Short Story Exam Review

Short Story Exam Review
Pick up a Short Story Unit Exam Review on
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Literary Terms
Plot- : The arrangement and interrelation of events in a
narrative work which engages the reader’s attention while
also providing a framework for the exposition of the
author’s message, theme or other such elements.
Types of External conflict- man vs. nature,
man vs. man, man vs. machine, man vs. society and man vs.
Types of Internal conflict- or man vs. self, involves a
character who is fighting something within themselves.
Literary Terms
Protagonist- The most important or leading character in a
work who is usually identical to the hero/heroine… but
not always. The protagonist has both good and bad
Antagonist- The character pitted against the protagonist
of a work. He or she usually has evil or distasteful
qualities, but is not necessarily all bad.
Foreshadowing- is a literary device in which a writer
gives an advance hint of what is to come later in the
Literary Terms
Suspense- What builds the reader’s attention.
Setting- time and place that provides general background
for the characters and plot of the story.
Static- A character who stays the same throughout the
work, from the beginning to the end
Flat- Characters that are not developed; are easily
recognizable by their lack of complexity; and are usually
created to emphasize a single important trait.
Literary Terms
Round- Characters that have a level of complexity and
depth we associate with real people and that have been
fully developed by the author
Dynamic- A character who has an epiphany or
experiences a change during the course of the work.
Theme- A statement that the text seems to be making
about the subject of the literary work. This can be moral
or an amoral lesson.
Epiphany- the insight or revelation
gained when one suddenly understands the significance of
Literary Terms
Motivation- The mixture of situation and personality that
compels a character to behave the way he or she does.
Dramatic Irony- : the audience knows or understands more than
the actual characters involved
Situational Irony- when one thing is expected to happen but the
opposite occurs
Verbal Irony- the result of a statement saying one thing while
meaning the opposite
Sarcasm: a type of irony in which a person appears to be
praising something but is actually insulting it
Literary Terms
First Person Point of View- The character telling the story
speaks as though it had happened to him or her personally. The
narrator uses personal
pronouns such as “I,”
“me,” “my,” etc.
Third Person Limited- The author tells the story as though
he or she can only perceive the thoughts and feelings of one of
the characters.
Plot Diagrams
Get out your plot diagrams for “The Most Dangerous
Game,” “The Cask of Amontillado,” “War,” and “The
Exposition- Setting the scene (characters; setting)
Rising Action- Complications/conflicts
Climax- The character faces the problem and overcomes
it or is overcome by it
Falling Action- Leads to the resolution
Resolution- The ending
“The Most Dangerous Game”
Protagonist- Rainsford
Antagonist- Zaroff
Setting- Ship-Trap Island
Key Conflicts- Man vs Man; Man vs Nature
Climax- When Zaroff sees Rainsford behind the curtain
Resolution- Zaroff dies and Rainsford wins
Point of View- Third Person Limited
Thematic Statement-
“The Cask of Amontillado”
Protagonist- Fortunato
Antagonist- Montresor
Setting- Italy during Carnival
Key Conflicts- Man vs Man
Climax- When Montresor chains Fortunato
Resolution-Montresor kills Fortunato; No one ever finds
Point of View- First Person
Thematic Statement-
Protagonist- Scout
Antagonist- Ginger Beard
Setting- During a war on two different hot days
Key Conflicts- Man vs Man; Man vs himself
Climax- The ginger beard man shoots the scout
Resolution- The scout is dead
Point of View- Third Person Limited
Thematic Statement- kill or be killed
“The Sniper”
Main characters- The Sniper/ The Sniper’s brother
Setting- Dublin, Ireland on a rooftop near O’Connell
Key Conflicts- Man vs Man; Man vs Himself
Climax- He kills the enemy
Resolution- He killed his brother
Point of View- Third Person Limited
Thematic Statement-
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