A & P Unit Two – Covering, Support, and Movement of the Body Unit

A & P Unit Two – Covering, Support, and Movement of the Body
Unit 2: Covering, Support, and Movement of the Body
*Life Skills
During class we will…
1. Vocab #4
2. Start Ch. 5
1. Vocab #4 Quiz
2. Finish Ch. 5
3. LAB: How Much Skin Do You Have?
1. Ch. 5 Quiz
2. Axial & Appendicular Skeleton GOs
3. Start Ch. 678
4. Bone Songs (if time)
1. Bone Stations
2. Bone Songs (if time)
1. Continue Ch. 678
2. Bone Stations
3. Bone Songs (if time)
1. Finish Ch. 678
2. Bone Stations (Review for Practical)
1. Skeleton Lab Practical Ch. 678 Quiz
2. Ch. 678 Quiz (last 15 minutes of class)
1. Vocab #5
2. Start Ch. 9
1. Vocab #5 Quiz
2. Finish Ch. 9
1. Ch. 9 Quiz
2. Notes: Tips for Learning Muscle Names
3. Put together Mink Binders
4. Getting to Known Your Mink
1. Unit 2 Exam
1. Dissection Basics & Clean-up
2. Mink Dissection
a. External Anatomy
b. Neck and Pectoral
1. Mink Dissection
a. Head & Neck
b. Neck & Pectoral
c. Forelimb
1. Mink Dissection
a. Head & Neck
b. Neck & Pectoral
c. Forelimb
1. Mink Dissection Review Day
2. Mink Dissection Practical #1 – Head,
Neck, Pectoral, Forelimb
1. Mink Dissection
Outside of class you should…
1. Initial CDs (4) – 11/4
1. Finish lab
2. Study for Ch. 5 Quiz
3. Initial CDs (4) – 11/4
1. Bring book to class on 10/31
2. Initial CDs (4) – 11/4
1. Bring book to class 11/4
2. Initial CDs (4) – 11/4
1. Bring book to class 11/6
2. Revised CDs (2) – 11/18
1. Study for Ch. 678 Quiz & Practical
2. Revised CDs (2) – 11/18
1. Revised CDs (2) – 11/18
1. Revised CDs (2) – 11/18
1. Study for Ch. 9 Quiz
2. Original CD (1) – 11/24
1. Original CD (1) – 11/24
2. Dissection EC (GROUP): 2 rolls paper
towel, candle, newspaper, gloves for
group – 12/1
1. Dissection EC (GROUP): 2 rolls paper
towel, candle, newspaper, gloves for
group – 12/1
1. Ch. 10 Independent Study – Quiz 12/15
1. Ch. 10 Independent Study – Quiz 12/15
1. Ch. 10 Independent Study – Quiz 12/15
1. Ch. 10 Independent Study – Quiz 12/15
1. Ch. 10 Independent Study – Quiz 12/15
A & P Unit Two – Covering, Support, and Movement of the Body
a. Abdominal
b. Pelvic & Hindlimb (Proximal & Distal)
1. Ch. 10 Quiz
2. Mink Dissection
a. Abdominal
b. Pelvic & Hindlimb (Proximal & Distal)
1. Mink Dissection Review Day
2. Mink Dissection Practical #2 – Back,
Abdominal, Pelvic & Hindlimb
3. Dissection Clean-up
1. DVD: Pushing the Limits – Strength
Have a GREAT Winter Break!
Lunch Reviews: October 28, November 7, 19 (?), 21
Chapter 5 – The Integumentary System
1. Name the tissue types composing the epidermis and dermis. List the major layers of each and describe the
functions of each layer.
2. Describe the factors that normally contribute to skin color. Briefly describe how changes in skin color may be
used as clinical signs of certain disease states.
3. Compare the structure and locations of sweat and oil glands. Also compare the composition and functions of
their secretions.
4. Compare and contrast eccrine and apocrine glands.
5. List the parts of a hair follicle and explain the function of each part. Also describe the functional relationship
of arrector pili muscles to the hair follicles.
6. Name the regions of a hair and explain the basis of hair color. Describe the distribution, growth, replacement,
and changing nature of hair during the life span.
7. Describe the structure of nails.
8. Summarize the characteristics of the three major types of skin cancers.
9. Explain why serious burns are life threatening. Describe how to determine the extent of a burn and
differentiate first-, second, and third-degree burns.
10. Describe and attempt to explain the causes of changes that occur in the skin from birth to old age.
11. What is the source of vernix caseosa that covers the skin of the newborn baby?
12. What change in the skin leads to cold intolerance in the elderly?
13. How does UV radiation contribute to wrinkling of the skin?
Chapter 5 Terms
1. keratin
2. melanin
3. dermal papillae
4. carotene
5. hemoglobin
6. sudoriferous glands
7. eccrine sweat glands
8. apocrine sweat glands
9. sebaceous glands
10. ceruminous glands
Chapter 5 Concept Diagrams (CDs): 5.1, 5.9
Chapter 5 Suggested Reading: pp. 148-164, 165
Chapter 6, 7, 8 – Bones and Skeletal System, The Skeleton, & Joints
1. Describe the functional properties of the three types of cartilage.
2. Locate the major cartilages of the adult skeleton.
3. Explain how cartilage grows.
4. Name the two major regions of the skeleton and describe their relative functions.
5. List and describe 5 important functions of bones.
A & P Unit Two – Covering, Support, and Movement of the Body
6. Describe gross anatomy of a typical long bone. Indicate the locations and functions of red and yellow
marrow, articular cartilage, periosteum, and endosteum.
7. Describe the histology of compact and spongy bone.
8. Discuss the chemical composition of bone and the advantages conferred by the organic and inorganic
9. Compare and contrast intramembranous ossification and endochondral ossification.
10. Describe the process of long bone growth that occurs at the epiphyseal plates.
11. Compare the locations and remodeling functions of the osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclasts.
12. Explain how hormones and physical stress regulate bone remodeling.
13. Describe the steps of fracture.
14. Contrast the disorders of bone remodeling seen in osteoporosis, osteomalacia, and Paget’s disease.
15. Name, describe, and identify the skull bones. Identify their important markings.
16. Describe the structure of th vertebral column, list its components, and describe its curvature.
17. Indicate a common function of the spinal curvatures and the intervertebral discs.
18. Discuss the structure of a typical vertebra and describe regional features of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar
19. Name and describe the bones of the thoracic cage.
20. Differentiate true from false ribs.
21. Identify bones forming the pectoral girdle.
22. Identify the bones of the upper limb and their important markings.
23. Name the bones contributing to the os coxae, and relate the pelvic girdle’s strength to its function.
24. Describe differences in the male and female pelves and relate these to functional differences.
25. Identify the lower limb bones and their important markings.
26. Define joint or articulation.
27. Classify joints structurally and functionally.
28. Describe the structural characteristics of synovial joints.
29. Name and provide examples of the six types of synovial joints based on the movement(s) allowed.
30. Name the most common joint injuries and discuss the symptoms and problems associated with each.
31. Compare and contrast the common types of arthritis.
32. Describe the cause and consequences of Lyme disease.
33. Define fontanelles and indicate their significance.
34. Describe how skeletal proportions change through life.
35. Discuss how age-related skeletal changes may affect health.
36. Describe the type of substance needed to create mobile joint.
37. List the possible solutions for making joints stronger.
38. Describe three treatments that offer hope for younger patients.
Chapter 6, 7, 8 Terms
1. appositional growth
2. interstitial growth
3. diaphysis
4. epiphysis
5. canaliculi
6. intramembranous ossification
7. endochondral ossification
8. fracture
9. fibrous joints
10. cartilaginous joints
11. synovial joints
Chapter 6, 7, 8 Concept Diagrams (CDs): 6.1, 6.3, 6.7, 6.9, 6.12, 6.15, 7.1, 8.1, 8.3, 8.7
Chapter 6, 7, 8 Suggested Reading: 172-194, 198-241 (you are only responsible for the structures we discuss
in class), 248-259, 269-271, 242-244, 261 (write questions for this page)
Chapter 9 – Muscles and Muscle Cells
1. Compare and contrast the basic types of muscle tissue.
2. List four important functions of muscle tissue.
3. Describe the gross structure of a skeletal muscle.
4. Describe the microscopic structure and functional roles of the myofibrils, sarcoplasmic reticulum, and T
tubules of skeletal muscle fibers.
A & P Unit Two – Covering, Support, and Movement of the Body
5. Describe the sliding filament model of muscle contraction.
6. Explain how muscle fibers are stimulated by describing events that occur at the neuromuscular junction.
7. Describe how an action potential is generated.
8. Follow the events of excitation-contraction coupling that lead to cross bridge activity.
9. Define motor unit and muscle fiber twitch, and describe the events occurring during the three phases of a
muscle twitch.
10. Explain how smooth, graded contractions of a skeletal muscle are produced.
11. Differentiate between isometric and isotonic contractions.
12. Describe three ways in which ATP is regenerated during skeletal muscle contraction.
13. Define oxygen deficit and muscle fatigue. List possible causes of muscle fatigue.
14. Describe factors that influence the force, velocity, and duration of skeletal muscle contraction.
15. Describe three types of skeletal muscle fibers and explain the relative value of each type.
16. Compare the gross and microscopic anatomy of smooth muscle cells to that of skeletal muscle cells.
17. Compare and contrast the contractile mechanisms and the means of activation of skeletal and smooth
18. Describe embryonic development of muscle tissues and the changes that occur in skeletal muscles with age.
19. What are anabolic steroids?
20. What are the side effects of steroid use?
21. What is androstenedione? What is it converted into? What are some side effects of using it at an early age?
Chapter 9 Terms
1. muscle fibers
2. myofibrils
3. sarcomere
4. tropomyosin
5. troponin
6. neuromuscular junction
7. acetylcholine
8. isotonic contractions
9. isometric contractions
10. creatine phosphate
11. muscle fatigue
Chapter 9 Concept Diagrams (CDs): 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.5, 9.7, 9.8, 9.12, 9.19, 9.20,
Chapter 9 Suggested Reading: 276-311, 311 (Developmental Aspects of Muscles)-313
Chapter 10 – The Muscular System
1. Describe the function of prime movers, antagonists, synergists, and fixators.
2. List the criteria used in naming muscles. Provide an example to illustrate the use of each criterion.
3. Name the common patterns of muscle fascicle arrangement and relate these to power generation.
4. Define lever, and explain how a lever operating at a mechanical advantage differs from one operating at a
mechanical disadvantage.
5. Name the three types of lever systems and indicate the arrangement of effort, fulcrum, and load in each. Also
not the advantages of each type of lever system.
Chapter 10 Terms
1. prime mover
2. antagonist
3. synergists
4. fixators
5. lever
6. mechanical advantage
7. mechanical disadvantage
Chapter 10 Concept Diagrams (CDs): 10.2, 10.3
Chapter 10 Suggested Reading: 321-324