy A y A WA WB i Molar flux of A in binary system of A & B • For constant total concentration: cDAB yA = DAB CA • When there is no bulk flow: Wi 0 i • For dilute concentrations, yA is so small that: y A Wi 0 i For example, consider 1M of a solute diffusing in water, where the concentration of water is 55.6 mol water/dm3 yA CA 1 y A 0.018 CA CW 1 55.6 0 Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-8 Evaluation of Molar Flux Type 1: Equimolar counter diffusion (EMCD) • For every mole of A that diffuses in a given direction, one mole of B diffuses in the opposite direction • Fluxes of A and B are equal in magnitude & flow counter to each other: WA = - WB WA cDABy A y A WA WB 0 bulk motion ≈ 0 WA cDABy A or for constant total concentration: WA DABCA Type 2: Dilute concentration of A: y A Wi 0 i WA cDABy A y A WA WB WA cDABy A or constant Ctotal : 0 WA DABCA Type 3: Diffusion of A though stagnant B: WB=0 1 cDABy A WA cDABy A y A WA WB WA 1 yA 0 Type 4: Forced convection drives the flux of A. Diffusion in the direction of flow (JA) is tiny compared to the bulk flow of A in that direction (z): WA cDABy A CA Vz WA CA Vz WA CA Ac 0 diffusion ≈ 0 volumetric flow rate cross-sectional area Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-9 Boundary Conditions • Boundary layer • Hydrodynamics boundary layer thickness: distance from a solid object to where the fluid velocity is 99% of the bulk velocity U0 • Mass transfer layer thickness: distance from a solid object to where the concentration of the diffusing species is 99% of the bulk concentration • Typically diffusive transport is modelled by treating the fluid layer next to a solid boundary as a stagnant film of thickness CAb CAs CAs: Concentration of A at surface CAb: Concentration of A in bulk In order to solve a design equation that accounts for external diffusion limitations we need to set the boundary conditions Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-10 Types of Boundary Conditions 1. Concentration at the boundary (i.e., catalyst particle surface) is specified: • If a specific reactant concentration is maintained or measured at the surface, use the specified concentration • When an instantaneous reaction occurs at the boundary, then CAs≈0 2. Flux at the boundary (i.e., catalyst particle surface) is specified: a) No mass transfer at surface (nonreacting surface) WA surface 0 b) Reaction that occurs at the surface is at steady state: set the molar flux on the surface equal to the rate of reaction at the surface WA surface rA '' reaction rate per unit surface area (mol/m2·sec) c) Convective transport across the boundary layer occurs WA boundary k c CAb CAs 3. Planes of symmetry: concentration profile is symmetric about a plane • Concentration gradient is zero at the plane of symmetry Radial diffusion in a tube: r dC A 0 at r=0 dr r Radial diffusion in a sphere Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-11 Correlation for Convective Transport Across the Boundary Layer For convective transport across the boundary layer, the boundary condition is: WA boundary k c CAb CAs The mass transfer coefficient for a single spherical particle is calculated from the Frössling correlation: D k c AB Sh dp kc: mass transfer coefficient dp: diameter of pellet (m) DAB: diffusivity (m2/s) Sh: Sherwood number (dimensionless) Sh 2 0.6Re1 2 Sc1 3 Udp Schmidt number: Sc Reynold's number Re= DAB : kinematic viscosity or momentum diffusivity (m2/s); m/r r: fluid density (kg/m3) m: viscosity (kg/m·s) U: free-stream velocity (m/s) dp: diameter of pellet (m) DAB: diffusivity (m2/s) Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-12 Rapid Rxn on Catalyst Surface CAb= 1 mol/L • Spherical catalyst particle in PBR • Liquid velocity past particle U = 0.1 m/s 0.01m • Catalyst diameter dp= 1 cm = 0.01 m • Instantaneous rxn at catalyst surface CAs≈0 CAs=0 • Bulk concentration CAb= 1 mol/L Determine the flux of A to • ≡ kinematic viscosity = 0.5 x 10-6 m2/s the catalyst particle • DAB = 1x10-10 m2/s The velocity is non-zero, so we primarily have convective mass transfer to the catalyst particle: WA boundary k c CAb CAs D Ud Compute kC from k c AB Sh Sh 2 0.6 Re1 2 Sc1 3 Re= p Sc dp DAB Frössling correlation: Re 0.1m s 0.01m 0.5 10 6 2 m s Re 2000 Sc Sh 2 0.6 2000 12 0.5 10 6 m2 s 1 10 5000 1 3 10 2 Sc 5000 m s Sh 461 1 1010 m2 s 6 m kc 461 k c 4.61 10 s 0.01m Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-13 Rapid Rxn on Catalyst Surface CAb= 1 mol/L • Spherical catalyst particle in PBR • Liquid velocity past particle U = 0.1 m/s 0.01m • Catalyst diameter dp= 1cm = 0.01m • Instantaneous rxn at catalyst surface CAs≈0 CAs=0 • Bulk concentration CAb= 1 mol/L Determine the flux of A to • ≡ kinematic viscosity = 0.5 x 10-6 m2/s the catalyst particle • DAB = 1x10-10 m2/s The velocity is non-zero, so we primarily have convective mass transfer to the catalyst particle: WA boundary k c CAb CAs Computed kC from Frössling correlation: WA boundary 4.61 106 kc D AB Sh dp k c 4.61 10 6 m s m mol 1000L 3 mol W 4.61 10 1 0 A boundary s L m3 m2 s Because the reactant is consumed as soon as it reaches the surface mol WA boundary rAs '' 4.61 10 3 2 m s Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. For the previous example, derive an equation for the flux if the reaction L19-14 were not instantaneous, and was instead at steady state (WA|surface =-rA”) and followed the kinetics: -rAS’’=krCAs (Observed rate is not diffusion limited) k c CAb CAs WA boundary rAs '' kr CAs Because the reaction at the surface is at the steady state & not instantaneous: WA boundary rAs '' kr CAs CAs 0 So if CAs were in terms of measurable species, we would know WA,boundary Use the equality to put CAs in terms of measurable species (solve for CAs) k c CAb CAs k r CAs k c C Ab k c CAs k r CAs k c C Ab k r CAs k c CAs k c CAb CAs Plug into -r’’As k c CAb CAs kr k c kr k c kr k c CAb WA boundary r '' As k r CAs WA boundary r '' As kr k c kk C kk C Rapid rxn, kr>>kc→ kc in r ''As r c Ab r ''As r c Ab r ''As kcCAb denominator is negligible kr k c kr Diffusion limited kk C kk C Slow rxn, kr<<kc→ kr in r ''As r c Ab r '' As r c Ab r ''As kr CAb denominator is negligible kr k c kc Reaction limited Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-15 Mass Transfer & Rxn Limited Reactions r ''As -rA’ kr k c CAb kr k c reaction limited regime r ''As kr CAb transport limited regime r ''As kcCAb kc D AB Sh dp 12 Sh 2 0.6Re 13 Sc Re= Udp Sc DAB 12 13 Ud D p k c AB 2 0.6 dp DAB (U/dp)1/2 (fluid velocity/particle diameter)1/2 When measuring rates in the lab, use high velocities or small particles to ensure the reaction is not mass transfer limited Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-16 Mass Transfer & Rxn Limited Reactions r ''As -rA’ kr k c CAb kr k c reaction limited regime r ''As kr CAb transport limited regime r ''As kcCAb kc D AB Sh dp 12 Sh 2 0.6Re 13 Sc Re= Udp Sc DAB 12 13 Ud D p k c AB 2 0.6 dp DAB (U/dp)1/2 = (fluid velocity/particle diameter)1/2 12 12 23 16 2 3 12 d D U D k U c2 2 AB2 1 p1 k c AB k c1 U1 D AB1 2 dp2 1 6 dp1 2 Proportionality is useful for assessing parameter sensitivity Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-17 Mass Transfer Limited Rxn in PBR b c d A B C D a a a A steady state mole balance on reactant A between z and z + z : 6 1 f FAz z FAz z z r ''A ac (A c z) 0 where ac dp ac: external surface area of catalyst per volume of catalytic bed (m2/m3) f: porosity of bed, void fraction dp: particle diameter (m) r’’A: rate of generation of A per unit catalytic surface area (mol/s·m2) Divide out FAz z FAz z z Take limit 1 dFAz r '' a 0 r ''A ac 0 A c A dz Acz: as z→0: A c z c Put Faz and –rA’’ in terms of CA: FAz WAz Ac (JAz BAz )Ac Axial diffusion is negligible compared to bulk flow (convection) FAz BAz Ac UCA Ac Substitute into the mass balance dCA dU d UCA dCA U r ''A ac 0 U C r '' a 0 r ''A ac 0 A A c dz dz dz dz 0 Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-18 Mass Transfer Limited Rxn in PBR b c d A B C D a a a U dCA r ''A ac 0 dz At steady-state: Molar flux of A to particle surface = rate of disappearance of A on the surface r ''A WAr k c CA CAs Substitute mass transfer coefficient kc =DAB/ (s-1) : boundary layer thickness CAs: concentration of A at surface CA: concentration of A in bulk dCA CAs ≈ 0 in most mass transfer-limited rxns U k c ac C A C As 0 dz dC Rearrange & integrate to find how CA and the r’’A U A k c ac C A 0 varies with distance down reactor dz CA k c ac CA dCA dC A z k c ac ln z U k c ac C A dz CA0 U dz CA U C 0 A0 CA k a exp c c CA0 U k a z CA CA0 exp c c U k a z r ''A k c CA0 exp c c z U Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-19 Review: Heterogeneous Catalyst • We have looked at cases where 1) Adsorption, surface reaction, or desorption is rate limiting 2) External diffusion is rate limiting 3) Internal diffusion is rate limiting- today • Next time: Derive an overall rate law for heterogeneous catalyst where the rate limiting step as any of the 7 reaction steps. This new overall reaction rate would be inserted into the design equation to get W, XA, CA, etc Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-20 Review: Types of Boundary Conditions 1. Concentration at the boundary (i.e., catalyst particle surface) is specified: • If a specific reactant concentration is maintained or measured at the surface, use the specified concentration • When an instantaneous reaction occurs at the boundary, then CAs≈0 2. Flux at the boundary (i.e., catalyst particle surface) is specified: a) No mass transfer at surface (nonreacting surface) WA surface 0 b) Reaction that occurs at the surface is at steady state: set the molar flux on the surface equal to the rate of reaction at the surface WA surface rA '' reaction rate per unit surface area (mol/m2·sec) c) Convective transport across the boundary layer occurs WA boundary k c CAb CAs 3. Planes of symmetry: concentration profile is symmetric about a plane • Concentration gradient is zero at the plane of symmetry Radial diffusion in a tube: r dC A 0 at r=0 dr r Radial diffusion in a sphere Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-21 Review: Transport & Rxn Limited Rates kk C r ''As r c Ab kr k c -rA’ reaction limited regime: r '' As k r C Ab Used kc(CAb-CAs)=krCAS to solve for CAs & plugged back into –r”As= krCAS transport limited regime (Convective transport across boundary layer) r '' As k c C Ab D Ud k c AB Sh Sh 2 0.6Re1 2 Sc1 3 Re= p Sc dp DAB 12 13 Ud D p k c AB 2 0.6 dp DAB (U/dp)1/2 (fluid velocity/particle diameter)1/2 When measuring rates in the lab, use high velocities or small particles to ensure the reaction is not mass transfer limited Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-22 Review: Mass Transfer Limited Rxn in PBR b c d A B C D a a a A steady state mole balance on reactant A between z and z + z : 6 1 f FAz z FAz z z r ''A ac (A c z) 0 where ac dp ac: external surface area of catalyst per volume of catalytic bed (m2/m3) f: porosity of bed, void fraction dp: particle diameter (m) r’’A: rate of generation of A per unit catalytic surface area (mol/s·m2) Ac: cross-sectional area of tube containing catalyst (m2) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Divide out Acz and take limit as z→0 Put Faz and –rA’’ in terms of CA Assume that axial diffusion is negligible compared to bulk flow Assume molar flux of A to surface = rate of consumption of A at surface Rearrange, integrate, and solve for CA and r’’A k c ac CA C A0 exp U z k c ac r ''A k c CA0 exp U z Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-23 Shrinking Core Model • Solid particles are being consumed either by dissolution or reaction • The amount of the material being consumed is shrinking • Drug delivery (pill in stomach) • Catalyst regeneration • Regeneration of catalyst by burning off carbon coke in the presence of O2 • Begins at the surface and proceeds to the core • Because the amount of carbon that is consumed (burnt off) is proportional to the surface area, and the amount of carbon that is consumed decreases with time Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-24 Catalyst Regeneration Coking-deactivated catalyst particles are reactivated by burning off the carbon R0 C O2 CO2 •Oxygen (A) diffuses from particle surface (r = R0, CA = CA0) through the porous pellet r+r matrix to the unreacted core (r = R, CA = 0) •Reaction of O2 with carbon at the surface of r the unreacted core is very fast R •CO2 generated at surface of core diffuses out •Rate of oxygen diffusion from the surface of CO2 the pellet to the core controls rate of carbon removal r : radius R0:outer radius of particle R: radius of unreacted core r = 0 at core O2 What is the rate of time required for the core to shrink to a radius R? Though the core of carbon (from r = 0 to r = R0) is shrinking with time (unsteady state), we will assume the concentration profile at any time is the steady state profile over distance (R0- R): quasi-steady state assumption (QSSA) Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-25 Mole Balance on O2 From r to r+r R0 C O2 CO2 O2 Rate in - rate out WAr 4 r 2 WAr 4 r 2 r+r r r r 0 0 Oxygen reacts at the surface, not in this region r R Divide by -4r: WAr r 2 Take limit as r→0: CO2 Put WAr in terms of conc of oxygen (CA) WA De r r dCA 2 d D r 0 e dr dr WAr r 2 r d WAr r 2 dr dCA y A WA WB dr For every mole of O2 that enters, a mol of CO2 leaves → WO2=-WCO2 Plug WAr into mole balance: + gen = accum r 0 0 De: effective diffusivity dCA dr d dCA 2 r 0 dr dr WA De Divide out –De: Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-26 Mole Balance on O2 From r to r+r (2) dCA 2 d dCA 2 r K1 r 0 R0 C O2 CO2 dr dr dr K K r+r dCA 21 dr CA 1 K 2 r r Use boundary conditions to determine the concentration r profile (CA/CA0) in terms of the various radii (R, R0 & r) O2 R CO2 For any r: CA0 At r = R0, CA= CA0 and at r = R, CA= 0 K K First use CA=0 when CA 0 1 K 2 1 K2 r = R to determine K2 R R K K 1 1 Next solve for when C A K1 CA 1 1 r = R0 & CA=CA0 r R R r K K 1 1 R0 R CA CA0 1 1 Take the ratio to CA0 K1 determine CA/CA0 R R 0 CA 1 R 1 r K1 1 R 1 r C K1 1 R 1 R0 A0 1 R 1 R0 Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-27 Oxygen Concentration Profile & Flux CA 1 R 1 r CA0 1 R 1 R0 R0 C O2 CO2 O2 CA: oxygen concentration CAb = CA0 Oxygen concentration Profile at time t r+r 1 r R CO2 0.8 0.6 CA 0.4 C A0 0.2 Finally determine the 0 flux of oxygen to the 0 10 20 R surface of the core: (center) (core) r R0 dC A WA De dr d CA0 1 R 1 r DeCA0 CA0 1 R 1 r WA De CA WA dr 1 R 1 R 1 R 1 R0 0 1 R 1 R0 r 2 Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-28 Mass Balance on Carbon (C) R0 C O2 CO2 O2 r+r r R In – out + gen = accumulation 4 d R3 rCfC 3 0 0 r ''c 4 R2 dt Elemental C does not enter or leave the surface Change in the mass of the carbon core r’’C: rate of C gen. per unit surface area of core (mol/s·m2) rC: density of solid C fC: fraction of the volume of the core that is C 4 3 d R rCfC r ''c dR Simplify mass balance: 3 rCfC dt r ''c 4 R2 dt The rate of carbon disappearance (-dR/dt) is equal to the rate of oxygen flux to the surface of the core, -WO2 = WCO2, and this occurs at a radius of R so: DeCA0 DeCA0 r''C = r''C - WA WB R R 2 R0 1 R 1 R0 r 2 CO2 Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-29 Time Required to Shrink Core to Radius R R0 O2 r ''c dR dt rCfC C O2 CO2 r+r R R 2 t R R0 DeCA0 R R t 2 3R0 rCfC R0 3 DeCA0 dt Integrate over 0 to t & R0 to R 0 rCfC R R R0 dR 2 R R 2 R0 Substitute r’’c into -dR/dt, dR D C 1 e A0 get like terms together, dt rCfC R R2 R0 integrate, & solve for t r CO2 -r''c = DeCA0 R2 R3 R02 R03 DeCA0 t 2 3R0 2 3R0 rCfC R2 R3 R02 R02 DeC A0 t 2 3R0 2 3 rCfC 3R0R2 2R3 3R02 2R02 DeC A0 t 6R0 6R0 6 rCfC Get common denominators 3R0R2 2R3 R02 DeC A0 t 6R0 6R0 6 rCfC Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-30 Time Required to Shrink Core to Radius R R0 O2 C O2 CO2 r+r r R CO2 3R0R2 2R3 R02 DeC A0 t 6R0 6R0 6 rCfC Solve for t: 3R0R2 2R3 R02 rCfC t 6R0 6R0 6 DeCA0 Factor out R02/6 3R2 2R3 rCfCR02 2 3 1 t Factor out -1 R 6DeCA0 R0 0 3R2 2R3 rCfCR02 1 2 3 t R R0 6DeCA0 0 2 3 R R rCfCR02 1 3 t 2 R0 R0 6DeCA0 2 3 At the core of the 2 0 0 rCfCR02 r f R C C 0 catalyst particle, t 1 3 t 2 R R 6D C 6DeCA0 0 0 e A0 R=0, then: Complete regeneration Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-31 L20: Internal Diffusion Effects in Spherical Catalyst Particles Internal diffusion: diffusion of the reactants or products from the external pellet surface (pore mouth) to the interior of the pellet. (Chapter 12) When the reactants diffuse into the pores within the catalyst pellet, the concentration at the pore mouth will be higher than that inside the pore and the entire catalytic surface is not accessible to the same concentration. CAs CA(r) CAb External diffusion Internal diffusion Though A is diffusing inwards, convention of Porous catalyst shell balance is flux is in direction of particle increasing r. (flux is positive in direction of External surface increasing r). In actuality, flux of A will have a negative sign since it moves inwards. Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Basic Molar Balance for Differential Element CAs R L19-32 An irreversible rxn A→B occurs on the surface of pore walls within a spherical pellet of radius R: 2 Rate of A in at r = WAr · area = WAr 4r r r r+r 2 Rate of A out at r - r = WAr · area = WAr 4r r r The mole balance over the shell thickness r is: Spherical shell of IN OUT inner radius r & outer radius r+r WAr 4r 2 r WAr 4r 2 + r r GEN =ACCUM rA 4rm2r rc 0 Volume of shell r’A: rate of reaction per mass of catalyst (mol/g•s) rc: mass of catalyst per unit volume of catalyst (catalyst density) rm: mean radius between r and r - r d WAr r 2 Divide by -4r & Differential BMB in 2 rA r rc 0 spherical catalyst particle take limit as r →0 dr Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-33 Diffusion Equation (Step 2) CAs IN WAr 4r 2 R r OUT WAr 4r 2 + r r GEN =ACCUM rA 4rm2r rc 0 Steady state assumption implies equimolar counter diffusion, WB = -WA (otherwise A or B would r+r accumulate) dy A dC A WA cDe De dr dr Must use effective diffusivity, De, instead of DAB to account for: 1) Tortuosity of paths 2) Void spaces 3) Pores having varying cross-sectional areas r DA bulk diffusivify De DAB fpc fp ~ pellet porosity (Vvoid space/Vvoid & solid) (typical ~ 0.4) constriction factor (typical ~ 0.8) tortuosity (distance molecule travels between 2 pts/actual distance between those 2 pts) (typical ~ 3.0) Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-34 Diffusion & Rxn in a Spherical Catalyst BMB : WAr 4r 2 r WAr 4r 2 r r rA 4rm2r rc 0 C As R d WAr r 2 dr r r 2r A c 0 Diffusion: WA cDe r dy A dC De A dr dr Write the rate law r '' A k "n C A n based on surface area: Relate r’A to r’’A by: BMB : d WAr r 2 dr mol -r ' A r '' A Sa g cat s r r 2r A c 0 dCA 2 2 d n D r r r S k " C 0 e C a n A dr dr Sa mol m2 s catalyst surface area mass of catalyst Insert the diffusion eq & the rate eq into the BMB: Boundary Conditions: CA finite at r=0 CA = CAs at r =R Solve to get CA(r) and use the diffusion equation to get WAr(r) Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-35 Dimensionless Variables dCA 2 2 d n D r r r S k " C e C A n A 0 Put into dimensionless form dr dr n 2 n1 CA k " S r R C k " S r R C r n a c As As (Psi) fn2 fn2 n a c C As De CAs 0 R De R d2 2 d 2 n f n 0 2 d d Boundary Conditions: =1 at =1 =finite at =0 Thiele modulus for rxn of nth order ≡ fn Subscript n = reaction order fn2 fn is small: surface reaction is rate limiting fn is large: internal diffusion is rate limiting The solution for CA 1 sinh f1 CAs sinh f1 a 1st order rxn: "a" surface rxn rate "a" diffusion rate CA C As small f1 medium f1 large f1 small f1: surface rxn control, significant amount of reactant R diffuses into pellet interior w/out reacting r=0 large f1: surface rxn is rapid, reactant is consumed very closed to the external surface of pellet (A waste of precious metal inside of pellet) Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Internal Effectiveness Factor, L19-36 Internal effectiveness factor: (1) the relative importance of diffusion and reaction limitations (2) a measurement of how far the reactant diffuses into the pellet before reacting actual observed overall rate of rxn rate of reaction if entire interior surface were exposed to CAs & Ts r 'A mass of catalyst rA r ''A rAs r ''As r 'As mass of catalyst For example, when n=1 (1st order kinetics, -r’’As ) 4R2 WAs r R 4 3 r As R 3 dC A df 2 4 R D C 4R De e As d 1 dr r R 4 3 4 3 R rc Sak "1 CAs rc Sak "1 CAs R 3 3 2 x x e e 3 cosh x 2 f1 coth f1 1 where coth x= f sinh x e x e x 1 2 e x e x 2 e x e x Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-37 Internal Diffusion & Overall Rxn Rate r ''A r '' As quantifies how internal diffusion affects the overall rxn rate Effectiveness factor vs fn 1 0.8 Reaction limited 0.6 0.4 0.2 Internal diffusion limited 0.1 0.2 1 2 f1 4 6 8 10 As particle diameter ↓, fn ↓, →1, rxn is surface rxn limited As particle diameter ↑, fn ↑, →0, rxn is diffusion limited This analysis was for spherical particles. A similar approach can be used to evaluate other geometries, non-isothermal rxn, & more complex rxn kinetics Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-38 Effectiveness Factor & Rxn Rate 3 2 f1 coth f1 1 f1 f1 R rck1Sa De k1CAs Sa rA rAs R f1 1 surface-reaction-limited when f1 ,( 30) can be simplified to: De 3 3 , 1 f1 R k1rc Sa f1 is large, diffusion-limited reaction inside the pellet (external diffusion will have a negligible effect on the overall rxn rate because internal diffusion limits the rxn rate) r 3 A 2 f1 coth f1 1 rAs f1 internal-diffusion-limited: De 3 r k1CAs Sa A rA k1CAs Sa R k1rc Sa -rA De 3 R k1rc Sa 3 DeSak1 CAs R rc Overall rate for 1st-order rxn Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-39 Clicker Question rA k1CAs Sa Overall rate for 1st-order rxn De 3 R k1rc Sa rA De 3 k1CAs Sa R k1rc Sa When the overall rate of rxn when the reaction is limited by internal diffusion, which of the following would decrease the internal diffusion limitation? (a) decreasing the radius R of the particle (b) increasing the concentration of the reactant (c) increasing the temperature (d) increasing the internal surface area (e) Both a and b Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L19-40 Total Rate of Consumption of A in Pellet, MA (mol/s) • At steady state, net flow of A into pellet at the external surface completely reacts within the pellet • Overall molar rxn rate = total molar flow of A into catalyst pellet • MA = (external surface area of pellet) x (molar flux of A into pellet at external surface) • MA =the net rate of reaction on and within the catalyst pellet CA d C C dC As As A dCA 2 2 R MA 4 R WAr r R MA 4 R De dr d r dr r R R MA 4 R 2 De C As R CA d C As r d R r R MA 4 RDe CAs d d 1 r R Slides courtesy of Prof M L Kraft, Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.