Cell Replication Jeopardy Cell Cycle 100

Cell Replication Jeopardy
Cell Cycle
100- In which phase of the cell cycle does the cell division take place?
200- What are the 4 phases of the cell cycle?
G1, S, G2 and M
300- What is the name for the time period in between cell divisions?
400- In which phase of the cell cycle is the DNA replicated?
S phase
500- In eukaryotes what are the 2 steps of cell division?
Mitosis and cytokinesis
100- In mitosis one diploid cell becomes how many new daughter cells?
2 diploid cells
200- What are the 4 phases of mitosis in order?
300- What is the job of the spindle fibers?
Separates the sister chromatids during division
400- During which phase of mitosis do the sister chromatids line up along the center of the cell
and the spindle fibers attach to the centromere?
500- Why is cytokinesis not considered part of mitosis?
Mitosis is division of the nucleus only and cytokinesis is division of the cytoplasm
100- In what type of cells does meiosis occur?
Gametes or sex cells
200- How many cell divisions take place during meiosis?
2 divisions
300- What is it called when 2 homologous chromosomes combine together during prophase 1
of meiosis?
400- Why is crossing over so important to the survival of a species?
Provides variation in the offspring
500- Give 3 differences between mitosis and meiosis
2 divisions, gametes vs somatic cells, number of cells formed, variation, crossing over
Cell Cycle Regulation
100- What will form if cell cycle regulators do not function properly?
Cancer cells
200- What is the name of the main protein which regulates the cell cycle?
300- What are the 2 types of tumors that can form?
Benign and malignant
400- Give 2 types of cancer treatments
Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy
500- What is it called when a cancer cell migrates to a different part of the body?
Grab Bag
100- What is the DNA called when it is not dividing?
200- In a human how many chromosomes are in a haploid cell?
300- What is the part of the chromosome called where the 2 sister chromatids connect to each
400- What is a karyotype used for?
To diagnose genetic abnormalities
500- What forms in plant cells during mitosis that does not exist in animal cells?
Cell Plate