NARSC Liaison Report Dec 2015 v3

North America Regional Standards
Committee (NA RSC)
December 2015
NARSC Report - December 2015
Current Structure of NA Standards Committees
NARSC Fall 2015 Meeting
Upcoming Events
Overall TC/WG Updates
Staff Contact Information
NARSC Report - December 2015
Current Structure of the NARSC [1/2]
Chair: Steve Lewis (DPS Engineering)
Chair: Chris Evanston (Salus Engineering)
Vice-Chair: David Busing (Consultant)
Vice-Chair: Brian Rubow (Cimetrix)
Automated Test Equip
Ajay Khoche (Khoche Consulting)
Jim Oliver (Northrup Grumman)
Russ Kremer (Freiberger)
Chris Evanston (Salus)
Sean Larsen (LAM Research)
Bert Planting (ASML)
Steve Lewis (DPS Engineering)
Tim Volin (Parker Hannifin)
Mohamed Saleem (Fujikin)
Wes Erck (W.Erck & Associates)
Bryan Barnes (NIST)
Win Baylies (BayTech-Resor)
Yaw Obeng (NIST)
Information & Control
Jack Ghiselli (Consultant)
Lance Rist (Industry Consultant)
Brian Rubow (Cimetrix)
Stefan Radloff (Intel)
Matt Fuller (Entegris)
Iain Black (Philips)
Mike Feng (Silian)
Chris Moore (BayTech-Resor)
Eric Armour (Veeco)
Liquid Chemicals
Frank Flowers (PeroxyChem)
Win Baylies (BayTech-Resor)
Steve Martell (Sonoscan)
Photovoltaic (PV)
Win Baylies (BayTech-Resor)
James Moyne (Univ of Michigan)
PV - Materials
Lori Nye
John Valley (Sun Edison)
Hugh Gotts (Air Liquide)
Bill Colbran (Engenuity)
David Bouldin (Fab Consulting)
Mark Frankfurth (Cymer)
NARSC Report - December 2015
Silicon Wafer
Noel Poduje (SMS)
Dinesh Gupta (STA)
Mike Goldstein, vice-chair
Sesh Ramaswami (AMAT)
Rich Allen (SEMATECH)
Chris Moore (BayTech-Resor)
Technical Architects
Board (TAB)
James Moyne (Univ of Michigan)
Yaw Obeng (NIST)
Current Structure of the NARSC [2/2]
Chair: Steve Lewis (DPS Engineering)
Chair: Chris Evanston (Salus Engineering)
Vice-Chair: David Busing (Consultant)
Vice-Chair: Brian Rubow (Cimetrix)
FPD (Korea)
EHS (Taiwan)
PV (China)
HyungSoo Park (SEMES)
Jong Hyeob Baek (KOPTI)
Jong Seo Lee (Samsung Display)
Il-Ho Kim (LMS)
Shuh-Woei Yu (SAHTECH)
Fang-Ming Hsu (TSMC)
Guangchun Zhang (Canadiansolar)
Jun Liu (China Electronics
Standardization Institute)
Gases & Liquid
Chemicals TC CFG
FPD Metrology (Korea)
FPD (Taiwan)
Jong Seo Lee (Samsung Display)
Il-Ho Kim (LMS)
Tzeng-Yow Lin (ITRI)
Jia-Ming Liu (TDMDA)
TBD (---)
Facilities (Korea)
I&C (Taiwan)
Kwang Sun Kim (KUT)
Robert Chien (TSMC)
I&C (Korea)
Photovoltaic (Taiwan)
Chulhong Ahn (SK Hynix)
Gunwoo Lee (Miracom)
Hyungsu Kim (Consultant)
Technical Committee (TC) Chapters
TC Chapter Formation Groups (CFG)
NARSC Report - December 2015
B.N. Chuang (CMS/ITRI)
J.S. Chen (TeraSolar)
Ray Sung (UL Taiwan)
3DS-IC (Taiwan)
Tzu-Kun Ku (ITRI)
Wendy Chen (King Yuan
Roger Hwang (ASE)
HB-LED (China)
Yong Ji (Guizhou Haotian
Optoelectronics Technology)
Weizhi Cai
(San’an Optoelectronics)
NARSC Meeting Information
• Last Meeting
– November 1
– NA Fall 2015 Meetings
San Jose, California
• Next Meeting
– Monday, April 4
– NA Spring 2016 Meetings
San Jose, California
NARSC Report - December 2015
Upcoming NA Meetings
NA Standards Spring 2016
SEMICON West 2016
NA Standards Fall 2016
NARSC Report - December 2015
April 4-7, 2016
SEMI HQ in San Jose, California
July 11-14, 2016
Marriott San Francisco, California
November 7-10, 2016
SEMI HQ in San Jose, California
NA Standards Spring 2016 Meetings
April 4-7, San Jose, CA
Facilities & Gases
Information & Control
Liquid Chemicals
Silicon Wafer
PV Materials
Overall TC/WG Updates
(from NA Fall 2015 Meetings)
– Last meeting: Nov 3, 2015
– Approved Ballot
• Revision to SEMI 3D2, Specification for Glass Carrier
Wafers for 3DS-IC Applications [#5823A]
– Approved Activities
• New Standard: Terminology for 3DS-IC Technology
– Upcoming Ballots (Cycle 1-2016)
• New Standard: Specification for Glass Base Material for
Semiconductor Packaging [#5713]
NARSC Report - December 2015
Overall TC/WG Updates
• NA Automated Test Equipment (ATE)
– Future Standards activities anticipated from SEMI CAST (Collaborative
Alliance for Semiconductor Test) Special Interest Group. Target Q4-2015/Q12016.
– Activities will focus on next generation standard test data format and test cell
• NA Compound Semiconductor Materials
– Last meeting: May 2015 for CS MANTECH Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona
– Next meeting: CS MANTECH 2016 (May 18; Miami, Florida)
– New Activities / Upcoming Ballots (C1 or C2-2016)
• Correct nonconforming titles
– Line item revisions to M9, M9.1, M9.2, M9.5, and M9.6 (polished monocrystalline GaAs)
– Line item revision to M65 (sapphire substrates) [#5884]
– Line item revision to M75 (polished monocrystalline GaSb) [#5885]
– Line item revision to M10 (nomenclature of structures/features , GaAs) [#5882]
• Line item revision to M42 (compound semiconductor epitaxial wafers) [#5883]
NARSC Report - December 2015
Overall TC/WG Updates
(from NA Fall 2015 Meetings)
• NA Environmental Health and Safety (EHS)
– Last meeting: Nov 5, 2015
– Approved Ballots
• Doc. 4316M (LI1), S2 and S22 revision (Delayed Revision
related to Fail-to-safe Equipment Control Systems (FECS)
• Doc. 4449F (LI1), S2 revision (Delayed Revisions related to
Work at Elevated Locations and Design Criteria for
Platforms, Steps, and Ladders)
• Doc. 5892, Revision to S5 Safety Guideline for Sizing and
Identifying Flow Limiting Devices for Gases
NARSC Report - December 2015
Overall TC/WG Updates
(from NA Fall 2015 Meetings)
• NA Environmental Health and Safety (EHS),cont’d
– Approved Activities
• Line Item Revision of S27-0310, Safety Guideline for the Contents
of Environmental, Safety, and Health (ESH) Evaluation Reports
– Covers improvements based on industry input
– Upcoming Ballots (Cycle 1, 2016)
S2 Revision (Chemical Exposure) [#4683H]
S2 Revision (Non-ionizing radiation) [#5625]
S2 Revision (Pertaining to Fire) [#TBD]
S14 Revision (Risk table entries to alignment with S10 [#TBD]
New Safety Guideline for Use of Energetic Materials [5761A]
NARSC Report - December 2015
Overall TC/WG Updates
(from NA Fall 2015 Meetings)
• NA Facilities & Gases
– Last meeting: Nov 3, 2015
– Approved Ballots
• Test Method for Determining the Critical Pitting
Temperature of Stainless Steel Surfaces Used In Corrosive
Gas Systems by Use of a Ferric Chloride Solution [5876]
– Upcoming Ballots (cycle 9-2015 and 1-2016)
• Test Method for Pressure Measurement Devices [3440B]
• Line Item Revision
– SEMI E56-0314 Test Method for MFC Accuracy [5964]
– SEMI F62-0701 Test Method for Performance [5963]
NARSC Report - December 2015
Overall TC/WG Updates
(from NA Fall 2015 Meetings)
– Last meeting: Nov 5, 2015
– Approved Ballots
• Doc. 5916, Line Item Revisions to HB6-0615, Test Method
for Measurement of Thickness and Shape of Crystalline
Sapphire Wafers by Using Optical Probe
– Upcoming Ballots (C9-15)
• Doc. 5818, Line Items Revision to SEMI HB1-0315,
Specifications for Sapphire Wafers Intended for Use for
Manufacturing High Brightness-Light Emitting Diode Devices
NARSC Report - December 2015
Overall TC/WG Updates
(from NA Fall 2015 Meetings)
NA Information & Control (I&C)
Last meeting: Nov 4, 2015
Approved Ballots
New Activities
Doc. 5844A, Line Item Revision to E54, Sensor/Actuator Network Standard with title change to:
Specification for Sensor/Actuator Network
Line Item Revision to E90 (Spec for Substrate Tracking) and E90.1 (Spec for SECS-II Protocol
Substrate Tracking) [#5966]
Line Item Revision to E133, Spec for Automated Process Control Systems Interface and SEMI E133.1,
Provisional Spec for XML Messaging for Process Control Systems (PCS): Adding Virtual Metrology
(VM) specifications [#5967]
Upcoming Ballots
Revision to Add a New Subordinate Standard: Specification for Sensor/Actuator Network Specific
Device Model of a Generic Equipment Add-On Sensor (ADDON) to SEMI E54, Sensor/Actuator
Network Standard [#5274G]
New Standard: Specification for Subsystem Energy Savings Mode Communication (SESMC) [#5821B]
Line Item Revisions to E142.1, E142.2, E142.3 to correct nonconforming titles [#5912]
Line Item Revision to E172 Spec for SECS Equipment Data Dictionary (SEDD) [#5872]
Reapproval of E157 (Module Process Tracking), E154.3 (Sensor/Actuator Network)
NARSC Report - December 2015
Overall TC/WG Updates
(from NA Fall 2015 Meetings)
• NA Liquid Chemicals
– Last meeting: Nov 3, 2015
– Approved Ballots
• New Preliminary Standard: Guide for Determining the
Quality of Ion Exchanged Resin Used in Polish
Applications of Ultrapure Water System [#5621B]
– Upcoming Ballot (Cycle 1, 2016)
• Revision to SEMI F63-0213, Guide for Ultrapure Water
Used in Semiconductor Processing [#5944]
NARSC Report - December 2015
Overall TC/WG Updates
(from NA Fall 2015 Meetings)
– Last meeting: Nov 2, 2015
– Approved Ballot
• MS4-1113 line item revision, with title change to: Test Method for
Young's Modulus Measurements of Thin, Reflecting Films Based on
the Frequency of Beams in Resonance (#5870A)
– Task Force update
• Charter and Scope was modified to add Materials Characterization
• New leadership - Rich Allen/NIST
NARSC Report - December 2015
Overall TC/WG Updates
(from NA Fall 2015 Meetings)
• NA Metrics
– Last meeting: Nov 4, 2015
– Upcoming Ballots
• Reapproval of SEMI E114-0302E (Reapproved 0309) - Test Method for RF Cable
Assemblies Used in Semiconductor Processing Equipment RF Power Delivery
System [5819]
• Reapproval of SEMI E115-0302E (Reapproved 0309) - Test Method for
Determining the Load Impedance and Efficiency of Matching Networks Used in
Semiconductor Processing Equipment RF Power Delivery Systems [5820]
– Webinars covering critical SEMI Metrics Standards, including E10: Specification
for Definition and Measurement of Equipment Reliability, Availability, and
Maintainability and E79: Specification for Definition and Measurement of Equipment
Productivity, are under development.
• Posted on
NARSC Report - December 2015
Overall TC/WG Updates
(from NA Fall 2015 Meetings)
• NA PV Materials
– Last meeting: Nov 4, 2015
– Approved Ballots
• Test Method for In-Line Measurement of Saw Marks on PV Silicon Wafers by
Laser Triangulation Sensors [#5802B]
• Test Method for In Line, Noncontact Measurement of Thickness and
Thickness Variation of Silicon Wafers for PV Applications Using Laser
Triangulation Sensors[#5803B]
– Upcoming Ballots (C9-2015 and 1-2016)
• Line Item Revision
– PV10, Test Method for Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) of
– PV1, Test Method for Measuring Trace Elements in Silicon Feedstock for
Silicon Solar Cells by High-Mass Resolution Glow Discharge Mass
• Reapprovals: PV25(SIMS Test Method), PV21 (Silane), PV24 (Ammonia), PV26
(Hydrogen Selenide)
NARSC Report - December 2015
Overall TC/WG Updates
(from NA Fall 2015 Meetings)
• NA Physical Interfaces & Carriers (PIC)
– Last meeting: Nov 4, 2015
– Upcoming Ballots (C9-2015 and C1-2016)
• Reapprovals:
E1-1110 Specification for Open Plastic and Metal Wafer Carriers
E15-0698E2 (Reapproved 0310) Specification for Tool Load Port
SEMI E15.1-0305 (Reapproved 1110) Specification for 300 mm Tool Load Port
E100-1104 (Reapproved 0710) Specification for a Reticle SMIF Pod (RSP) Used to
Transport and Store 6 Inch or 230 mm Reticles
– E117-1104 (Reapproved 0710) Specification for Reticle Load Port
– E131-0304 (Reapproved 0310) Specification for the Physical Interface of an Integrated
Measurement Module (IMM) into 300 mm Tools Using Bolts-M
• Line Item Revisions
– E57-0600 (Reapproved 1110) with Title Change to: Specification for Kinematic Couplings
Used to Align and Support 300 mm Wafer Carriers
– E63-1104 (Reapproved 1110) with Title Change to: Specification for 300 mm Box
Opener/Loader to Tool Standard Mechanical (BOLTS-M) Interface
NARSC Report - December 2015
Overall TC/WG Updates
(from NA Fall 2015 Meetings)
• NA Traceability
– Last meeting: Nov 2, 2015
– Ballot Approved
• (#5920) Reapproval of T16-0310 - Specification for Marking of
Glass Flat Panel Display Substrates with a Two-dimensional Matrix
Code Symbol
• (#5922) Reapproval of T20-0710 - Specification for Authentication
of Semiconductors and Related Products
• (#5923) Reapproval of T8-1110 - Specification for Marking of
Glass Flat Panel Display Substrates with a Two-dimensional Matrix
Code Symbol
• (#5924) Reapproval of T9-1110 - Specification for Marking of
Metal Lead-frame Strips with a Two-dimensional Data Matrix
Code Symbol
NARSC Report - December 2015
Staff Assignments
• Kevin Nguyen: Automated Test Equipment, EHS, Compound
Semiconductor Materials, Microlithography, Photovoltaic
(PV), PV Materials, Silicon Wafer
• Laura Nguyen: 3DS-IC, Facilities, Gases, HB-LED,
MEMS/NEMS, Metrics, Physical Interfaces & Carriers,
• James Amano: Information & Control, Liquid Chemicals
NARSC Report - December 2015
Thank you!
Thank you!
NARSC Report - December 2015
Overall TC/WG Updates
(from SEMICON West 2015 Meetings)
• NA Microlithography
– Last meeting: July 14, 2015
– Next meeting: SPIE Advanced Lithography Conference (February 24, 2016)
– Leadership Changes
• Bryan Barnes (NIST) was appointed as TC Chapter cochair
• Rick Silver (NIST) stepped down as TC Chapter cochair
– Standards for Scatterometry TF disbanded
– SEMI P10 (Specification of Data Structures for Photomask Orders) to go into
Inactive Status
– Discontinued SNARFs
• P10 revision, Specification of Data Structures for Photomask Orders (SNARF # 5561)
– No additional document development activity planned.
• P35 reapproval, Terminology for Microlithography Metrology (SNARF # 5145)
– SEMI P35 was reapproved via the Japan Micropatterning TC Chapter in spring 2013.
• P25 revision, Specification for Measuring Depth of Focus and Best Focus (SNARF #
– SEMI P25 has already been moved into Inactive status.
NARSC Report - December 2015
Overall TC/WG Updates
(from SEMICON West 2015 Meetings)
• NA Microlithography (cont’d)
– Approved Activities / Upcoming Ballots (Q4 2015)
• Line Item Revision to SEMI P5-0704, Specification for Pellicles to include
material for EUV pellicle [#5907]
• Reapproval for SEMI P40, Specification for Mounting Requirements for
Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography Masks [#5908]
• Reapproval for SEMI P48, Specification of Fiducial Marks for EUV Mask Blank
• Line Item Revision to SEMI P39, OASISTM - Open Artwork System
Interchange Standard to correct nonconforming title [#5906]
– Feedback requested on NA Microlithography TC Chapter-Originated
Standards to go into Inactive Status (email sent on July 22, 2015 to
global Micropatterning TC)
NARSC Report - December 2015
Overall TC/WG Updates
(from SEMICON West 2015 Meetings)
• NA Silicon Wafer
– Last meeting: July 14, 2015
– Next meeting: NA Spring 2016 meetings
– Leadership Changes
• John Valley (Sun Edison) was appointed as Int’l Polished Wafer TF co-leader
– Int'l 450 mm Wafer TF was disbanded
– Approved Ballots
• Revisions
– MF1535 (#5313C), M67 (#5705), M70 (#5706), M68 (#5806), M77 (#5807), M50 (#5805)
• Line Item Revisions
– ME1392 (#5746), M1 (#5655, EE reductions), M48 (#5744), MF1389 (#5849),
• Reapprovals
– M16 (#5845), M17 (#5846), M66 (#5847), MF1153 (#5848), MF1529 (#5850), MF1618 (#5851),
MF1725 (#5852), MF1726 (#5853), MF1727 (#5854), MF1809 (#5856), MF1810 (#5858)
• Withdrawal
– MF2166 (#5857)
NARSC Report - December 2015
Overall TC/WG Updates
(from SEMICON West 2015 Meetings)
NA Silicon Wafer (cont’d)
New Activities
New Standard: Specification Of Developmental 450mm Diameter Polished Single Crystal Notchless Silicon Wafers With
Back Surface Fiducial Marks - SNARF was abandoned
Revision of SEMI M1-0215 Specifications for Polished Single Crystal Silicon Wafers
Line Item Revision to SEMI M1 (illustration of Geometry Parameters)
New Activities / Upcoming Ballots (C6/C7-2015)
Line Item Revision of SEMI M57-0515, Specifications for Silicon Annealed Wafers
Line Item Revision of SEMI M62-0515, Specifications for Silicon Epitaxial Wafers
Reapprovals of:
NARSC Report - December 2015
MF42-1105, Test Methods for Conductivity Type of Extrinsic Semiconducting Materials
MF43-0705, Test Methods for Resistivity of Semiconductor Materials
MF81-1105, Test Method for Measuring Radial Resistivity Variation on Silicon Wafers
MF154-1105, Guide for Identification of Structures and Contaminants Seen on Specular Silicon Surfaces
MF674-0705, Practice for Preparing Silicon for Spreading Resistance Measurements
MF847-0705, Test Method for Measuring Crystallographic Orientation of Flats on Single Crystal Silicon Wafers by X-Ray
MF951-0305, Test Method for Determination of Radial Interstitial Oxygen Variation in Silicon Wafers
MF1152-0305, Test Methods for Dimensions of Notches on Silicon Wafers
MF1239-0305, Test Method for Oxygen Precipitation Characteristics of Silicon Wafers by Measurement of Interstitial
Oxygen Reduction
MF2139-1103, Test Method for Measuring Nitrogen Concentration in Silicon Substrates by Secondary Ion Mass
MF1617-0304, Test Method for Measuring Surface Sodium, Aluminum, Potassium, and Iron on Silicon and EPI Substrates by
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
MF533-0310, Test Method for Thickness and Thickness Variation of Silicon Wafers
Overall TC/WG Updates
(from SEMICON West 2015 Meetings)
• NA Silicon Wafer (cont’d)
– Upcoming Ballots (C6/C7-2015)
• Line Item Revision of SEMI MF1771-1110, Test Method for Evaluating Gate Oxide
Integrity by Voltage Ramp Technique
• Revision of SEMI MF1391-1107 (Reapproved 0912), Test Method for Substitutional
Atomic Carbon Content of Silicon by Infrared Absorption
• Revision of SEMI M53-0310, Practice for Calibrating Scanning Surface Inspection Systems
Using Certified Depositions of Monodisperse Reference Spheres on Unpatterned
Semiconductor Wafer Surfaces
• Line Item Revision of SEMI MF1811-0310, Guide for Estimating the Power Spectral
Density Function and Related Finish Parameters from Surface Profile Data
– Discontinued SNARF
• (#5070) M76 Revision, Specification for Developmental 450 mm Diameter Polished
Single Crystal Silicon Wafers
NARSC Report - December 2015
NA Standards Meetings held at
NA Fall 2015 (Nov 1-5)
Facilities & Gases
Information & Control
Liquid Chemicals
PV Materials
Physical Interfaces & Carriers
NARSC Report - December 2015