Chronicle of a Death Foretold Unit Overview All students will sign up

Chronicle of a Death Foretold Unit Overview
All students will sign up for one of the Interactive Oral topics. On the day they lead the discussion, they are also
required to hand in a bibliography (in MLA format) of where they got their information, notes they took while
researching, and an outline of what they are presenting to their peers.
Day 1: Introduction to Unit
Article Reading/Discussion
Interactive Oral Sign-Up/Work Time
Homework: Work on Interactive Oral
Day 2: Interactive Oral Presentation – Topic: Author’s biography and work
Start reading
Homework: Chapter 1 and Work on Interactive Oral
Day 3: Close Reading #1
Foster’s Chapter 23
Homework: Journal #1 and Work on Interactive Oral
Day 4: Journal #1 due
Interactive Oral Presentation – Topic: Religion
Homework: Chapter 2 and Work on Interactive Oral
Day 5: Close Reading #2
Foster’s Chapter 24
Homework: Journal #2 and Work on Interactive Oral
Day 6: Journal #2 due
Interactive Oral Presentation – Topic: Politics/Historical Events
Homework: Chapter 3 and Work on Interactive Oral
Day 7: Interactive Oral Presentation – Topic: Marriage/Wedding Traditions
Homework: Journal #3 and Work on Interactive Oral
Day 8: Journal #3 due
Close Reading #3 – Quiz
Homework: Chapter 4 and Work on Interactive Oral and Journal #4
Day 9: Journal #4 due
Interactive Oral Presentation – Topic: Gender Roles
Homework: Found Close Reading Passage and Chapter 5
Day 10: Found Close Reading Passages Activity
Homework: Reflective Statement and Vocab List
Day 11: Reflective Statement and Vocabulary due
Supervised Writing (In-Class Only)