• • • • • Pens/Pencils Dry Erase Markers Tissues Scientific Calculator Ream of Paper • This class covers the basic concepts of chemistry as laid out in the NC Essential Standards. • We will be moving quickly to cover everything that will be on the NC Final Exam. • We will be doing labs at least once a week. • Summative Assessments 40% • Tests • Large Projects • Formative Assessments • • • • • 100% of 9 weeks grade 60% Classwork Homework Labs Quizzes Small Projects A comprehensive NC Final Exam will count as 25% of the final grade. • In addition to multiple extra in depth assignments, students will be responsible to complete a monthly essay. These essays will be assigned the first week of each month and will be due the last week. These will be done strictly as homework; no class time will be devoted to them. Students will also be required to complete an Honors Research Project. I will give more information on this later. • Homework assignments (Packet, Vocab Quiz, Online Assignments, and Lab Notebook) all due the day of the test. • The day of the test will be mentioned in class multiple times as well as can be found on the Canvas course. I will also try to post the date on my website and send out a Remind101 text. • Late work may be turned in at any time until the end of the quarter but will incur a 30 point penalty POWER Schedule A B 11:30 – 12:08 12:13 – 12:50 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Tutorial Lunch Silent Tutorial Lunch Lunch Silent Tutorial Meeting ACT Prep Friday Tutorial Lunch • I’m available most afternoons for tutoring until 3:30pm by appointment only • Must give 24 hours notice • Spiral Bound notebook or 3-ring binder for notes • Notebook Paper • Pens/Pencils • Dry Erase Markers • 1-subject spiral bound notebook for lab • Scientific or Graphing Calculator (Available for check out in the media center) • Reference Tables (Yellow Sheets) • Come to class and pay attention • Use your Work Session and POWER Block time wisely • Study and/or work on your packet for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour each day • Come to class or POWER with questions about what you don’t understand or need help on • Don’t be afraid to ask me or your peers for help • Contact Info •Email: michele.barbee@cabarrus.k12.nc.us •Canvas Message • AP Chemistry • Honors Physics • AP Biology • AP Environmental • Forensic Science • Second level of Chemistry that is equivalent to the first two Chemistry classes in college. • Full year course • Appropriate score (usually a 4 or 5 depending on your college) on AP test could result in 8 college credits • Even if that score is not met students will do much better in the college class as they have already seen and worked with the material once.