Industrial Revolution

Unit #7 Study Outline Part One – Test: December 17, 2014
Industrial Revolution
Why is Great Britain the perfect location for industrialization to begin?
Why do factories first have to be located on rivers?
How does steam energy change industrialization?
How does industrialization eventually affect economic and social reform?
How does the rise of railroads change the world?
Unequal treaties
Scramble for Africa
Possible Mastery Questions:
What are the major motivations that lead to Imperialism, especially the Scramble for Africa?
What are the five elements of Nationalism?
How does Nationalism lead to unification of different peoples?
How does the Congress of Vienna contribute to the rise of Nationalism in Europe?
How does Nationalism lead to economic and military competition between nations?
How does colonization lead to nationalism in areas like India and Africa?
Italian Unification
Before Italian unification, who was in control of Italian peoples and why?
Which three individuals are considered the “brains, heart and sword” of Italian unification, and
why are they given these nicknames?
What types of issues to Italians face after their unification?
German Unification
Who is Otto Von Bismarck? What are some of his beliefs?
Bismarck is considered a conservative. What does that mean?
How do Bismarck’s beliefs differ from liberals supporting unification?
What does he mean when he claims Germans will be unified by blood and iron?
Unit #7 Study Outline Part One – Test: December 17, 2014
What is Nationalism?
o List and Define the 5 elements of Nationalism
What is Imperialism?
o What drive imperialism?
o How does nationalism drive imperialism?
o What drives British imperialism in India?
o Why do the Opium Wars begin?
o What is the scramble for Africa?
 What is not considered when countries are taken over by outside countries?
World War I
Causes of World War I?
Major Alliances?
What is the Western Front?
What is total warfare? Be able to give examples.
What innovations in warfare happen during WWI?
o What allows the innovations to happen?
o How does the Western Front influence some of these changes?
Why does the US enter WWI?
What is the Zimmermann Note?
What happens at the Treaty of Versailles?
What are the economic costs of WWI?
What major political changes happen as a byproduct of WWI?
Russian Revolution
What are the major causes of the Russian Revolution?
What type of government does Russia have before/after the revolution?
Be able to define:
o Vladimir Lenin and Leninism
o Nicholas II
o Autocracy
o Rasputin
o Karl Marx and Marxism
o Communism
o Socialism
o Bolshevism