Exam Review

Exam Review
 Anatomy
 Physiology
 Exercise Physiology
 Anatomical Position
 Anatomical Planes/Axes
 Terms of movements/Direction/Describing body positions and examples
 10 Biological Systems
 Anatomical terminology
Skeletal System:
 The skeleton- functions, bones, male/female
 5 types of bones
 Axial/appendicular skeleton
 Anatomy of the Long Bone
 Regions of the Body (anterior & posterior)
 Physiology of Bones: Ossification & Bone Remodelling
 Epiphyseal plates/lines
 Bone Diseases/Aging…Osteoporosis
 Stress fracture
 Simple/compound/comminuted fractures
 Review Online Lab & Skeletal System 12 min Video
 Diagrams of all bones. You must be able to spell them!
 Bone Landmarks
Online Links:
http://www.innerbody.com/ click on Skeletal System…click on Tutorials 1 and 3
http://www.medtropolis.com/Vbody.asp  click on Skeleton  try all 3 links!
http://msjensen.cehd.umn.edu/webanatomy/ click on skeletons and skulls
http://www.getbodysmart.com/  click on skeletal system
*Online Jeopardy Review (via our website)
*Online Bellringer 1
Online Bellringer 2
Muscular Anatomy:
 tissue properties
 3 types of muscles
 muscle fibres, functions, terms
 Motor units- and all or none-principle
 Neuromuscular Junction
 inward and outward perspectives of the anatomy and skeletal muscles
 how muscles are named and the basic naming of groups within the muscular system
 ways in which muscles are attached to bones
agonist & antagonist
identify and name muscles- *diagrams of hands and foot not included on exam
Muscle flash cards- ORIGIN & INSERTION will NOT be on the exam!!!
Muscle presentations-*recognize the names and regions in the body they belong to: i.e.
semitendinosus is part of the hamstrings group
muscular contractions- 3 types
muscle contraction during exercise-3 types
Sliding filament theory…roles of ATP, CA2+ … myosin crossbridges…etc.
how muscle fibres respond to physical training
Hypertrophy, hyperplasia, atrophy…
Effects of resistance training, benefits, self-esteem and performance
Joint Mechanics:
 structural and functional classifications and characteristics, types of synovial joints and
characteristics, examples of joints
 the knee joint, ACL injuries
 Sports Injuries…tendonitis, stress fractures, ankle sprains, shoulder injuries, dislocation
vs. separation, torn cartilage…etc.
 PFS, Osgood-Schlatter Syndrome, Pott’s Fracture…etc.
 Categories-1st Degree-2nd Degree-3rd Degree
 Signs-SHARP
 Treatment-PIER
Energy Systems:
1. What is ATP? How is it formed (reactions)? What is it used for?
2. What are the two energy systems?
3. What are the three metabolic pathways?
4. Explain are the main characteristics of the three metabolic pathways.
5. What set of reactions are part of each of the three metabolic pathways?
6. Describe the effects of Lactic Acid.
7. What is oxygen debt?
8. How is lactate converted back to glucose? What is gluconeogenesis?
9. What is anaerobic threshold? How does one increase anaerobic threshold?
10. What is VO2 Max?
11. How do the systems work together? How does one train all the systems together?
12. What activities would fall under each system? (show clear examples)
13. Describe the characteristics of each muscle fibre. What types of exercises are each utilized?
14. Know where each of the three types of nutrients are utilized in the body.
15. Explain the importance of myoglobin.
Exam Breakdown
135 marks total
90 marks Multiple Choice & True/False
45 marks Written Answers (Charts/Diagrams, Short & Long Answer).
***This exam is worth 15% of your final grade.