Reading Questions CH 7 Part 1 pp 122 -128 Big Picture Ideas: - Does Britain’s New Colonial Policies (NCP) & and the Colonists responses to these changes in policy cause the American Revolution, at what point, (after which ACT) do you believe Revolution is inevitable? - What emerging Political, Economic, and Social IDEAS influence the developments (ActionsResponses- Documents- writings) that lead to the Revolution? - What is the Chronology of events from 1763 – 1776 that leads to the British Colonies declaring their Independence? 1 Opening Quote p 122 - Who? - According to the author was revolution inevitable? Why? 2 Golden Box Quotes—p 123 –p 124 – p125 - What subject are all three (3) reflecting on---“economic?” - p 123 -Who? - Father of? - Main Idea? P 124- Who? -When? - Main Idea? P 125- Who? -When? -Main Idea? - Would his views be considered Whig or Tory?**** 4 Portraits: p 125 – p 130 (left) and p 130 (right) - p 125 -Who? - What about him is described as “Democratic?” p 130 (left) – Who? - Two contributions to the Revolution? - Leading spirit of? P 130 (right) – Who? - What “implications” does she see? 5 Golden Box Quote p 128 - Who? - What do the daughters of Patriots pledge not to do? 6 Stamp p 126 – Photo P. 127 – Painting p 128 - Common Subject? Stamp p 126 – Specifically what two items would be taxed? Teapot p 127 – What two words are used to describe the colonists feelings about the Stamp Act? Painting p 128 – and “excise” is a tax. - Title? - How does the object hanging on the “Liberty Tree” infer punishment? For what? 7 Painting (top) p 129 ---Images (bottom) p 129- How the images show the British Government’s response to the Colonists responses to the (NCP) New Colonial Policies (1763-1776) ? READING QUESTIONS INTRO****HUGE*** 8 Although a victor in the 7 years war (F & I war) what new need was so painfully costly? *****9 NCP- New Colonial Policy, 176301776, emerges after the war… The Tories come into power with King George III and attempt to get the colonists to do what for the “Empire?” ****10 A KEY STATEMENT: “ The change to the “NCP” causes---an emerging sense of ___________________ _____________________ ___________________ & helped to cause the __________________ _________________________. 11 In the Opening quote by John Adams he claims, perhaps, that the Revolution is “inevitable”… However, the text claims what? 12 What three (3) bonds do the colonies have with England, that according to the text…. Made revolution “remarkable that it happened at all?” 13 The truth is that the Americans were _________________________ revolutionaries. 14 They only wanted “___________________ _____________________ _________________ ________________?” 15 The Argument began over ________________________ policies, but soon exposed “irreconcilable” differences over cherished ______________________ ________________________, THUS a ______________________ _________________ is born. THE DEEP ROOTS OF REVOLUTION****** 16 “America was a revolutionary force from the day of its discovery.” What is the subject(s) of the “new Ideas” about the nature of society? - That America nurtured? (3) - “Euro immigrants encountered a world that was theirs to make afresh.” 17 Two (2) ideas specifically had taken “root” in the colonies by the mid 1700s –What two ideas? 18 What is the definition of a “Just Society?” 19 What do the “Radical Whigs” fear? 20 How do Whigs view the British Government? (one-word) 21 What do Whigs warn citizens against? (2) 22 Republican and Whig ideas predisposed Americans to be on hair-trigger alert against what? 23 By 1763—in America—property ownership & political participation were accessible---No Aristocracy of Birth---and due to “Salutary Neglect” had grown accustomed to “running their own affairs,” So… How do the colonists respond to the NCP (new colonial policies)? MERCANTILISM AND COLONIAL GRIEVANCES****MASSIVE**** MERCANTILISM- BR. Gov’t and Private Merchants became partners to increase political power and private wealth. Government protects its merchants –by laws & use of force…Government gets its share through taxes—Private merchants from the restricted trade laws that mandate they alone benefit… TO CONTROL TRADE—THE ECONOMIC IDEA BEHIND IMPERIALISM (OWNING AND TAKING COLONIES) 24 How many of the 13 colonies was founded by the British Government? - What three (3) groups founded colonies? 25 What economic theory “justified” (to Britain_ British control over the colonies? 26 How would possessing colonies –(2 ways) –enrich a “Mother Country” according to Mercantilism (sometimes called Bullionism)? 27The London Government looked on the American Colonists as _________________________! 28 According to the Virginia Company Charter, 1607, ALL COLONISTS WHO CAME WOULD BE guaranteed WHAT? 29 THE CONFLICT: American Colonists viewed themselves as ___________________of Great Britain. And Great Britain’s Government viewed the colonists as ______________________ (#22)? 30 What products does the British Gov’t expect the Colonists to provide to Britain only? (2) - To refrain from making to export? (2) - To buy exclusively from Britain? (1) -AND NOT TO DREAM OF? (2) ****31 Laws passed before 1763 by the British Parliament (legislature) to regulate the Mercantilist System (but up until now due to Salutary Neglect and distance---not enforced very well) Define briefly using Wikipedia Navigation Acts of: 1651, 1662, 1663, 1670, & 1673 Wool Act of 1699Hat Act of 1732Molasses Act of 1733Iron Act of 1750 1st Currency Act of 1751Enumerated Goods32 What right did the British claim---that would “nullify” any legislation passed by colonial legislatures? - How often did they use this power? - How did the colonies feel about that? THE MERITS AND MENACE OF MERCANTILISM 33 “UNTIL 1763, THE VARIOUS MERCANTILIST LAWS IMPOSED NO BURDEN… DUE TO THE FACT THAT THEY WERE ONLY LOOSELY ENFORCED…(TEXT) Q: WHO IS MENTIONED AS AMASSING A FORTUNE SMUGGLING? 34 What benefits, according to the text, do the colonists receive from the mercantilist system? 35 p 126 3rd paragraph--- What Whiggish suspicion do the colonists believe? 36 According to Teddy Roosevelt---Why does Revolution happen? THE STAMP TAX UPROAR*** 37 Britain is on the way to becoming the most powerful empire in World History---Yet, after the French and Indian War---they are in debt---How much? 38 Prime Minister Grenville introduces the “NEW COLONIAL POLICY” (NCP) 1 TO ENFORCE THE NAVIGATION ACTS---1763 2 THE PROCLAMATION LINE OF 1763 3 SUGAR ACT, 1764 4 2nd CURRENCY ACT, 1764 5 QUARTERING ACT, 1765 6 STAMP ACT, 1765 7 ADMIRALTY COURTS FOR TRYING OFFENDERS OF THE SUGAR AND STAMP ACTS WHAT IS THE PURPOSE (BRITAINS VIEW) FOR EACH OF THE ABOVE ACTS? -WHAT IS THE 1ST LAW PASSED TO RAISE REVENUE IN THE COLONIES? - WHICH OF THE ABOVE ACTS IS CONSIDERED THE MOST “ODIOUS” OR HATED BY THE COLONISTS? - WHY WERE THE USE OF THE ADMIRALTY COURTS SEEN AS A VIOLATION FO THE COLONISTS RIGHTS AS ENGLISHMEN? - WHAT WERE ALL THE TROOPS FOR? -WHICH ACT SPECIFICALLY CAUSES THE COLONISTS TO CRY “NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION?” 39 The Colonists conceded the Parliament’s right to do what? BUT.. denied Parliament the right to do what? What specific reason do they give for this objection? 40 Define the British perspective ---their response to “No Taxation,” –called “VIRTUAL REPRESENTATION?” 41 How does Parliament force the colonies “to deny the authority of Parliament?” AND begin in 1765 the road to rebellion? FORCED REPEAL OF THE STAMP ACT**** 42 How do the colonists respond to the hated Stamp Act? - Politically? (details) - Economically? (more effective?) 1st time united in common action*** -Homespun? Spinning Bees? -NAME THE TWO (2) VIOLENT COLONIAL GROUPS FORMED? AMERICA BOUGHT _____________ OF ALL BRITISH EXPORTS. AND ________________ OF BRITISH SHIPPING WS DEVOTED TO AMERICAN TRADE? 43 WHAT ACTION DOES THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT TAKE IN 1766 IN RESPONSE TO BRITISH CITIZENS ANGER AT LOST JOBS & COLONIAL PROTESTS? 44 DECLARATORY ACT45 WHAT “LINE IN THE SAND” DID BRITAIN DRAW WITH THE ABOVE ACT? 46 TO CELEBRATE THE REPEAL OF THE STAMP ACT THE CITIZENS OF NEW YORK ERECTED A STATUE OF WHOM? - A FEW YEARS LATER WHAT WAS THE STATUE USED TO MAKE?