8th Grade Language Arts Syllabus 2015-16

Syllabus 2015 - 2016
8th Grade Language Arts
Shelia Meece
During this year, we will be focusing on the requirements set forth in the Common Core Standards. In the 8th
grade, Reading and On-Demand Writing are both assessed at the state level.
A curriculum framework is provided on my webpage. This is a guide that may be revised as the year progresses.
Behavior Guidelines:
• All students must follow the Classroom Expectations and Procedures as provided on a separate document as well as the Student Code of Conduct.
My primary rule is: RESPECT YOURSELF AND OTHERS. If each student follows this one rule, everything will fall into place and the student WILL BE SUCCESSFUL!
Supplies Needed:
3 ring binder (1-1.5 in.)
Composition book for journal writing and bell ringers
2 pencils AND/OR pens(if student prefers mechanical pencils they should have extra lead) paper
A box of Kleenexes to the homeroom class.
Grading Scale:
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = 0 - 59
Homework / Classwork:
It is VERY important that each student writes the agenda each day. If a student misses, it is his or her responsibility to get the agenda from a friend and ask for any worksheets, etc. that are needed.
Most homework / classwork assignments will be given a point value other than 100. For example, if you
have been given a set of 8 questions to complete, each question may be worth 2 or 3 points depending on the
assignment. Therefore, that assignment would be worth 16 or 24 points. To determine the equivalent to the
grading scale, divide the number correct by the number possible. For example, 20 correct answer points out
of a possible 24 points would equal an 83%.
I expect every student to read the number of minutes set to achieve the Accelerated Reader Goal, which will
be 20 – 45 minutes per night. Most homework will be AR reading and writing assignments. If time is spent
wisely in class, there will be less homework. If it is necessary for me to assign homework (in addition to
your reading), then it is imperative that you complete homework assignments as they prepare you for the
upcoming test which will be worth more points and which will determine mastery of the content.
All assignments must be turned in on the day they are due to receive full credit. Points will be deducted
from any assignments not turned in on time. I recommend that you do the assignment, even if you receive no
credit because your homework and in-class assignments prepare you for your tests.
Tests determine mastery of the content and also demonstrate whether further practice of a concept is necessary to achieve mastery. The bulk of your grade is dependent on your test scores.
Success in Language Arts class:
Language Arts consists of the many aspects of reading and writing. It is very important that the student is
organized and should keep handouts and current work easily accessible in a binder. Each student must be
diligent in completing assignments on time. It is vital that the student listens in class and writes down any
due dates or instructions. Because the use of the agenda book is such an important part of being successful
and is a great life skill, this will be included as part of the grade. If a student loses the agenda book they
have been given, he or she will be required to purchase one from the school (if available) for $2.00, purchase
one elsewhere, or use a section in his or her binder. It is also very important that the student brings an
AR book to class every day. When an assignment is completed, students are expected to read.
Study Island:
Study Island is a computer-based program that addresses many of the standards for language arts. A Study
Island schedule is posted on my webpage and a hardcopy will be given to each student. Students should
write their score as they complete the assigned topics and keep their copy in their binder. Grades will be
posted each week for the assigned topics. If a student misses, it is his or her responsibility to make those
topics up in the allotted time. If a student improves his or her score, it is their responsibility to turn in a written request for me to update their grade.
The Word - Up Project by Flocabulary is “Hip-Hop in the Classroom.” This program helps students learn
needed vocabulary with a song or rap which incorporates the vocabulary words in the lyrics. These songs
will often teach us about an event or discuss an issue in society. There are fourteen units and students will
be given a word list to keep in their binder. Each student will be expected to know the definition, how to
use the word in a sentence and be able to spell the word. A test will be given and a new unit introduced approximately every two weeks. A Flocabulary Schedule is posted on my webpage and each student will be
given a hardcopy. Any changes will be announced in class.
• A student will be appointed each week to start the “Flocabulary” rap. Students will receive bonus points for
efficiently completing this responsibility. The rap will be a signal that it is time for class to begin and each
student is expected to sit quietly and listen or work on their Flocabulary worksheet if not completed. Filling
in the blanks with vocabulary words in the rap is a part of each Flocabulary assessment so it is important to
focus on the words as the meaning of the vocabulary words is absorbed.
Accelerated Reader:
Accelerated Reader is now web-based which means there are many more tests available for the books you
want to read!
Accelerated Reader is worth two 100 point test grades. One grade is for Comprehension and the other is
determined by the number of points acquired by reading AR books.
The Accelerated Reader grade will be input for the midterm report, so if a student has no points at the
midpoint of the grading period, he or she will receive two zeros.
If permissible, there will be an AR reward each nine weeks. The rewards will vary and may or may not be
announced as to what it will consist of for that nine weeks period.
As circumstances allow, we will have a scheduled AR day and you will be expected to have your book (s)
with you to turn in or renew on that day. You will have opportunity on that day to check out new books.
When you have finished checking out your books, you will have the opportunity to read for a portion of
the class period.
Each student will give at least one book talk during the school year which will be a part of your grade. That
schedule will be posted in classroom and will be on my webpage.
Quality of Work:
I expect all assignments turned in to be written neatly and correctly. Expect points to be deducted for improper grammar, absence of punctuation, incorrect capitalization, misspellings, etc. in addition to incorrect
answers. Also be careful about abbreviations that you are accustomed to doing in text messages. Your work
is NOT a text message and it must not be written as one. I expect your best on every assignment.
Final Note:
I hope these guidelines are helpful in providing you the information necessary to begin this school year in a successful
way. I am looking forward to a great, productive year. I am proud to be a Jumper and I trust you are also! Let us show
that great Jumper Pride by being NUMBER ONE – not only in athletics, but also in academics!