HO-Transport Across Membrane

Transport Across Membrane
Passive Transport
Simple Diffusion - water, oxygen and other
molecules move from areas of high
concentration to areas of low concentration,
down a concentration gradient
Facilitation Diffusion - diffusion that is assisted
by proteins (channel or carrier proteins)
Osmosis - diffusion of water from a high concentration to low concentration. Salt Sucks!!!!
Types of Solutions:
1. Isotonic: The amount of water (solvent) and dissolved substances (solutes) are
the same. Cell is in balance
2. Hypotonic: Causes cell to swell because the concentration of water is greater
outside the cell than in. This is because the solute concentration is greater in the
cell than outside.
3. Hypertonic: Causes cell to shrink because the concentration of water is less
inside the cell than outside. This is because the solute concentration is greater
outside the cell than inside.