
World History
Ms. Avar
Point Value:
Instructions: Answer the following questions as you watch the video. (If absent, make an appointment to get
answers from the sample binder and/or find them on the class website).
King George III
2) According to John Adams, where was the “real”
American Revolution?
In the minds of the people
3) What are two things the British Parliament passed
in 1764 without the colonists’ consent?
4) Did Parliament have a right to pass laws without
the colonists consenting? Why or why not?
Sugar and Currency Act
No – it is taxation without representation
5) What did the Sons of Liberty do to rebel and
protest against the Stamp Act?
6) What happened to the Stamp Act in 1776?
1) In 1760, who was the King of England?
It was repealed (taken back)
Terrified British officials into resigning their jobs
7) What did people learn about resisting authority?
The power of group action
8) When tea, cloth and other manufactured goods
were taxed under the “Townsend Acts” in 1767, what
did the colonists do in response? Boycotted
9) According to the Whigs, when too much power is
given to one person or group, then power becomes …..
(complete the sentence)
Was it effective? Yes!
10) When was the Declaration of Independence
enacted? (When the delegates formally approved
July 4th, 1776
11) What are the two reasons it listed for why
separation from England was necessary?
1 – All men are created equal
2 – Life, liberty & pursuit of happiness
12) What did the colonists insist on in creating their
own government?
Reason / logic / common sense
13) Why was it ironic that the Declaration of
Independence said “All Men are Created Equal”? Who
still was NOT equal in America?
Slaves and women
14) Who were most of the people who fought in the
½ were teens, poor hired to fight, slave and
15) What country came to help the Americans in
the war?
16) Who were the Native Americans, particularly the
Iriqois, inclined to side with and fight for?
The British
17) What did the African American slaves expect
after the war?
18) Women started to apply ideas about human rights
to themselves in what areas?
Political rights, educational opportunities, legal
rights and more