APUSH HP 4 Review Guide Terms

REVIEW GUIDE - Terms/People/Events
Concepts you should understand from HP 4 are in a separate document on the webpage.
Republican Era / Nationalism
HP4 1800-1830s
Revolution of 1800
Barbary Pirates – Tripoli War
Louisiana Purchase
Lewis & Clark; Sacajawea
Burr’s conspiracies
Hamilton-Burr Duel
Tecumseh’s Indian Confederation
Battle of Tippecanoe / William Henry Harrison
BR interference with trade – Orders In Council
Embargo Act
War of 1812 – causes and effects
Hartford Convention - Federalists
Jackson’s victory at Battle of New Orleans
Treaty of Ghent
Demise of the Federalist Party
Era of Good Feelings
High sense of nationalism: cultural, economic, judicial
Tariff of 1816 – first protective tariff
Clay’s American System – BIT
John Marshall – decisions strengthening federal gov’t over state gov’ts and strengthening rights of
property owners
o Marbury v. Madison – courts have power of judicial review
o Fletcher v. Peck – state law invalidating a contract (property) right held invalid
o Dartmouth College v. Woodward – state can’t change a private college to a public one – state
can’t alter a private contract right (property)
o McCulloch v. Maryland – federal supremacy; federal gov’t has implied powers (bank)
o Gibbons v. Ogden – federal government controls interstate commerce
Missouri Compromise of 1820
Tallmadge Amendment
Rush Bagot Agreement, 1817
Convention of 1818
Adams-Onis Treaty 1819
Monroe Doctrine
Transportation Revolution - Internal improvements:
o Roads – mostly state funded BUT National Road funded by states and feds
o Canals – state funded; Erie Canal
o Steamboats – Robert Fulton, Clermont
o Clipper ships / steamers
o Early RRs BUT not dominant – expensive, dangerous
Interchangeable Parts & Cotton Gin – Eli Whitney
Samuel Slater, New England textile factories
Lowell Mills / Lowell Girls
Early move for unions …. unsuccessful
Cash crops in agriculture – COTTON in South
Market Revolution – what’s changed?
o women – most at home or domestic or teaching job; separate spheres
o blacks – slavery growing…why?
o “Old Immigrants” -Ireland and Germany
 Nativism beginning (why?); Know-Nothings
Sectionalism between north, south, west growing
o WHY? What sectional issues are dividing them?
Sectional Election of 1824 – Corrupt Bargain
Jacksonian/Antebellum Era
HP4 1830s-1860
King Caucus
Spoils System
Rotation in Office
Jacksonian Democracy
Common Man
Universal Male Suffrage
King Andrew
Kitchen Cabinet
Tariff of Abominations (Tariff of 1828)
Webster-Hayne Debate
Nullification Crisis (SC Exposition & Protest)
John C. Calhoun
Jackson’s Proclamation to the People of SC
Force Bill
Compromise Tariff of 1833
Nicholas Biddle
The Bank War / why is Jackson so opposed?
Pet Banks
Indian Removal Act (1830)
Cherokee Nation v. Georgia & Worcester v. Georgia
Two Party System – Whigs & Democrats (what are the differences?)
“Specie Circular”
Panic of 1837
Please note: the antebellum reforms we have been studying SHOULD be on your Bagpipe chart and any
appropriate P charts but they are NOT on the HP 4 test tomorrow. We will do an extensive Quiz on them